RR Exclusive: Eminem on The Morning After With Angela Yee (Audio)
April 23, 2009 @ 2:16 PM EDT

{mp3}07 em pt. 1{/mp3}
{mp3}08 em pt. 2{/mp3}
{mp3}09 em pt. 3{/mp3}
{mp3}10 em pt. 4{/mp3}
Thanks Angela, Wonder, Emoticon, and Scott.
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Symon Dagrapp No Hooks.No Gimiks Includes: We Made. You Eminem Diss Check Out The New Video Now Playing Everywhere Google It & Direct at:
Online and Get The Full Free Album Online at spittitclearrecords.com May 19, 2009 or thablackyoutube.com
Eminem Vs Symon Dagrapp (Without Me) Diss Video & Song Leaked!
or at: thablackyoutube.com
dude pliiiiiiz….Em even ignored officer riccky…you really think he will bother to diss you little idiot? i saw that video when i was searching for the we made you video…is so lame see people like that guy saying some famous name just to get some publicity…dude, you really think u’re good, go at that rap contest and impress em that way…show him how good you are…but you can’t, you suck! symon dagrapp? pliiiiz…the best thing is that this guy really thinks he’s gonna do something, lol
Missed the video, sleeping for the first time in a while at night. Caught all what I needed to hear.
I love you so much, your music is great.
this is as bad as those haters on youtube spitting into a shitty walmart webcam/mic. Get a life man, find a way to be real without hating on one of the best.
Oh get a new name too.
/just kidding
Man that shit is hard dagrapp!!! I hope your beef is legit though, And if is im sure eminem wants no part of it. how u even know M btw? M’s new shit sucks really bad… if your black or atleast know good rap when u hear it, that is.
Hi eminem my from spain and love you and aam sing from Evil Deeds,Not Afraid and a and Like Toy Soldiers & No Love explicitit version ft lil wayne
Symon DaCRAPP is a joke, he thinks that dissing one of the most popular rap artists ever is going to catapult him onto Billboard.com or something, who the hell do you think you’re kidding, if you want to be famous, then show people your skills… Oh wait, you don’t have any.