Kid Cudi Defends His Skinny Jeans
July 15, 2009 @ 8:38 PM EDT

An interesting convo just went down on Angie Mar’s show about Scott’s right to rock a skinny jean. Ha! Can he live? Thank God dude took a Xanax. I’ve grown tired of these young MCs and their Twitter meltdowns.
Sidebar: It was written!
those jeans pictured aren’t even skinny. skinny jeans wrap the leg. tight. those are just slim fit. and who the fuck made a dress code in hip hop anyways. i realize some things are just not accepted, but as long as the jeans aren’t skin fucking tight, who cares?!
I dunno…but to me. DOA is a hot track..and I agree Auto-Tune should be buried extra deep so it cant come back in zombie form and fuck shit up again. But who the fuck cares about the pants a dudes rocking? Jay-Z would look like a goof rocking skinny jeans, so would Dre, and Ice Cube and Snoop and all those OG’s of the rap game. But if these “freshman” rappers came out rocking all black dickie suits or kaki’s with a crease they would be taking alot more shit…especially since they arent, and dont claim to be gangsters.
I would look like a goof in skinny jeans…thats why i dont wear them. no ones asking Jay to rock skinny leg jeans. He’s still the man, but these old dudes are just doing what the old dudes did to them when they came out rocking diamonds all over themselves…they are hating. But when they were the cool young up and comers all the teens wanted to “jack their swag” (sorry)
Circle of life is all this is…its beautiful really.
whats the song thats playing at 5:00 ??????
I think he where’s skinny jeans because he’s a skinny mofo. But I don’t understand why anyone where’s the real skinny jeans like those emo kids like wtf is that shit, they l;ook mad homo
kicks fresh as fuck
Who the fuck cares… Angie is ignorant. She’s like “supposed snoop wore hammer pants?” Seriously? Listen to the music and get a life.
Wasn’t hip hop about self expression & originality back in the day? Weren’t swagger jackers called “SUCKAS”? Let the kid do his thing & focus on the music… Besides, Run DMC used to rock skinny jeans & nobody can say jack shit about them…
Thats Maino ft TPain “All The Above”