Eminem Relapse: Refill Due Dec. 21
November 19, 2009 @ 2:37 PM EST

Yup, it’s true.
The re-release of Eminem’s fifth studio album includes seven bonus tracks, including the single “Forever”, also featuring Drake, Kanye West, and Lil Wayne (previously found on the More Than A Game soundtrack), “Taking My Ball” (also released only with the DJ Hero video game), and five never-before-heard tracks. “I want to deliver more material for the fans this year like I originally planned” Eminem says. “Hopefully these tracks on The Refill will tide the fans over until we put out Relapse 2 next year”.
Sounds like a stocking stuffer, fuckers.
yes r2 is out next year too
great idea from em interscope
@ Can
exactly. sigh…..oh well….looks like ain’t shit else droppin this year worth purchasing. no relapse 2, no LASERS, no new outkast jawn (shit will prolly NEVER happen), smh.
Ooooh thats good. I read somewhere else that Relapse Refill was gonna come out instead of R2 – I don’t mind then if it’s only too keep the fans happy while R2 is in the works.
Eminem is at his prime when his songs are emotianally driven, if he doesn’t do that he’ll probably lose about 50% of his fanbase. Relapse was weird, I mean perverted rapping from Em is expected and his aight when it’s 3-4 tracks but when its 16 – 17 i aint so happy. Eminem has the potential to go back to what he was 5 years ago, the fans are still there, the interest is still there and his label is still backing him, it just depends on what he chooses to rap about.
well this sucks but still, least we gonna hear some new tracks from em till R2 drops.
I like the idea. I love the good music, and this, will be great. 4 my opinion, is the best idea! I can’t wait to listen RR (relapse refill)!
i think relapse;refill
will be a sequel to r1
r2 will be completly different
i heard r2 could have a title change
@mikey yeah i heard that R2 could have a title change too.
I think that was smart by eminem, to use more time to finish relapse 2. I will definetily buy relapse:refill
this is wack whats the hold up 50 not going plat until febuary
datz fukin wak STUPID LYIN PRIK!!! sed he waz droppin 2 albumz in 1 yr
Eminem said the material on R2 is back to that emotionally driven place, and he wanted to put out Relapse 1 just to prove to himself that he still had the ability to switch up his flows and just be lethal with it. So i wouldn’t be surprised if he changed the title from Relapse 2 to something else, because it really isn’t going to be like R1 at all (from what i’ve gathered).
Cool.We get Relapse Refill this year and Relapse 2 next year.Cant wait.Im buying both! =)
it wasn ems fault it was interscopes fault……just for the record sells….but im happy with that 7 new tracks and relapse 2 is maybe the last album so im not mad 🙂
[…] under: Interviews and News | Tags: dj hero, drake, eminem, kanye, lil wayne, relapse Spotted at rapradar.com Unfortanetly, it’s […]
great news, can’t wait!
Shouts to Rosenburg
wait wait wait….i was happy with the news…but why the fuck is forever and taking my ball on it :@
sounds like Interscope tryna recuperate their losses from 50 lol!
D.M.X Is the last rapper to do that
Never will be done again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We doing it REAL BIG here @ Interscope. MAJOR MOVES!!!
I think There wont be no R2..Refill Is R2 hez doin wat he should have dun in the first place..release a double disc of all the material he did..but instead he released Relapse and had left over material..5 songs..which would be relapse 2 but he needed more songs For R2 so he started recordin more songs and i gues he realized it Didint like Fit wit R2 so i guess the sh!t hes recordin wit Just blaze is gona be a totally new cd..well thats what i think
aw fuck was hopin for R2 this year damn it Em lol but oh well more shit from him is bettter than no shit nd i hope ther not all takin my ball leftover tracks
the new tracks will be nice, but i don’t really want or need another copy of the relapse bit
that just made my day. finally get to hear some new eminem songs. eminem is doin this cuz he needs more time to do r2 cus its hard to drop 2 albums in one year. alot of work is involved. im glad that its not this year. more time he sends on it , the better is gona be. there is no point rushing. dont you agree????
ha..well its better then nada
[…] […]
Eh… if Relapse 2 just came out this December, that’d be all we got. Now we get 5 new tracks AND Relapse 2 at the price of waiting an extra 1, 2, at most maybe 3 months (hopefully not 3). You all know you’re just gonna download those 5 new tracks anyway. It’s not that bad people. Patience!
i was worried this was gonna be out instead of relapse 2
but if he’s not finished id rather wait for a better album then get 1 now tht isnt complete n rushed
so at least its 5 new songs
n i luv his verse in forever n i luv takin my ball so im cool
i like the first comment how it says
“tht wasnt the deal em” lol
Well i’m slighty pissed I’ve to buy a CD for 5 more tracks… Oh well I’ve all the albums, I better add it to the collection.
Only thing is “take my ball” is a gay ass song. I like Em but don’t like Relapse because of all the butthole talk. im not riding in my whip listening to that shit. i’ll wait til R2 drops.
Basically, its just something hes putting out for the fans to listen to while hes working on Relapse 2.
Something to bump to while their waiting..
You guys need to read what he said….
I guess this is better than nothing. I’d rather have a delayed album that’s nicely done than one that was just slapped together to make a deadline.
So, atleast we gitt to hear some new shit by em, before the year ends, I’m not mad.
[…] The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new […]
[…] the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim […]
More Em this year…what a great Xmas gift 🙂
ppl be patient
em wants to take time with r2 to make it a classic
by the way
he should have released the 7 tracks by themselves for the people that already have relapse but 2 disc album for the people that haven’t got relapse that way people don’t have the 2 of the same album, eminem the best rapper alive
[…] more material for the fans this year like I originally planned,” Eminem said in a statement to Rap-Rader announcing The Refill. “Hopefully these tracks on The Refill will tide the fans over until we put […]
This is dope, i admit i only downloaded the entire relapse, so ima buy this for xmas so that i can get all tracks plus the extras on CDQ. Relapse 2 will be so much more polished now.
[…] the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim […]
its great, but i cant wait for R2!!!
[…] the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim […]
should just release the 5 new tracks not forever and taking my ball or relapse man we have all heard those songs already, what is the point of re-releasing the same shit its uttrly pointless just release the 5 new songs as an ep to relapse 2 like when wayne released that ep before carter 3 this is just a fucking waste
That wasn’t the deal but ook I’ll deal wit it. They prolly thought 50 would hold it dwn to where we’d forget bout R2 buuut fif ain’t doin so hot sooo uhh u guess we’ll hav to wait *sigh*
why is interscope pushin for a this year release the more Em promotes Refill the longer its gonna take to finish the actual new album.. *smh
This is a good idea by Em so he can finish R2 properly.
ems the shit fuck the haters get it popin with the refill
Nice way to rip your fans off who already have the album you fucking turd.
@rukhy, I agree. I an EP for the people who have already own Relapse would make a lot of sense. Better than having to buy an album all over again just for 7 new songs.
Its Interscopes fault not Em! They did the same with Lady gagas album!
I very much doubt this was Em’s idea.
Also, you don’t have to buy it… wait for R2!
@Terry grow up… what’re you a 10 year old whiteboi!
[…] the rhyme legend is putting out a new version of his Relapse LP, subtitled The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new songs as well as the hit “Forever” and “Taking My […]
this is the internet, it will be on here minutes after the thing is released, so it doesn’t really matter. lol
Ima fuck a white bitch
Ima fuck a white bitch
Ima fuck a white bitch
Ima fuck a white bitch
Ima fuck a white bitch
[…] a new version of his Relapse LP, subtitled The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new songs as well as the hit “Forever” and […]
This is sum bullshit. I knew it was TOO good to be true. Got dammit Shady… 🙁
[…] the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim […]
I wonder if “insult to injury” is one of those 5 songs..
[…] the rhyme legend is putting out a new version of his Relapse LP, subtitled The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new songs as well as the hit “Forever” and “Taking My […]
Relapse (album)
Refill (leftovers)
Relapse 2
on the
ps: DETOX aka CHRONIC 2010
but not for the beginning of the new year
lets be serious dr dre, u ll not be ready for dis February…
let we see that album for DECEMBURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2010
Update: Confirmed Tracklist for Relapse: Refill
Disc 1 (Regular Lp)
01 Dr. West (Skit) 01:29
02 3am 05:20
03 My Mom 05:20
04 Insane 03:01
05 Bagpipes From Baghdad 04:43
06 Hello 04:08
07 Tonya (Skit) 00:43
08 Same Song & Dance 04:08
09 We Made You 04:30
10 Medicine Ball 03:57
11 Paul (Skit) 00:19
12 Stay Wide Awake 05:20
13 Old Time’s Sake f. Dr. Dre 04:35
14 Must Be The Ganja 04:03
15 Mr. Mathers 00:42
16 Deja Vu 04:43
17 Beautiful 06:32
18 Crack A Bottle f. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent 04:58
19 Steve Berman (Skit) 01:29
20 Underground/Ken Kaniff 06:19
Disc 2 (Bonus Tracks)
01. People Make Me
02. Taking My Ball
03. Insult To Injury
04. Outlet
05. Carrington Pool
06. Forever featuring Drake, Kanye West & Lil Wayne
07. Stainless Ego
The release date is slated for December 21st 2009.
As far as packaging goes I hope the plastic case is that transparent orange color just like you get your pills in from the pharmacist. Also it should be in a paper bag similar to how you receive your pills in.
Performance Reminder:
If you’re still upset that you won’t have Relapse 2 in time for Christmas, you can hurl obscenities at your television when Eminem performs at the American Music Awards on Sunday, November 22nd.
Where is Relapse 2?
It should be released next year. I’m assuming March 2010 and I predict a Tour to go with it in 2010.
[…] the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim […]
Em vs Wayne…Release Date Hype….12/21
yo guys this refill is just a lil something something it will prob be like 5 bucks to buy it its only 7 tracks and 5 new songs for us, come on
[…] 5 PostsDr. Dre Speaks On Game vs. 50 CentPosted by: B.DotEminem “Relapse: Refill” Due Dec. 21Posted by: YNGame’s Relieved Jay-Z Didn’t Address HimPosted by: B.Dot50 […]
yall don’t buy cds anyway.. lmao.
i aint gonna buy relapse refill cuz i bought relapse cmon i aint paying 4 d whole album again. i wont even buy relapse 2 til he release yet another album so as to get the whole album not having to buy it twice so tht i get all tracks
[…] and the Drake/Lil Wayne/Kanye/Eminem collaboration “Forever” will be included on Refill, Rap-Radar reports, with the other five songs being previously unreleased. So essentially, it’s Slim Shady’s The […]
iMa Get the New CD
iTs Worth iT..
iTs a Whole different album cover
and it will be Part of The Relapse Set..
They Have Three That We’re For Sure of…
Relapse: Refill
Relapse 2
[…] the rhyme legend is putting out a new version of his Relapse LP, subtitled The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new songs as well as the hit “Forever” and “Taking My […]
[…] the rhyme legend is putting out a new version of his Relapse LP, subtitled The Refill, according to RapRadar.com. It will include five brand-new songs as well as the hit “Forever” and “Taking My […]
All y’all bitching about him re-releasing the album and ripping off his fans, shut the fuck up and steal that shit if you don’t wanna cough up the money. The fact is, artists are struggling more than ever, especially weenies like Eminem who never tour anymore. Not saying that he’s doing the right thing, I think he’s a total douche lately, but I do enjoy his music and the fact is that Relapse was already a huge album (size not quality) it’s sort of lame to rip him for doing this. And it is an extra 33 minutes of music…
I bought Relapse.. loved it.. Was waiting for a good christmas present.. sorry Em but this is not it =(. i don’t want to buy the same cd again for a hand full of new songs.. that’d be like $2 a new song. I’m disappointed. I’m sure Relapse 2 will make up for this though.
Quit being a cheap asses you fuck heads, just go buy it if you a true fan.
how many of you ass wipe’s, who are complaining, actually bought the cd anyway. most of you soft cocks just downloaded it. so shut the fuck up and do it again. you know your gonna. for fuck sake let the man make some money off of those tits who are gonna bye it. you don’t see him tryin to fuck wit your job do ya? NO!!! so y fuck wit his? it’s marketing grt the fuck over it.
Good job em keep the shit commin’
Hey now, unlike all you out there on this board i am a true eminem fan and always will be… unlike all you fakes out there… i’ll buy an EP LP CD half CD anything that mr mathers puts out ok? ok. go be real and spend a few bucks.
its 12 damn dollars CALM DOWN!! stop bein cheap!!
Tight shit man. It doesn’t matter if you have to buy the whole damn cd again doesn’t bother me one bit. Ill buy it 10 more times don’t care in my opinion it is worth it since in my opinion Eminem is the best rapper and every thing he makes is golden. If you don’t want to buy the cd again man just wait for Relapse 2 to drop but the ones who buy the new shit now will have something to listen to in the mean time
eminems a great rapper i only listen to his music so i dont mind buyin the cd twice , whens the tour gonna be : .
i cant wait to get this album man and shut it terry ya fucking wanker
Em is the shit recovery’s dat shit nd fuck all haters that say it ain’t. Where I’m At is dat work!!!!!
Eminem is arguably the best rapper/well known current Hip Hop artist in the world. Though this album wasn’t great, recovery was. This was just a stepping stone.