B.o.B. The Adventures Of Bobby Ray Tracklist
April 3, 2010 @ 10:11 PM EDT

Bobby Ray sets out on his adventure April 27th. But you can get a jump start and pre-order it here. And oh, don’t forget, Rap Radar presents B.o.B. at S.O.B.‘s April 12th.
1. “Don’t Let Me Fall”
2. “Nothin’ On You” (featuring Bruno Mars) – 4:30
3. “Past My Shades” (featuring Lupe Fiasco)
4. “Airplanes” (featuring Hayley Williams)
5. “Bet I” (featuring T.I. and Playboy Tre) – 4:14
6. “Satellite”
7. “Ghost in the Machine”
8. “The Kids” (featuring Janelle Monae)
9. “Magic” (featuring Rivers Cuemo)
10. “Fame”
11. “Lovelier Than You”
12.“5th Dimension” (featuring T.I. & Ricco Barrino)
13. “Airplanes (Part II)” (featuring Eminem and Hayley Williams)
Bonus tracks:
1. Higher
2. Mellow Fellow
3. Yesterday
“Airplanes (Part II)” (featuring Eminem and Hayley Williams) As A Fan Of B.O.B., Em, And Paramore I’m Super Dumb Excited For This Record In Particular But The Whole Tracklist Looks Solid…
won’t move more than 20k 1st week
WOW, A song with Paramore and Eminem, thats gon’ be amazing !
All I know is that eminem better rap on that song with paramore chick. Hopefully b.o.b raps on about 70% of the album I’m starting to doubt it but we’ll see
He’ll Probably Sing On The Original And Rap On The Remix
Granted, shit is old…but still nigga
I’ll be in the sky > nothin’ on you
when is this shit gonna leak though?
i dont know what it is i know hes being genuine and rapping about what he lives but dam im just not feeling him,feel like hes got a powerful industry machine pushing him but i still dont think people feel him i dont think he will sell 30,000 1st week. a lot of hype out there on him but i feel like its label created.
im not hating
Surpised this ain’t leaked yet
i guarentee he’ll move more than 20-30k first week
hes got the number one single on itunes and a good backing fan group
Should b dope. Kinda wack he’s reusing 4 tracks from the mixtapes tho…
Im going to fye to cop this the day it drops… I think he’ll move 100k the first week.. Cudi did 125k, i think he can come close
Nothin On You has been Number 2 on the Hot 100 for 3wks now, and hopefully number 1 soon, we wish these talented brothas nuthen but support and success, u shud do the same….. and if u dnt buy albums, dnt worry about how much he gon’ sell bitch
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Yea, kinda upset that “Satellite” & “Bet I” are on the real tracklist, they should be bonus tracks along with Ill Be In The Sky
note: i think bet i & satellite are dope tracks, dont get me wrong, but theyve been out for awhile
I was wonderin’ the same thing fam…
Anyways, this’ll be a dope album. I’m glad he decided to take his time and not fade into obscurity. I don’t think last year was a good year 4 him to drop his album. “I’ll Be In The Sky” was dope, but ppl couldn’t get past the Andre 3000 comparisons. That fucked him up. He’s got tha right buzz this year tho. I’m gettin my copy when it drops.
@ Psycho
Who cares. Nobody cares about sales.
Can’t wait for the album.
is that the red headed lady from Paramore?
Damn paramore on the hook, em and bobby on the verses…seems interesting!!
just copped the $29.99 one.
whatever happened to 20 tracks on an album..dam..but still gonna buy it.
Looking forward to hearing this album. Bob has talent.
god dayyum … that em and hayley b.o.b track sounds fuckin crazy…. if they gon release the album 27th of april.. when will they leak the shit?
House Negroes coming out on the release date!
Album looks dope… leaks have been good so far and he’s got himself a nice lil’ hit. Def looking forward to the joint’s with T.I and it will be interesting to see what the song with Em does. If it ends up a single it could help dude move some units. I hope B.O.B does some numbers, I’ma say 60K but for his sake I hope for more.
hope this leaks soon.
wanna hear some bob
fuck yea! i can’t wait
whack bullshyt. thiz shyt, wit kid cudi in lupe fiasco, got damn back in the day theze chumpz woulda been punked
The best thing they could do is to leak the Eminem track. Look what it did for Lil Wayne. Rebirth would’ve flopped if it weren’t for Drop the World.
i told you guys this tracklist yesterday and yall didnt believe me.!
“Airplanes (Part II)” (featuring Eminem and Hayley Williams)”
Damn! Em’s gon’ be on this 1? Wonder what this track’s like…
Cool ! Can’t wait ))
fuck! he got Janelle Monae on his shit…sigh…The Kids: check*
Pass My Shades ft Lupe Fiasco: check*
two tracks with TI? mmm, i don’t recommend it. the same nigga on your album twice is not a good look.
prolly wont buy this joint. we’ll see. i won’t download it though, i don’t do that shit.
cant wait for eminem one
New Em verse,cant wait^^
great album tho
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I preordered this and am hoping I’m getting that signed poster…would look great in my office. needless to say I’m super excited for this
DR.DRE AND HOV TRACK CALLED UNDER PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! watup
Lupicc bringin news to Rapradar
yeah not to be a dick but Paramore is a band. Hayley Williams is the lead singer. So she will be on the album not the band. anyways can’t wait for the leak to check out the hayley tracks plus the lupe and t.i.
theres a new generation of rappers coming b.o.b. is just the turning point.
[…] called “Letters To Vietnam”. The track doesn’t appear on the his album’s tracklist, so it’s origin’s are anybody’s […]
[…] called “Letters To Vietnam”. The track doesn’t appear on the his album’s tracklist, so its origin is anybody’s […]