Wyclef Prepares For “The Decision”

Taking off on my way to Haiti me and my family About to make the biggest decision of our life.

Wyclef tweeted this photo earlier today. In less than an hour, he’s scheduled to announce his candidacy for President of Haiti on Larry King Live. He’s looking presidential already.

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  1. I hope he last longer than Saturday…….

    Marijuana Station. Hop Aboard

  2. Fat Boy says:

    Good luck Clef. All Haiti can do is go up, it can’t get any worser.

  3. Drucifer says:

    Hope he has better look putting haiti back together then he did putting the fugees back together, lol

    J/K……… I wish him luck, his heart is in the right place if nothing else

  4. Thank Me Hater says:

    LMAO@Drucifer I wish him the best as well

  5. x says:

    Fugees are back!! man people here are all over Wycleaf new move , I mean fugees is as a band just like wu and nwa pure classic joints !! But please just don’t get your brother pras into this, he seems like trouble with all what these fugees went true. Best choice obama USA and Wycleaf HAITI. Like that we only deal with democrats. Thank YOu

  6. slick says:

    i’m pretty sure he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into but i wish him well cause haiti desperately needs a government that funnels the donations it receives to the people that need it instead of having it land in the greedy hands of corrupt politicians

  7. SilkCityP says:

    Peace & Blessings Clef! Jersey loves & supports you dawg… You gotta be safe in Haiti…That’s the real Hood, not this so called ghetto we have in America

  8. Hollaatchaboy says:

    He is going to take his talents to south beach. Lol

  9. mac DIESEL says:



  10. Hollaatchaboy says:

    This nigga a joke just cuz u from somewhere don’t make u qualified to be president. I love america but right now I ain’t qualified to run it. Y’all niggas treatin the presidency like a soul train award.lol

    Nigga can’t even make Lauren hill to act right. This what happens when a nigga surrounded by yes men that won’t keep it real.

    What next pras gonna be a niggas VP

    So if lady gaga wanted to be prez y’all would support that to cuz she famous???

    Y’all makin black people look like uneducated ignorant ass stereotypes… Supportin a singin ass nigga for president…

    Nigga will win cuz he famous and nothing will change one bit and haiti will be an even bigger joke

    That nigga clef is corrupt anyways that charity he had was stealing money like a bitch .

    Real talk niggas.

  11. Hollaatchaboy says:

    Anderson Cooper just reporting a nigga got major tax liens right now in the u.s and about his corrupt ass charity.

  12. Hollaatchaboy says:

    Sean Penn trashing a nigga now lol welcome to politics nigga

  13. slick says:

    is there a haitian celebrity richer than clef?

  14. Hollaatchaboy says:

    Probably the president now who stealin all the money

  15. eagles says:

    if i was president id be elected on friday assassinated on saturday get buried on sunday

  16. Hollaatchaboy says:

    Let’s hope so ..

  17. freakshow says:



    Ronald Reagan, Jesse Ventura, Bill Bradley, Steve Largent, Arnold Schwarzenegger. None of them had any prior experience. But what they had was a vision, a plan, and determination. Anything is possible. Anything. Don’t cheat yourself by thinking that certain things are impossible.

  18. NickeyBlack says "u made me hate Eminem" says:

    Do what you gotta do Clef, some people act like politics is suppose to be some highly educated job for the well experienced but politics should BENEFIT all people in need, no matter race, sex or religion. Why cant Clef be our next black president? I say “our” cuz Hati is our black people, shoot we had Nelson Mandela in SOUTH AFRICA, we got Obama in America plus history shows that blacks have been royalty since the beginning of time, it aint nothing new…lol


  19. freakshow says:


    I concur. If you have common sense then everything else should be about a vision, a plan, and determination.

  20. Hollaatchaboy says:


    What u fail to realize is they were entering an already established system that was running fine already… Reagan was just a figurehead.. Arnold has Cali goin bankrupt right now..

    Wyclef is trying to enter a situation where there is no foundation and the nigga don’t have the know how to set it up.

    All I’m sayin is watch all the dirt they start finding on a nigga now that he in the politics game my nigga the media ruthless

    this ain’t XXL this is fox news and CNN coming for a nigga

  21. Hollaatchaboy says:

    And nickey u DONT get a vote dumb nigga lol

  22. freakshow says:



    Haiti doesn’t have a system. If they do, it’s a corrupt system. Wyclef has to implement a new system and a new regime. The presidents of the past had the political experience and did nothing with it. So what is the risk in having someone who may not have the political experience but has a vision and plan to structure a new system. He will have his office administration to guide him through the presidency. Do you truly think every leader on this planet knows everything? Even experienced polticians have advisors. He’s not going to be doing this by himself. Experienced leaders in Haiti and in other countries have failed time and time again. So what does that tell you? It starts with hope.

  23. killacrack says:

    what the hell this fool done stole mad money threw that fake ass charity now i guess he feel like he should get a new house and car of the blood of his hatian people. Politics brother! the only way you can steal millions and not go to jail. Go ahead wycleff Get that brand New Benz.

  24. Funcrusher says:

    wyclef is garbage. wish he would just stop doing. anything.

  25. Hollaatchaboy says:

    cosign @killacrack

    exactly what I’m sayin nigga.. he was corrupt running a charity to help Haiti.. how you think he would do if he was running that bitch and had control of all the power and FUNDS.. nigga would rob them blind.

    don’t believe everything you see niggas.. just cuz I need say one thing.. watch what he do.. not what he says.

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