Nas & Damian Marley Announce 2011 Tour Dates

After touring the majority of this year in support of their collaborative effort, Distant Relatives, Nasir and Damian have announced their International tour dates for next year. Check ’em out after the jump.
Distant Relatives:
02/09 – Kona Bowl (Kailua-Kona, HI)
02/12 – Centennial Park (Sydney, Australia)
02/13 – Flemington Racecourse – The Nursery (Flemington, Austrailia)
02/16 – TSB Bank Area (Wellington, New Zealand)
02/17 – Logan Campbell Centre (Auckland, New Zealand)
02/19 – Parkland Showgrounds (Gold Coast, Australia)
02/20 – Claremont Showground (Claremont, Australia)
02/23 – MP Hall (Osaka, Japan)
02/24 – Zepp (Tokyo, Japan)
02/25 – Bay Hall (Yokohama, Japan)
02/26 – Kakaako Beach Park Amphitheater (Honolulu, HI)
02/27 – Maui Arts and Cultural Center (Maui, HI)
03/22 – Circus Nightclub (Helsinki, Finland)
03/23 – Samfunnet (Bodo, Norway)
03/24 – Verkstedet (Tromso, Norway)
03/25 – Samfundet (Trondheim, Norway)
03/26 – USF Verftet (Bergen, Norway)
03/27 – Folken (Stavanger, Norway)
03/29 – Sentrum Scene (Oslo, Norway)
Distant Relatives
03/13 – Wembley Arena (London, UK)
04/01 – Glasgow O2 Academy (Glasgow, UK)
04/02 – Manchester Apollo (Manchester, UK)
04/04 – Ancienne Belgique (Brussels, Belgium)
04/05 – Zenith (Paris, France)
04/07 – Caprices Festival (Crans Montana, Switzerland)
04/08 – Komplex (Zurich, Switzerland)
04/09 – Palasharp (Milan, Italy)
04/11 – Paradiso (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
04/14 – Atlantico Pavilion (Lisbon, Portugal)
wow they are going on tour in 2011 to promote an album that can’t sell? follow me on twitter @toad3527
@toad3527 actually there going on a tour to promote a fucking good album
fuck nas you can make it out to norway but not fuckin winnipeg??? step ur game up son!!!
Man they need more US dates. I saw them in Atl this summer and it was mind blowing. The album was much needed too bad people don’t know real music…
How are they not going to go to any city in Africa? NIGGA, THE ALBUM IS ABOUT AFRICA.
haha @Kareem.
And would it kill anyone to go anywhere in Central America?
that album was weak. nas needs to step his rap game up he is living off of reputation
Thats mess up. Well i rather watch jay perform anyday lol.
There not going to promote the album. theyre making their last tour checks off the album
Lmao true mothafucking talk!
i never insult people here, cause it’s the internet and there’s no winning, it’s just retarded.
but you are a fucking idiot.
distant relatives is one of the best albums released in the last 10 years. you keep thinking about sales, award shows, gossip sites where others dominate….but in 5 years time, 10 years time, 20 years time…..this album will still live on. it’s a masterpiece, and so relevant in terms of the state of the world today.
were the fuck is toronto’s date at !
@zoomzoom I think it past your bedtime. No computer after 8:00pm. Nas can suck my dog dick ha ha!
Distant Relative is a rap/reggae album. How many of these been out there? Count on 1 hand. This one is the best of them. It is a classic and it is epic. Many declare an album success by sales, awards n hype. Many r too shallow and ignorant and accept lyrical content that dont elevate themselves in conscious upliftment. Emancipate ur mind from shortsighted views. DR is underrated and not given all the recognition and accolades due it. Nonetheless, its 1 of the best albums EVER!!!
Nas and Damian are doing a tour in AFRICA…they are saving the BEST for LAST! People who spread hate on the internet talk shit about successful people becaue they have ran out of options to boost their own situation. Nas’ Strong Will Continue & Victory verses prove he is lyrically superior to his peers. You haters need to be informed instead of HATING!
Distant Relatives = Most unrated album of 2010.
@toad3527….but yet ever tour date has been SOLD OUT from summer 2009-present! Nas is living off his past, present and future reputation GREATNESS! A weak artist could never have the career Nas has for damn near 2 decades. You are the weak nigga and your hate proves that your repiutation is that of a bitch-ass nigga!
Got tix for Sydney… Can’t wait!!!
i just want to
#1 – cosign the greatness of the album
#2 – say that i was at the Brooklyn show this summer and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to and i’ve been to plenty at every major venue in the tri-state area. Incredible God Music
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This album is the best i’ve heard in years.EVERY WEEK.and it never gets doesn’t appeal to some people because they can’t’s all good.Am African.i hope NaS and jr Gong r saving us for last.
Everyone go sign the petition to release Lost Tapes 2! Support Nas! Go to WeNeedLostTapes2 (dot) com
Maybe it’s bcoz am African but when i die bury me with this album.
These people rap about africa in their songs … But they not coming to africa … Now that is some wack shit !!!
The album was dope though !!!
damn they go to norway but not to germany
Best album of 2010 if you talking music… Period
Saw them live last summer, amazing energy. The album is great too.
When it comes to reggae, nobody gives a fuck what you white people think about it. Album was dope, nuff said. Sales didnt say it, but reviews and the community say it. White people wouldnt understand.
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Went to see them over the summer, its a good ass show and people need to check it.
They definitely put on a great show. I hope they add more US dates as well. The tour was incredibly successful first time around selling out almost all dates and upgrading to arenas in Europe. Don’t worry…these dudes are making nice money off of these tours.
please somebody explain nas is billboards reggae artist of the year? If so thats crazy why not Damian marley.
@haha you took the words out of my mouth ! In europe nas keeps selling out shows and overrated hasbeens like ’50’ are degraded to clubacts.
ok now I understand nas does deserve the billboard reggae artist of the year award.
WeNeedLostTapes2 (dot) com
[…] Après une première tournée riche en succès, en soutient de leur album Distant Relatives, Nas et Damian Marley repartent sur les routes en 2011. En effet, les dates de cette nouvelle tournée mondiale ont été dévoilées il y a quelques jours. D’ailleurs le duo hip hop / reggae sera de nouveau de passage à Paris le 04 mai prochain… Distant Relatives: 02/09 – Kona Bowl (Kailua-Kona, HI) 02/12 – Centennial Park (Sydney, Australia) 02/13 – Flemington Racecourse – The Nursery (Flemington, Austrailia) 02/16 – TSB Bank Area (Wellington, New Zealand) 02/17 – Logan Campbell Centre (Auckland, New Zealand) 02/19 – Parkland Showgrounds (Gold Coast, Australia) 02/20 – Claremont Showground (Claremont, Australia) 02/23 – MP Hall (Osaka, Japan) 02/24 – Zepp (Tokyo, Japan) 02/25 – Bay Hall (Yokohama, Japan) 02/26 – Kakaako Beach Park Amphitheater (Honolulu, HI) 02/27 – Maui Arts and Cultural Center (Maui, HI) Nas: 03/22 – Circus Nightclub (Helsinki, Finland) 03/23 – Samfunnet (Bodo, Norway) 03/24 – Verkstedet (Tromso, Norway) 03/25 – Samfundet (Trondheim, Norway) 03/26 – USF Verftet (Bergen, Norway) 03/27 – Folken (Stavanger, Norway) 03/29 – Sentrum Scene (Oslo, Norway) Distant Relatives: 03/13 – Wembley Arena (London, UK) 04/01 – Glasgow O2 Academy (Glasgow, UK) 04/02 – Manchester Apollo (Manchester, UK) 04/04 – Ancienne Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) 04/05 – Zenith (Paris, France) 04/07 – Caprices Festival (Crans Montana, Switzerland) 04/08 – Komplex (Zurich, Switzerland) 04/09 – Palasharp (Milan, Italy) 04/11 – Paradiso (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 04/14 – Atlantico Pavilion (Lisbon, Portugal) Via: RR […]
[…] 04/11 – Paradiso (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 04/14 – Atlantico Pavilion (Lisbon, Portugal) Via: RR Duplicated Content | You can see the original copy on : « […]
WOW…. can’t make everyone happy. Yall expect the dude to go to every city in the world?
I’m an African that know a tour in Africa does not mean his die-hard fans are the ones that’s gonna see him. Do u know how much a major rap star ticket cost in Africa?
As far as the music…….hey it is what it is. You can’t force people to think on a level their own mind and body does not even know exist.
Nas is that word.
Nas is that truth.
Nas is Life.
Put that Drake shit down…..
I went to see thisshow n Pitsburgh Pa this summer. My girl was made at me when i went to see the show in Pittsburgh. Its was such a great time I am fling to Hawii to my girl friend and myself to the show in Hawii on the 26 of Feb. so she can see this amazing show.
It truely was a great show. I can not wait to get to h
Hawii to see tis show for the second time.
yall are haters. Nas is one of the best MCs ever. So what it aint sell? It aint commercial so that is expected. But you guys prob grew up listening to a bunch of wack shit so yall wouldnt know good music if it smacked you in the face.
Yeah that’s what it is about, not how well the album can sell!! Hope I can travel to join the movement, one love to all that overstand the message
when they coming to DC.
1. the been to Germany already
2. Africa tour date start r October – December
[…] this evening, Nas and Damian Marley brought their international tour to Wembley Arena in the UK. Of course, Sumit of HHC just released some great footage of the […]
[…] this evening, Nas and Damian Marley brought their international tour to Wembley Arena in the UK. Of course, Sumit of HHC just released some great footage of the […]
I some of you idiots that made stupid comments. If you studied your history you would know that what the record is speaking on is truth. They have been to africa read more and you would know this. They went there first before they even started touring jackasses some of you. The media and main stream would never let a record of that level be played on the air waves to bring awareness to people of color and when I say color people from, Africa, China, Spanish countries and etc…. The record is saying that civilization started in africa so we made all other races so wake up. They are trying to let their people know that they are of greatness; but then we have jackasses that make stupid ass comment’s go pick up a book start with the Willie Lynch papers,
I’ve seen them perform and I’m going again in Central Park on the 11th of August to see it one last time. Nas is on another level. The collaboration is awsome to powerful minds working together. They don’t get alot of airtime, cause they won’t sell their souls.