New Music: Lil Kim “H.A.M. (Remix)”

Kimmy Blanco plans to bring Black Friday on Valentine’s Day, and to help usher in the occasion, she adds a verse to Yeezy and Jay’s “H.A.M.”. What a way to ruin a good track. Hard Autotune Muthafucka.

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  1. Kim really does need to just quit. Go into porno or something, the way she act it wouldn’t be much of a transition anyway

  2. D says:

    Good song? Really Big Homie?

  3. OffYaSelf says:

    man did this bitch honestly autotune HAM???? what the fuck retire already your irrelevant. pull a jigga start doin buisness shit if you wanna get caked up but stop fuckin up dope songs for fucks sakes
    ” so you wanna be hard core so you talk about the gats in your raps with your hat to the back but i dont feel that hardcore appeal your screaming maybe im dreaming” – BIG

  4. FreshKidME says:

    RIDICULOUS! In a bad way…

  5. Mr Xclusive says:

    does that cover say “In Stores” ???

    lmao …FLOP

  6. Life After Death says:

    Pure Undeniable Garbage!!!

  7. pressure says:

    Ewwww. Wtf is this? Kim, it’s a wrap. Shit, you fucked my brains up with this one. Quit. I’m officially a Lil Kim hater

  8. DerbyRandom1 says:

    Kim is trash. She was hot, what? 15 years ago? The more bullshit she puts out, the deeper she digs her grave

  9. maseratifully says:

    kim is playing herself #thatisall

  10. Wes Wes yall says:

    Rapradr you should post some thing and hate on it 2. If you don’t think its worthy don’t post it. Latezzzz

  11. Thank Me Hater says:

    Okay okay if Kim was wack then what the fuck was Kanye?!?! This has to be one of the worst verses he’s ever spit. Let’s be honest

  12. Belize says:

    ??????? What kind of garbage is this? She sounds like barbara! 0_o

  13. Justmyopinion says:

    *put head down & shaking my head in disgust*

  14. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elliott Wilson, Big Homie, Angelica Ajae, Street Stringa, RapRadarDotCom and others. RapRadarDotCom said: RAPRADAR: New Music: Lil Kim “H.A.M. (Remix)” […]

  15. Fr3sh says:

    Listenin to her auto tune verse is worse than chewing glass

  16. Black Shady says:

    LMAO @ Big Homie calling HAM a good track
    dont front…..HAM is a disappointment!!!!
    and Lil Kim just made it worse

  17. LO says:

    why it sound like she tryna rap like Nikki?.. Better question: Why da fuck did i even listen to this????

  18. King Jugganott says:

    Sex tape will be dropping in 5….4….3….2…..

  19. hateislove says:

    lil kim commited suicide on the track RIP

  20. Colorado_SON says:

    this song made me want to punch myself in the face! absolute garbage! ruined the song!

  21. assasin says:

    Wow wtf is this, I want to cry, like seriously that was horrible

  22. Luger Lu says:

    This track was garbage before Lil Kims unwanted attention anyway!!!! Im sick of Lex Lugers beats as well.

  23. D says:

    Don’t be mad at Big Homie, he started listening to Hip-Hop when Mims dropped This is why I’m hot.

  24. original will says:

    man rapradar been shitting on kim lately everytime she got a song on this page its o here come her weak ass again LOL Damn kim gets no love a couple of months ago everybody was on her shit thincin she was going to sign to rocnation

  25. Honestly if some people weren’t such Hype Beast that would listen to the music and realize that this verse does due diligence with Ye and Jay-Z’s verse. The song is trash, period, but she didn’t make it any worse by getting on it. Looking forward to “Black Friday”

  26. still best rite now!! says:

    Dis bitch just went Bologna!!

  27. Kentorious says:

    Ya still hating on Kim hard…The verse wasnt as bad a Rap Radar is claiming..Her verse was better than Yeezy.. Ya beater chill before 50 cent shut yall down too… #yabignickigarbajfans…

  28. kendra says:

    will i thought it was pretty hot…nouf said thou…

  29. QueenBeeFan says:

    Are you people retarded? Kim’s verse was orgasmic!! It must be somthing they are putting in the water. I have no idea why the blogs keep hating on my girl queen bee. She is and will always be the queen!! ItsBlackFridayHoe!

  30. Real Deal says:

    Man I wish she didn’t run out of biggie’s rhymes

  31. quad says:

    ruin a good track? this track was not good, this was one of the shittiest songs ive heard from jay or kanye. lyrics werent that bad but beat is fucking awful. Although Kim did make it worse, it was never good.

  32. NotoriousRambo says:


  33. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    Holy………shit…………when will she quite??? I really cant believe she hears this and tells her management “yeah, put this out”

  34. go says:

    Kimmy mami doll let me eat ur pussy because u retired… fuck me now sexy mami daidi papi cum my mouth hard cunt suck dry

  35. illaDeuce says:

    she just added autotune to a Hov record… is this bitch crazy??? did she miss the other 3 letter inital track Hov made that ended this autotune bullshit?? You wanna autotune your whole verse, do it on your own song not on this joint.

    Are the people around her in the studio retarded?? Nobody can tell her this sounds like shit??

  36. MinajBangher! says:

    Playing herself???She is wack???Then half these femcees are wack because they try to clone her style…NUFF SAID!

  37. mac DIESEL says:



  38. […] :: Lil Kim throws a verse on Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “H.A.M.”… with heavily Auto-Tuned vocals. How can she go H.A.M. when she can’t even go gold (much less platinum)? [Rap Radar] […]

  39. QueenBeeFan says:

    Did all the blogs and the people leaving negative feedback take a retarded pill? I loved her verse. I do not understand why people dont like it. Its not autotune, its a flanger effect! But that is besides the point, I found nothing wrong with it. I think that no matter what she drops, people are going to have a problem with it. Dammt, what the fuck do you people want from her. She has always used different pitches and styles. I hate autotune. I mean I really hate autotune, but this effect worked for the song depending on how you look at it. I cannot process this. How can people act like this song was so bad. Omg It must be something in the water. God dammit people. And another thing, why are people and these bull shit blogs like sour grapejuice pretending like she is washed up and not relevant. Why is the bitch still selling out shows! Why is her twitter fanbase growing by the day! I do not understand how anyone can be so fucking stupid. How can people give Nicki Minaj all of this praise for the shit that she drops, yet Kim gets hate from everyone. People mad because she took up for self? She got tired of people stealing her shit and getting the credit for it? You ungrateful mother fuckers who act like Nicki is gods gift to the world and hate on Kim can feel free to die of cancer and other assorted illnesses. I cannot take the stupidity anymore. No one wants to give her the credit for anything. Anytime she drops something good, people either hate on it or says its ghost written. Kim does not need a ghost writer, and she is still the best who ever did it. Fuck all you haters, cause no body cares about your ass. You can feel free to get your pussy lips or dick caught in a garbage disposal for all I care. I’m done *Chris Brown Voice*

  40. DC says:

    Made one of the weakest Kanye songs in a long time worse. Good job Kim.

  41. AndreX says:

    this Hot!!!!!!!!

    Stop hatin!


  42. dirty south says:

    Queen bee fan….

    Go kill yourself

  43. Leon M. Kelly says:

    Lil’ Kim, I love you. It’s so sad that people are so fickle. One minute they’re riding with you, the next minute, they’re attempting to destroy you. You’ve been around for a long time, and it’s evident that such empty and ignorant comments will not put out your flame. Even the guys are acting like the females who have been hating on you since Nicki came out and before that, and that’s just disgusting to me. Keep on rising, because all the sewage these people take the time to throw at you means nothing. Kimmie, your accomplishments will never be tarnished by these pigeons who attempt to crap on you. You will always be an icon. Not only that, you put your mark on the rap/hip hop world like no one has ever done or will ever do after you. I’m not saying no one will make a lasting mark; I’m simply saying the mark you made and continue to make will never be surpassed. You’re an eagle–keep flying high, baby girl. The stones will always miss you. Remember that these are just words. They can only do as much damage as you allow them to. Don’t even waste your time responding to the hate and the ugliness. Those who spew such will always be losers.

  44. mila says:

    @Leon M. Kelly

    so im guessing by that real touching novel you just wrote you actually liked this track? If so #killyaself

  45. Keeesh says:

    The track was okay I liked Queen BEE verse but hated the aute tune however yall hating cause if your a nicki fan then how the fuck do you with stand her fucking singing voice with that auto tune shit #Bereal

  46. Keeesh says:


  47. Melissa says:

    aye nicki fans goin like nicki and diss kim shit and kim fans goin do the same and vice versa to nicki,, personally imma lil kim fan i like nicki but im not a fan to me she just okay sorry, and lil kim really did go ham on dis track but nicki fans gon boo it- of course cause they fucks wit nicki, as far as the auto tune erybody been der done dat, kim late 4real on that note. erybody on that H.A.M track did auto tune b-4 including jay-z who thought autotune took the life out the music and was bullshit so it is what it is. I’m thinking though erybody who commented on this post must be nicki fans right? cause kim and jay-z part was the best, kim set it off, yall muthafuckaz is under nicki’s waterdown spell rite now dats all.

  48. Melissa says:

    you nicki fans just mad cause kim aint goin no where and she hard,,,, get over it aint no past or present or relevant or not it what it is she aint goin no where yall no the story fuck yall mad cause she aint jus goin let a bitch railroad her when nicki was the one bussin shots from the start that bitch aint blow up on her own merits she blew up on kim shit,,maaan yall dead serouis bout this shit huh,,smmfh dats crazy.

  49. Lady Jane says:

    this song is good. Better than good, I brush my teeth to this ish in the morning and now my joints are pearly white. Kim did her thing, did her thing with Black Friday track and did her thing hard here….And for the record that ain’t autotune it’s flanger…and it made the song doper. Its amazing how the poster can say something and then EVERYONE posting will say the EXACT SAME THING. LMAO!

    Way to tell Nicki fans – no mind of their own.

    Happy posting Kiddies.

  50. G$ says:

    i think yall all hatas. just dnt hate apricate cause dats the bull dat started hip pop and rap and R&B so dnt hate on her cause she tring to make it just like all of us

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