Odd Future Strikes Record Deal

After months of being courted by the music industry’s biggest bosses, word on the curb is Odd Future are staying independent with major backing. I hear the ink ain’t dry but Odd Future Records will sign with RED Distribution/Sony. All acts under one umbrella with the same creative freedom they have now. When pressed for confirmation, manager Chris Clancy sent this statement below.
“It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to “sign themselves” to their own company and keep their masters. They will have 100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release schedule with no 3rd party participation in outside business. Freedom and ownership was the whole point. Red and Sony know that its in everyone’s best interest to maintain the group’s authenticity and control. They built it, they deserve it. There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different.. “
Aaaaw shit!! That’s what’s up, I’m glad to hear no one is ever going to try and steer their direction any way they don’t want it to go. OFWGKTA!!!
Out off all the labels to sign with, they had to go with Sony. The reason they have 100% creative control is because Sony has 100% interest in not dropping a rap album. Who’s the last rap label/group to sign a deal with Sony? Who’s the last rapper to go Gold on Sony? When was the last rap album release on Sony. Who’s the head of Sony. Bad deal….. just Bad
“There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different.. “ *Cough* Wiz Khalifa & B.o.B *Cough*
I don’t think people understad how fucking amazing this is!
You Know, It’s funny to me how these dudes were trying to get on all the blogs last year and no one was hearing them, but when they got a huge buzz on youtube, every blog (including this one), emcees, producers and the such are now all over their nuts. Don’t get me wrong, I think these dudes are dope, but I think it’s funny how RapRadar and the rest of the Copy-Cat Cut and Paste blogs are riding dick all of a sudden. If these dudes hadn’t got the exposure, you ass holes wouldn’t have gave them the time of day, last year. You guys are some fucking hypocrites.
“There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works..”
Shots at Diddy? hahah
Good for them, thats the deal a good artist should want to get into.
and @DoeMoney
Shit changes over time, remember how Diddy thought Jay-Z was wack? You gotta build yourself up first, if not then theres a lot of rappers that no one knows all over the pages. This site posts popular hip hop news (and other random things), you don’t gotta hate them for it. Now 2DopeBoyz I see why you might have an issue with.
@DoeMoney: real talk. but that’s how it is, rapradar have to cover what’s ”hot”, but we all know they wouldn’t give a fuck about odd future if they didn’t create that much of a buzz.
Sony Red is independent distribution. Great that they didn’t go with a major label or any of these cornballs like Diddy, etc.
lets see how dey do
rap radar is fucking bullshit. it’s not like they care about quality at all. if no one gave a fuck about OF like last summer then it wouldn’t get posted. they only post what the masses want to see. fuck this website. wolfgang all day.
They only post what the masses wanna see? And that’s a bad thing? If they posted shit from your favorte underground rapper 24/7 this site wouldnt have made it past its first couple months without being shut down. No one would even come to this site except the 10 SUPER underground fan boys out there. Now, since they don’t listen to you faggots, they have hits competing with nahright and wshh. So many ppl visit this site and its thriving. And its all because they post what ppl wanna see, and its not vinnie paz batting [insert random underground rapper name] all day. Get that bullshit outta here.
And they posted all that Pill nonsense and now he got a deal. They posting Big KRIT and Curren$y and XV as well as Eminent Jay and Kanye. There’s a balance. Don’t like it then fuck with them other blogs on the right side of This page
@hands … Sony RED is NOT indie distribution… there is only one “distributor” at sony and that’s SONY.. RED is where Consequence came out on. It is basically an incubator. So if an OF record catches steam then they upstream to Columbia or Epic… That said.. Sony as a whole has issues promoting rap music but at this point OF doesn’t need “promo”.. they can just drop the records as long as people are still paying attention.
@word: yeah, the masses really wanna see trina’s gorilla zoe’s new single? fuck outta here with that bullshit
we’ll see about that….
Im not 100% sold on Sony affiliation at all. They have 4 hip hop artist on their roster and two with any sort of relevance. I got to hear the details but this shit is suspect especially after all the bullshit they put nas through every album.
This is monumental
[…] appears that Odd Future has found a label home after being chased by half the industry. As Rap Radar points out, the Wolf Gang will remain independent but will receive major label backup. All signs […]
[…] develops artists and independently distributes music from smaller labels. Manager Chris Clancy told Rap Radar, It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to […]
[…] business. Freedom and ownership was the whole point,” their manager said in a statement to Rap Radar. I know they were very big on not compromising anything they stand for so this is pretty dope. […]
[…] read strong rumours that the gang may have been on paperwork power moves with a Red Distribution/Sony […]
this makes them more and more like the Wu. innovative in business and music. i love these kids!
[…] Rap Radar […]
[…] Souce Share and Enjoy: […]
[…] これは、アメリカ大手レーベルであるソニーと、パートナー関係を組み、共同で設立されるとのこと。これは、以前Lily Allenが自身のレーベルを設立した際に、レーベル名の下にソニーのバナー広告を乗せることで実現した例に続くニュースとなります。Odd Futureは、ソニーのRED Distributionの力を借りてOdd Future Recordsを設立。またOdd Futureの広報係であるクリスは、Rap Raderで「彼らは、音楽、アート、リリースの日程等において、100%クリエイティブなコントロールができる権限を持っている。また、ソニーやREDもそうすることがOdd Futureが最も面白くなるであろうということを分かっているのだ。」と語っています。 […]
[…] Odd Future aka OFWGKTA has decided to stay on the independent route but with major label backing. RapRadar tells us that Odd Future is to sign with Sony/RED Distribution, though the ink isnt dry just yet. […]
[…] on the Odd Future bandwagon, but word is Odd Future are staying independent with major backing. Rap Radar reports Odd Future Records will sign with RED Distribution/Sony. The ink ain’t dry but it would […]
[…] news of Odd Future potentially signing to RED Distribution/Sony Music being reported today I decided to post this Odd Future throwback. Apparently Domo left Earl hanging […]
@Word. I used to come to the site because of the articles that Elliott Wilson actually writes. And to be honest with you, I like this site. However, this site has posted watered down acts. And I’ll say this, I’m not impressed at all by Pill, Big KRIT, Curren$y or XV. Their ok. I’ve way more rappers way nicer them spit. The only reason these clowns are relevant is because RR, Nah and many more over-hyped sites try to give them some semblance of existence. Now, I’ll admit. There is a lot of trash indie music out there, however, if more webmasters actually took the time to listen to the material instead of rest on the artist’s namesake in an effort to gain page views, I would actually say this site is up to par. What scares me is most of these heavy traffic sites are becoming like the radio. I bet you, that 90% of Lil Wayne, Jay-Z’s, Diddy’s material we get posted on this site. Not because it’s hot, but because of the name. This is what has diluted hip hop not rap music.
Unfortunately, Word I think that more hiphop sites should go out on a limb and promote not just any material (like this site does), but promote quality material and not because a label rep gave dap.
Lastly, Word stop kissing RR ass? Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
[…] (RapRadar) […]
[…] tacos with Jay-Z), the group decided to launch their own independent label, with distribution from Sony Music/RED Distribution: “It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
@haterz… this is from answers.com:
RED Distribution is a Sony Music-owned independent record distributor that handles the sales and marketing of releases for nearly 50 record labels. A leading indie distributor in the US, the company distributes music for prolific labels including Fat Possum Records (home of critically acclaimed acts such as The Fiery Furnaces, Dinosaur Jr., and Andrew Bird); Sanctuary Records (home of artists such as Ashanti and Blues Traveler); and Victory Records, its top-selling label. Successful RED Distribution acts have also included the popular bands Los Lonely Boys and Switchfoot.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/red-distribution#ixzz1Ke3977xm
[…] Future’s manager, Chris Clancy, sent a statement to Rap Radar semi-confirming the deal. “It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always […]
Soooooo incredibly happy to see some artists understand it! RED is one of the best out there….and these guys get it! Congrats to OF for saying fuck you to the millions the majors had to be offering and congrats on owning your own shit. Put the right people in place and you guys can’t lose. PROUD of you!
[…] verditschen und für den größten Hype seit langer Zeit sorgen, unterschrieben laut einschlägigen Medien jüngst einen Major-Plattenvertrag, den es in dieser Form 2011 eigentlich gar nicht mehr geben […]
These yung cats got it right…most Artists get swallowed by the Record Deals they sign due to the lack of understanding..its good to see these guys knew what they wanted and didnt sign a record deal.
[…] SOURCE: RapRadar […]
idk..its sumthin different about RapRadar covering Oddfuture….i think YN chopped it up with their management or something. lol
cuz niggas was beggin RR to get on the hype last year
Hope so. Good for them.
[…] Rap Radar is telling us (and Odd Future’s publicist confirms) that Odd Future have partnered with RED Distribution (which is a part of Sony) to form their own label, aptly titled “Odd Future Records”. The deal will cover distribution for all acts associated with the group and allow them the “creative freedom” they need to keep doing the shit they do (which, let’s face it, is kind of the part they need the most. These kids are kinda fucked up). […]
@still best rite now!! RR is a bunch of donkey riders. Once these niggas fall off, you won’t see shit from them again on this site. You know if them niggas didn’t have a buzz, they wouldn’t be on here. It’s all about associations now adays. Secondly, it’s amazin’ all the emcees and producers that are drinking these dudes’ kool aid too…Homos.
as far as rapradar and this group and the sudden change in policy of covering them?
their management is a former interscope exec. INTERSCOPE. the other manager STILL IS AN EXEC THERE. so they are “indie” but not like you and all your musician, rock or rap, friends are indie.
they have as a group more connections than any friend i’ve ever had who was trying to “make it” in the music industry. you don’t think a former INTERSCOPE exec can’t coordinate a tremendous amount of events? of course he can. so when the plan kicks into gear, it means in the span of one month, out the blue, we get odd future on jimmy fallon, dropping a video that gets a million views instantly, kanye west tweeting about it, rapradar and other blogs immediately beginning a big, buzz-creating coverage binge, etc.
tyler is signed to xl recordings already so he also already has an indie label’s machine behind him. to me, not to always be a cynic, but i look at them as astro-turfing sometimes. same way i looked at Drake as a fake machine-created phenomenon but not as bad. and i really think drake is talented and also think odd future is the most interesting thing goin on in the entire genre. but i gotta inform and also speak my little editorials.
[…] group to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” he told RapRadar. “They will have 100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release […]
and as far as other emcees and producers jocking people simply to be a part of the buzz, that’s the desperation artists feel in these tough economic times.
honestly, who would co-sign lil b otherwise? everybody is always being so P.C. in rap because you don’t wanna say anything negative about COMMERCIALLY SUCCESSFUL people. you want to get in on it like Diddy does. anytime they are getting money or publicity, Diddy is right there tryna be in the photo. ha!
that’s the game now. ask an artist about lil b and they will give him all the props in the world. don’t wanna be seen as a hater, now do we? hell no. so we act like we think he’s soooo smart. not a good rapper but oh he’s a “marketing genius”. really? for a cynical gimmicky approach to self-promotion? i disagree, i think his “strategy” used to just be called gimmickry and selling out. period.
odd future, again, is NOT shitty like lil b. but that’s why artists in the industry jock them (SOME of them, i mean); because they have buzz and people want to get in on the chance to sell. now when jock them it’s just because they’re awesome.
[…] Rap Radar, Odd future Record Deal Related Posts:No Related […]
[…] Odd Future Strikes Record Deal ?Not because it's hot, but because of the name. See original here: Rap Radar :: Odd Future Strikes Record Deal ? Q&A: What are some good American funk/hip-hop/rap radio stations …Upcoming Dope Music – Hip […]
[…] HipHop round table. Rap Radar :: Odd Future Strikes Record Deal ? […]
i was just about to go on a rant but…. fuck it…
the fact that there is so much hype around an these artisst who are doing something completely different is GREAT. If you look deep into their music you can see a whole mixture of influences going on… theyre trying to break a mold… and so i can only hope this hype gets bigger… and dick riders or not this will bring about a new age in hip hop…. the way it going right now is electro house infused pop dance songs….
[…] liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different..” spotted: rapradar. Share & […]
That’s wassup!
[…] Chris Clancy had this to say to Rap Radar about the gang’s new […]
thanks.. actually insightful… but
“RED – An Artist Development Company (formerly Relativity Entertainment Distribution) is a Sony Music Entertainment-owned sales and marketing division that handles releases for over sixty independent record labels.”
if you come out on RED.. sony presses your CD’s period.. they have a separate retail sales dept from the other labels but it’s all the same shit.. like ADA to warner
This is good news for the hip hop group I had no idea existed until Kanye tweeted about em’. They got the deal every artist dreams of, total creative control and get to keep their masters. They’re working for themselves, good for them.
[…] “cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements” according to their management in a statement to Rap Radar. Tyler also says, “Funny Thing Is, We Won’t Sign People Like A Record Label. Same […]
@billy rae valentine. I think you put the needle on the head when you wrote “so when the plan kicks into gear, it means in the span of one month, out the blue, we get odd future on jimmy fallon, dropping a video that gets a million views instantly, kanye west tweeting about it, rapradar and other blogs immediately beginning a big, buzz-creating coverage binge, etc.”
True. I think they run in the same circles with untalented/non-inspiring artists like Jon Connor, XV, Pills, Big KRIT, Donnis, Shawn Christopher, Curren$y, Wale…damn, it’s a bunch more but all these niggas got label execs that’s being topped off by blogs like Rap Radar, Hiphopdx [Glorified Xerox Copy cat site for news, hiphop] 2DopeBoyz, Nah…The execs are so far up these cats asses that they think they’re starting to believe their own bullshit is dope. In essence, you see these bullshit acts so much that you actually start believing this shit is ill to.
Don’t drink the Kool Aid my niggas…
James is a Punk Bitch… Golfwang.. Bitch
All this deal entails is a PARTNERSHIP. It’s low risk for Sony as they don’t have to pump a bunch of dough into promo. As long as OF still has a sizeable audience and tours, then Sony’s happy. And s/o to @HaterzEverywhere for being the first commenter in history to use the term “Upstream” and use it correctly lolololol
[…] Source: RapRadar […]
[…] RapRadar […]
[…] RR, it looks like the Odd Future kiddies may have their own record label distributed by Sony RED. […]
[…] press release from manager Chris Clancy, as originally posted on RapRadar: “It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group […]
[…] Odd Future Strikes Record Deal After months of being courted by the music industry’s biggest bosses, word on the curb is Odd Future are […] […]
[…] creative independence whilst utilising the infrastructure of a major record label, according RapRadar. The crew of musical misfits out of Los Angeles are believed to be signing a distribution deal […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
Half of you guys didn’t know of OF before Yonkers.
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
[…] was an big day for Odd Future. After reports surfaced with the possibility of OF having the backing of a major label like Sony, while […]
[…] The Billboard Cover Story Early today (April 26), manager Chris Clancy sent the statement below to Rap Radar‘s Elliott Wilson regarding an impending deal between Odd Future and Sony’s RED […]
[…] with Sony and RED Distribution to start their own in-house label. OF manager Chris Clancy told Rap Radar that the group will have “one hundred percent creative control of all aspects of their music, […]
[…] RED As a group Odd Future are not signed but have indivdual deals. But according to Elliott Wilson over at RapRadar, Odd Future maybe heading to Sony […]
[…] outs to RapRadar Posted in Uncategorized Cancel […]
[…] outs to RapRadar Posted in MCMI REPORT | Tagged odd future, OFWGKTA, sony, tyler Cancel […]
[…] Rap Radar reports and Odd Future’s publicist confirms that Odd Future have partnered with RED Distribution/Sony to form their own label, Odd Future Records. The deal will cover all acts associated with the group and allow them the same level of creative freedom they work under now (which, considering some of the raw shit these kids say and do, is kind of integral to how they operate). […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
Looks like Lupe needs some lessons from Odd Future/Tyler on how to sign a record deal…
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
[…] to ‘sign themselves’ to their own company and keep their masters,” Clancy told Rap Radar of the impending deal. “They will have 100 percent creative control of all aspects of their […]
[…] med ett maffigt skivkontrakt i ryggen är en Tumblr (och kanske en galen mängd talang). [RapRadar] — Mattias Hinderson […]
[…] It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to “sign themselves” to their own company and keep their masters. They will have 100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release schedule with no 3rd party participation in outside business. Freedom and ownership was the whole point. Red and Sony know that its in everyone’s best interest to maintain the group’s authenticity and control. They built it, they deserve it. There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different.. [RR] […]
[…] liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different..” spotted: rapradar. Share […]
@billy rae valentine I agree with what you said.9 out of 10 times when an artist really starts buzzing he has some sort of machine behind him.By the time these blogs picked up on them.The ink was already dry or near it.OF dissing these blogs may have been a inside joke or the blogs took it as a joke.I appreciate what their bringing to the game though.They belong on a small label
[…] Rap Radar Written by: Danny […]
I think all there music is trash really but I could not be happier. This is becoming the trend for how these young bucks are doing things and I thinks its amazing. It started with Drake then Wiz and now them.
Dont fucking compromise for money man…..
One note….You all must be idiots if you think Sony or any other label (Media machine) will for one second actually let the “Artist” truly have creative control. It’s like that female you know who get’s beat up by the same abusive boyfriend nightly…”He promised he wouldn’t hit me again…”. And we believe em’…
[…] signing with RED, a subdivision of Sony. Here’s what the groups manager Chris Clancy told RapRadar:It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to […]
[…] tbd Records, Victory Records, and Fat Possum.Speaking of the deal in an issued statement (via Rap Radar), the group’s manager, Chris Clancy, said the following:“It’s based on getting the […]
[…] Source: RapRadar […]
[…] Odd Future’s manager, Chris Clancy made a statement describing that the group would have total control over their music and more: “It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to “sign themselves” to their own company and keep their masters. They will have 100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release schedule with no 3rd party participation in outside business. Freedom and ownership was the whole point. Red and Sony know that its in everyone’s best interest to maintain the group’s authenticity and control. They built it, they deserve it. There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different.. “ (RapRadar) […]
[…] Odd Future record label in the works. Eminem and Royce Da 5’9 to release an EP in June. Watch the full length X-Men” First […]
[…] appears that Odd Future has found a label home after being chased by half the industry. As Rap Radar points out, the Wolf Gang will remain independent but will receive major label backup. All signs […]
[…] дней назад сайт Rap Radar сообщил о возможном старте собственного лейбла […]
[…] the emphasis on scoring a deal has become a low priority; many artists even shun the idea. In a statement this week on the Website, Rap Radar, Chris Clancy, manager of the much-buzzed about indie group, Odd Future, explains the logic behind […]
REFERENCED: http://anti-est.blogspot.com/2011/04/your-future-is-odd.html
[…] Anarcho-Gigs und der Tatsache, dass die Wolf Gang und ihr Management weitsichtig genug waren, einen Label-Deal zu unterzeichnen, bei dem offensichtlich alle kreativen Entscheidungen weiter selbst getroffen […]
I’m not really into these dudes at all, but freedom of speech and they are representing what they believe in. The real question is “What is a real Independent?” A real independent does it all independently. Everything from recording, manufacturing, distribution, sales/marketing, promotions and merchandising would need to be handled in-house to be a true independent. If the music is bullshit then does it matter if they are indie or signed to a major? Nope. Second, who is going to buy Odd Future’s music? and who is going to just download and get it for FREE? Everybody talks a good game but when it comes to REAL artist support they just download for free. Everybody and anybody can record and release music nowadays so where is the fanbase? Just a ton of substandard, wack-ass music that people think is dope and actually its crap music. Independent Hip-Hop died back in 1995. R,I.P. Anyways Holdeez.
Get the fuck out of here. Everybody knows they are just the new Illuminati puppets…They have the creativity of a cockroach…Don’t get it twisted, these guys THINK they have creative control…You wanna talk about control…talk about power…And these kids have no power.
[…] their eighth LP will be distributed through Sony’s RED distribution label. The same company Odd Future inked with earlier this year. After almost 20 years in this industry, it was inevitable for us to […]
[…] their eighth LP will be distributed through Sony’s RED distribution label. The same company Odd Future inked with earlier this year. After almost 20 years in this industry, it was inevitable for us to […]
[…] landing a distribution deal with Sony Red earlier this year, Odd Future announced yesterday they will release their debut […]
[…] landing a distribution deal with Sony Red earlier this year, Odd Future announced yesterday they will release their debut […]
[…] Odd Future landed a distribution deal with Sony Red earlier this year, Odd Future’s affiliate group The Internet (DJ Syd the Kyd and […]
Odd Future is the man of the year! Skills, charisma and a unique style!