Common Responds To Drake (Shade 45)
December 20, 2011 @ 5:27 PM EST

“He already embraced it, so wear it”
Days after Drake’s rant at Cali Christmas, Com appeared on Sway In The Morning this morning and admitted that his record “Sweet” was aimed at him and anyone under that category. Yikes!
Shortly after, Drake’s go-to producer, Noah “40” Shebib chimed in via his Twitter account.
@common, I remember being called a bitch in grade 9 cause I had your cd. Good thing I also had 456 by kool g rap on me. Now that’s real ; ) After “one day it’ll all make sense” came out I spent months arguing weather or not @common was hip hop. Everyone was saying it was too rnb. I’m not dissing, just facts. I love common. I also love swv and John b.
Sidebar: The Morning Riot
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drake is a pussy ass fuck ass nigga… fuck cash money…. pussy ass wayne scared to respond to 50 cent…. that nigga pussy…
lmao niggas running to they producers for backup wtf…. a producer?
niggas deleting tweets….. im ready to see a pussy ass rap nigga get killed….. all the real niggas die… its time for one of these pussy ass fake ass niggas to get murked
sway stay on drake dick smdh
Fuck this old hag Common
Hip Hop beef is so shameless and pathetic now a days. Everybody go buy Common’s album, it just so happens to come out today. Yes Common, the same guy that was making GAP commercials and wearing tie-dye capris with purple kente-cloth kufis while making the most puppy chow rap music imaginable during his “Badu turned me out like a drunk college freshman girl at a Nupe party” stage…is now the guardian for what’s too “soft” for hip hop. Rap blog/messegeboard nerds the world over, support this moronic nonsense because it’s “Real Hip Hop”..this is your cue
The Dreamer/Believer in stores today
Lol Common would murder Drake in a battle, a fight or anything. I like Drake’s music but stay in your lane.
Common tryna get sales ridin’ Drizzy’s coat tails? #LameAsFuck
Drake >>>>>>>>>>>> “jealousy is just love & hate at the same time” , i expect this kind of behavior from fake tuff guys like canibus & freddy gibbs or whatever his name is but not from og’s like Com , you don’t see Jay Z getting all bent out of shape that a new young nigga is getting his shine i mean it’s not Drake’s fault that bulshit album with Pharrel flopped & you fell off smh
drake deleting tweets this nigga
Common got in Cube’s ass back in ’96 (No Amaechi)…Drake ain’t ready for Southside Lonnie.
This whole thing is TOTALLY unnecessary. Common has no excuse to do some dumb shit like this when he is one of the softest rappers in the game. I don’t know wtf he doing trying to repair his imagine after that horrid Universal Mind control but it ain’t helping. Dissin the young mc for no fuckin reason he comes off like a bitch. And Drake isn’t going to respond hes too busy on the charts. get this fag outta here man smh
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How come i still feel like Common is mad over the Drake and Serena Williams rumor?
Drake, here’s how they gon’ come at you
With silly rap feuds, trying to distract you
lol @dj i dont think common or drake have ever “murked”anyone.
Subliminal ass rappers gotta do interviews to address who they was talking about. That’s pussy. If you got a problem with Drake say it in the song.
@smoke whatchy mean common would beat him in a fight and drake needs to stay in his lane. they are already in the same lane
And oh yeah everybody go buy Common’s album that just so happens to come out today…because mr. “I used to wear tie-dyed capris with kente cloth kufis while making the most puppy chow music imaginable during my the days when Badu had me turned out like a freshman broad drunk at a Nupe party” is now the authority on what’s too soft in hip hop
lol@”Common tryna get sales ridin
So RapRadar comments have officially been taken over by the 16 and under crowd…
Drake should respond with a free style over the beat of Common’s GAP commercial
Fuck Drake.
@duwan for the record Cube won that battle.
publicity stunt!!! his album ain’t selling! I heard TM103 is the top selling album today,
Drake has so many dick riders it’s insane. For people to even disrespect Common he’s jealous of Drake is crazy. What has Drake done besides sell records? Common has been in movies, helped his community and foreign countries, and been a positive role model for Hip-Hop. Common would body Drake. Common has classics under his belt and Drake just makes music for the moment. Take Care was nice, but “Like Water For Chocolate” and “Be” are better than anything Drake has ever dropped. This isn’t Pusha T we’re talking about. Hip-Hop is a competition. Every rapper believes their the best, so Drake has to prove it. I want to see him diss Common and none of that subliminal shit.
Common is a legend and I don’t know why he spazzing on Drake besides the Serena thing
Loch rocking live @Moveriteent For the Holidays charity event
Oh well he could be spazzing cuz Drake jacked his style on Take Care and he’s holding Kanye down
damn Drake first Luda, Kanye now Common. really? i hope he has enough lyrics in his arsenal
Last I heard, Common was known in the streets in Chi-town……dont let that rap shit fool you….
Neither one of them rap better than me. Nobody better call me out, I’m on a whole different level as a rapper. Common probably mad about the serena situation. I could care less about Commons repoire, I’m better than he and drake.
How is he mad about Serena when he had her first? Is Kanye running around beefing with Wiz over Amber Rose? FOH with that shit. Drake talks a lot of shit on his records that he needs to back up. He’s getting too cocky. Congrats on going platinum, but I’m not surprised given his fanbase. Common is still a legend and Drake has a long way to go to get that title.
awesome finally get some beef going
@toad I see where you are coming from saying they are in the same lane/genre… but I don’t look at it quite like that… Common is a veteran, and has much more depth to his music. The closest Drake has come to depth is Marvin’s Room. And while its a good song it isn’t nowhere near the level of I Used to Love H.E.R. etc.
co-sign Son Com should be the last person calling anyone sweet & for the record no one is questioning Common’s contribution to Hip Hop dude is a legend no doubt , this whole thing just reeks of desperation
Drake sings on damn near all his tracks. Name one Common song that is sweet as a Drake song? Get off dude’s nuts. Y’all defending him like he can’t be touched. Every time someone disses your favorite rapper it’s hate. Common doesn’t need Drake to sell records. I like how it’s desperation when dude’s a legend that’s still relevant in Hip-Hop. People would say the same thing if Nas or Jay-Z went at Drake too though. Smh
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Noah, I’m not dissing but maybe u got called a bitch for other reasons besides that Common CD.
Thats HipHop hit me for beats on twitter
Ice T vs Soulja Boy
Jay Z vs Lil Wayne
Canibus vs J Cole
now Common vs Drake
Old fucks… when your time is up just bow down with respect.. word to Nas for always chilling. No bullshit with kids.
@Real Life indeed
Kim diss Drake he respond back. Beanie Sigel diss Drake he didn’t respond. Drake diss Luke but Luke wants Lil Wayne to help the community since he live in miami. Common Diss Drake but his homeboy is respond back.
Common is just pissed because Drake got with serena… Keep it real com.. Nonetheless, he did just drop a dope album
Aka “Album in stores today”…sometimes I hate hip hop. It’s silly
But foreal tho Drake vs Common might actually be good, Drake is gonna have to respond it aint like shit else is happening in hip hop
No way did 40 try to insult common by saying he’s too rnb, while defending drake. Did that Nigga even listen to take care?
Common dissed drake two weeks before his album came out….This nigga is trying to stay relevant so badly smh.Why diss a nigga that’s not gonna respond? lol
Drake is smart,Beef is retarded.Get money,Sell records.
@Real Life maybe you young fucks need to respect the game and who paved the way for you. Too many people value success over real music. Jay-Z is still selling tons of records so why should he chill? Lil Wayne sucks ass now and Soulja Boy? That’s a joke right? Who made it a law that the old heads can’t go at the new school? That’s why y’all are soft. A bunch of ego driven fags that get all defensive when someone says something negative about you. Man up
Common = Hip Hop
Nuff Said!
@FukYoLife, you a pussy ass old nigga, and by the way Fuck your life.
who is drake? sounds like name of some faggot.
Say what ya’ll want but we all know Common would SMOKE Drake in a battle easy. This isnt a Rick Ross vs 50 Cent ‘rap beef’ (drama nonsense), this is competition which is a Hip Hip tradition going back to Busy Bee vs Mo Dee. You talk alot of slick shit all day in your raps now back that shit up
Resurrection > Drake’s career
@Real Life yep I expected the e-thug would show his true colors. FOH! I’m not old, I just respect good music. The Dreamer, The Believer is better than Take Care, but I know your so brainwashed by Drake’s nutsack you can’t see that. Drake sings on 75% of the album, but he’s not sweet? Maybe it’s because all his male fans are in the closet too. Lol
As I said earlier, Drake’s been talking a lot of shit lately about legends, what he’s done for hip-hop, and how tough he is. Now he needs to step up and defend what he says on his records instead of deleting tweets and having his producer come to his rescue. If you say it, own it. No need to back off because according to Drake and his fans he’s the Best Rapper Alive.
Common is hip-hop
Drake wants to be Common end of story
Drake is the pussiest rapper in the game right now she will.
Go back to Canada, go back to the rich neighborhood you grew up in. Quit talking ghetto. You didn’t grow up in the streets and know nothing about street life and go do another season for Degrassi.
Drake aint even hip hop… I dont know why dudes keep going after his soft singing ass
shebib is gonna get it too.
Wow, The game has changed so so much !! Vets been going at Rookies since Kool Moe Dee called out LL Cool J on “How You Like Me Now” !! You all know where that battle went: A straight Back and Forth epic battle. Uncle L said he was “The baddest rapper in the history of rap itself” and KMD caught feelings and used that to launch his 2nd coming into Hip Hop.
IDGAF! Common is funny…Drake drop a song…or STFU… Common is Hip Hop, Drake is the new verge of Hip Hop… I like’em both. Both are the LAST ones I’ll expect to beef with ANYBODY.
You talk shit and get cocky, back it up !! Your sales and fans don’t mean shit !! Go for yours and truly get that respect, especially if you want to be called a emcee !!
@fukyolife, exactly dude! Hip hop is a sport and young punks need to be bitch slapped. Drake making slow jams in the name of hip hop and shit needs to end. Get em Com, get em Luda! The feminizing of hip hop needs to stop
Drake stans / Fans are very very Emotional like him. Common don’t make that R&B singer cry.
That Hov Line In Light Up Remains True… But Hip Hop Needs Someone To Call Out Drake On His Silk-A-Thon
Just Not Style Wild Common
man drake got ethered by that sweet track
Drake aint even reply to him wtf haha i guess he think he fell off
LOL@ the comments.
Why can’t people accept that Drake’s a rapper and a singer. he aint that first to rap and sing and he wont be the last. People who say he aint hip hop because he raps and sings just sounds stupid and ignorant. Since Drake is basically at the top of the game right now, He’s the one to go at right now. Same situation with Cole and Canibus, lil kim and Nicki, luda and big sean. The veterans feel threatened. . That being said, “Sweet” was dope and Common is right about Hip hop being competitive. When you boast about being the best, your gunna have people who diss you. thats how it goes. Drake and his fans need to stop catching feelings.
Common = Hip Hop
Drake wants to be common
He already said he searching for that acting career
Common is in a good space and drake dreams 2 have that type of success in this business
I knew one day this board would turn into old heads young bucks lol but on the real the pot is definitely calling the kettle black.
Whatever happened to just battling? Why is it “hating”? Ain’t shit to hate about, you niggas acting like Common ain’t in movies, lol, trust, them checks is ALOT bigger than record sales, no matter if you Platinum or not.
Bottomline is, Comm feels some way about the nigga, so Drake need to battle him and leave it at that. When Cube & Mack 10 dissed Comm, he made a battle track AND performed that shit in Cali. That’s Hip hop, what’s the problem?
Sorry but this whole Common dissing Drake shit is weak. 1: He decides to admit to dissing drake the week his album comes out
Nuff respect to the comment above, since nobody is selling even “concious” rappers like common need to create some kind of hype to move units, as fas as his beef with drake that shit is so laaaame! common’ man u mad cause Serena gave up that thing to Drake faster than say Common’. These rappers need to do some g.o.o.d. music that’s it…As far as Pusha how many subliminal songs he has to do about Drake, he cannot base his career on a virtual beef.
“And the obvious shit if I talk about my rivalry they probably get rich, so fuck em’ I’m a let em’ sit”
‘And I’m tired of hearing about old niggas that had it, be the same ol’ nigga who ratted….WHO CARES”
i’m so sick of seeing people say this is about how old or young their favorite rapper is.
listen you dumb children, saying you’re young is not an excuse for being retarded. no one cares that you’re young. all being young means is that you suck at what you’re doing. i’m 25 and i’m better at doing my shit than 15 year olds and 20 year olds
you understand that? where you going, i already been. everything you do, i do better.
don’t play yourselves acting like your youth is some kind of benefit, it just means you’re young and stupid and need to improve.
Drake isn’t helping the fact that he is the target in “Sweet” by that video of him….if this “was” a publicity stunt like y’all say it is then why did Drake respond?…he should’ve just continued collecting his platinum plaques and planking on his millions….he know that shit that he does is soft might as well embrace it like Com said……
Common don’t want it with Drake.
I just hate Drake. I dont care if Bill O Reilly dissed him
FOREAL all for the hiphop battle. Im down with goin bar for bars toe to toe on wax. i think that shit would be dope…..but part of me would definitely snuff the fuck outta that nigga and blame it on the liquor haha punch that nigga Com right in his jaw. I dont mean no sucker punch i mean let him see me there and blickup!!!!
Then tell everyone you got knocked the fuck out!!!!!! OH WAIT……. they know they know they knoooooowwwww they know they know they knowww
All these mid 90″s barbiturate babies are blowing it for Rapradar. Yall little niggas couldn’t see the forrest fro the trees… yall to busy blinded by bullshit like mediatakout and wordstarhiphop. Grow up, travel, get pussy from bitches that read at least once a day, touch different currencies, etc.
PS Im only 22, so hit the delete button n start typing that weak ass rebuttal over!
For everybody that’s confused, and thinks Common is just dissing Drake out of nowhere, here’s the order of events:
1) Common releases “Sweet”
2) Common denies that it was about anybody in particular in a hundred interviews, and says instead that it was about a larger trend in hip hop.
3) 4 days ago, onstage at the Cali Christmas concert, Drake says, “I don’t give a fuck if you got something to say to me. Say it to my motherfucking face, nigga. Just because I sing don’t make me no bitch.”
4) Today, Drake tweets “Platinum- now that’s SWEET”, then deletes it.
5) When asked again about the target of “Sweet”, Common says that if Drake want’s the title, he can have it.
Common is a living legend
Comm is a living legend
Sad all of you young ppl don’t know hip hop smh! Drake has been coming at the vets, but not once has he used a name, so that’s pussy in itself. Don’t forget that Drakes rant was the cause of all this. He needs to just focus on making music and getting money, because he is not built for beef..on or off the streets.
Drake is radio, commercial, pop. He can spit, but bar for bar do I think he could hang with ole man Common, naw, not the least bit. Drake keep making money but stay away from real underground kings. This would be good for hip hop though. However, I’m bias because I’m tired of these singing rappers. That’s what singers are for, not emcees.
smh, you guys are obviously either too young to know, or just not from the mid west. Common’s a gangsta (really a gangsta. A Black P Stone to be exact). Just because Common decided to take a more positive approach with his music instead of street memoirs like every other artist at the time he came out doesn’t mean he’s soft. I can’t lie & say that this diss (He didn’t diss drake in specific. He said any one who the shoe fits. I wasn’t hearing any of this beef shit when Hov did DOA & drake spoke up.) wasn’t a publicity stunt though. Drake just took the bait. Drake should’ve just kept his mouth closed (If anything because rap beef is lame), now he could get destroyed on the Mic, or actually hurt, because we ALL know that drake ain’t built like that. “say it to my face”?!?! really?!?!?
real hip hop heads unite! drake ain’t hip hop he’s pop music.
@real life
sayin weezy a kid so as an old man(jigga) you better leave him alone? thats bullshit. people like common and jay-z want to get great hiphop on there ipod when they stop you know. they are some kind of teachers. they have to teach the whole YMCMB about hiphop beceause this label only makes pop songs(superbass, headlines, she will) drizzy&weezy are just not real MC’s. you cant compare them to legends. common omly does this to let drake respond and learn him about hiphop. and tbh common would murder drake.
its silly drake’s producer says commons albums where rnb. nigga only makes rnb/pop himself. common is one of the few still making raw hiphop
@reallife why would common leave drake alone. i mean common is a warrior and age doesnt count. drake his ego is to high and he no reason to behave like this. common instead is a wise old man who understands hiphop better than most of those fags out there. and saying jigga should leave weezy alone is bullshit. wayne made allready 7(?) albums so he is not that new… the jiggaman only wants to have the same raw hiphop when he stops
anyone that thinks common is doing this for publicity, you’re probably wrong.
common often reflects his views on the current state of hip-hop in his music…thats what he was doing here. he didnt call out drake by name, he called out anyone who sings their shit and raps. if no one cared about him or his album, no one would have made a big deal out of it.
These dudes werein the same building when drake went off…haha just thought id point that out.
Maaaaan all this “this is unnecessary, blah blah blah” STFU like Com said YOU IN THE RING fuck that this is HIP HOP that fool was at KOD right? Then go head step to the mic man I mean shiiiit you already showed it affects you so go head man prove yourself this is STILL HIP HOP like Sway said like at the end of the day how can you be called the “greatest” if you don’t destroy the competition why you think nobody wants it with Eminem
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That’s the nature of the beat Drizzy Drake if you talkin all this ” i aint a bitch ” isht then go head i’m sick of all this talk nowadays back your isht up on WAX
At ???, but Eminem is not the “greatest.”
I agree with Real Life somewhat, lol. Common needs to chill man. I had wayy more respect for him than Rap Beef. Now’s he’s just trying to get up like Ludacris, Pusha T, Los, Big Sean, Kanye, And the list goes on. Now Drizzy has more to rap about. Good job.
“Now Drizzy has more to rap about”…More like Sing about not rap.
fuck drake
Common is an old ass mutherfucker who needs to leave the game to new people with new sounds. just coz drake isnt like errbody else and puts real emotion into his music dont make him a pussy. common just wanted yo boost his sales coz he knows that no one will buy his old ass album. but in the process he’s forgetting that people calles him soft too.
No I didn’t start THAT debate but what i’m saying is that Em had to demonstrate what he was made of just like Nas when everybody thought it was a wrap after Takeover ect… It’s the core of Hip-Hop I mean no one would even ever know Common was talkin about Drake if Drake had NOT reacted the way he did and I have no problem with a dude ignoring and saying it aint his lane BUT the minute you go on stage sayin “I ain’t a bitch” and reponding with fuckin tweets then how about you do it the right way on wax. And I aint tryna hear that “oh he makin money aint got time for that” excuse because Drake does this stupid shit ALL THE TIME but NEVER takes it full steam so whatever man this is still Hip Hop
*rolls eyes* what are you a 12 year old girl? Common is reaaaallly doing this to “boost sales” GTFOH with that bullshit like Common really puts out records for the check please.
This is funny considering drake is the queen of RnB bitch rappers
[…] VIDEO: Common |
@Loo pay i hear you, but can you imagine Nas on radio saying i want to battle Drake, Big Sean or whoever… i mean it just doesn’t look right.. why? dude is known for slaughtering and have nothing to prove, but laugh. I expected the same from Common, to just laugh and keep it moving. Now Drake done think he a legend and will be writing they hating the best and targeting me the best of the best. This will put more light on Drake and make Drake bigger in the process.
I guarantee none of the drake supporters on this post are over the age of 16. Stop
Common is hip-hop! Common is this, Common is that. Says who? Same dude that shat on the West Coast for doing their thing with hip-hop. Why is he the judge, when he’s the most commercially sold out cat in the game? Going at Drake is like hitting a woman, that shit’s so weak. I didn’t even cop his album due to that shit man.
#TM103 all day. That’s why I mess with Jeezy man, he just keeps quiet and does his thing, even with Ross going at him. Fuck that beef shit, it’s played out.
@Thank Me Hater, Ofcourse, is that new? Hip hop is supported by a young audience(high school and college kids mainly). are you surprised? If you are 30+ and still buy hip hop albums cool, but your fellow age range brothers are probable a step ahead, worried about bigger problems than hip hop blogs… money to feed the family and shit. *No offense intended if you pushing 30!
@DJ Fuck You. Cosign to the max i want one of the pussy ass bitch rappers to get gatted down. too bad only the real niggas have died thus far its a damn shame, id trade biggie pac pun l for pussy ass drake any day. fuck drake and his soft ass take care album
So it’s clear Drake does not respect hip hop origin when he scared to battle and take it serious. smh
well said sway: beef is essential to hip-hop. it’s one of the driving forces but it has to be kept honest meaning, no security or other sort of petty altercations.
Com would kill Drake though; it is what it is.
Common dissing Drake. What a way to get your albums sales up. Stick to movies man
Drake vs Common would be dope, that would provide great music, good for hip-hop.
[…] a slew of established rappers and hip hop spokesmen, including Pusha T,