?uestlove Gives Jay Electronica LP Update
March 16, 2012 @ 2:42 PM EDT

Some would say, Jay Electronica’s album never coming out. And you know what, they’re probably right. But during ?uestlove’s interview on The Champs podcast, he said Jay-Z is in possession of Elect’s album and listens to it constantly. Only, well, the biggest problem is, that there isn’t any singles.
heads up: flylib
who is the idiot talking? doesnt know a god damn thing about hip hop obviously
Jay-Z don’t write his lyrics down, he dictates them to a secretary apparently
Detox is coming out before that album…trust
jeeezus I love the Roots n ?uestlove but jeeeeezus why does he have a podcast or whatever…this muthafucka can not speak in full sentences “yeah im like…..cause Ima fan……no he’s not…….uhmmm no actually uhmm…..but he’s on roc nation….yeah he’s a quote….you were across the street”
WHAT THE FUCK????? that shit hurt to listen to!!!!
so jay needs to write down lyrics to remember them
AND ?uestlove should write down what he’s gonna say cause that muthafucka cannot talk a full sentence. he’s all over the place….difficult to listen to, to say the least…NO WONDER WHY HE”S THE DRUMMER ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahha
I’ve got nothing but respect for Jay Electronica, but I figured that he would have trouble with finding a single.
http://tiny.cc/chslep New Ep Update!
The white guy had no idea about anything.
Plan B LOL..does Jay have to look at his lyrics…what do you mean ? Jay- Z doesn’t even write his lyrics down he does it all in his head.
He though Jay.E was signed to Def Jam ? Jay.E signing to Roc Nation was an event itself how do you not know..
Jay is gonna ruin Electronica like he Did Cole… Cole was good before that wack LP that now I see he was forced to write. Electronica why didn’t you and all good artist just go independent???
If Shawn Carter is such a marketing genius, he should be able to market whatever song he wants. I suppose he can only market what fits in with what every other major recording company in the marketplace is currently marketing, so I suppose all the accolades for his marketing prowess go out the window, no?
Get Jay Elec touring and build a record from the ground up like “Exhibit C”. You know, the tried and true way records got promoted. SMH.
Art Vs Business…
man fuck a single jay elect to fuckin real n dats y it aint no single
european hov.
[…] to RapRadar.com, the album may never […]
[…] Jay, Sean Carter, has the record,” ?uestlove explained in his interview which was posted on RapRadar “Listens to it constantly. Say it’s his favorite record of 2012. He says it has no singles on […]
[…] Of Nobility” has been pushed back with no official release date in sight. A few months back,?uestlove confirmed that the album was finished but lacking a single.Today a Instagram pic of the album’s track […]