New Video: Saigon “Our Babies 2 (Crazy World)”
January 29, 2013 @ 4:43 PM EST

Hey America. Saigon uses his freedom of speech and weighs in on the world’s problems in this new provocative clip from his GSNT 2: Bread and Circuses. Direction by Peter Dmitriyev.
I def need more of this!
Excellent video
Good song, production, concept
Keep your head up Sai
The world will get it one of these days
@p0is0nedkoola on twitter
Lester Bangs of hip hop
YN brings hip hop back to the site
dis tune tough
the realest shit y’all have posted all month
MOGUL $$$ GAME ’13!!!
Wow I’m surprised YN would post a video like this. I got a new found respect for him.
To me you just a fake. Sorry saigiddy you trying to hard, plus you say mad stupid things. Some good points but some maaaad stupid things.
This song is wack
For example? Sorry I disagree I think the song and video and message are all dope. Unfortunately I think Sai has to alter his approach to target the audience cuz the ppl that need to hear it won’t listen or watch this.
For example starting of with some
Homophobic rhymes… Right there I can’t respect a word from this guy. And he keeps repeating that as well in all his ” deep” rapsongs. He’s ignorant, a fake preacher. The next song he ll be on he ll be talking bout shooting people in the face.
Plus this song ain’t all that. Ofourse it touches
some good subjects. And he Got that other guy singing, just straight horrible. lol
@marko v
[…] Follow this link: New Video: Saigon
For the two fags talking about how they don’t respect Saigon…. yada yada yada. Stfu you fucking nobodies. He’s a musician, fuck your respect… listen to the records or not.
It”s annoying to listen to a dope record then browse the comments for funny remarks….. only to see comments from fags like Naaason and Marko V. I’m pretty sure Saigon, nor no else cares about your respect for Saigon…. Why are you listening to his music then? Why are you even commenting then? You are not hurting his brand….. no way you chumps are stopping his cheques.
Is it me or does Saigon look like Jus Blaze/The Dream rapping?? Look close lol
A girl who thinks she is a boy or a boy who thinks he is a girl has a mental problem. If you disagree with that then I can’t help you.
You don’t just act on your instincts. That is supposed to be what separates us from the animals. Now it’s debatable as to which of your instincts you follow and which ones you suppress. That will always be up for debate.
Good song Sai…could have had more to say, a lot of it was dramatic music, which is fine, for cinema, but the song could pack a tighter punch. When you go the route of integrity you have to make it 10X as dope. That’s why people stay away from it. It’s easy to titillate people with money, bitches of violence..but to open up their spirit and to lift them higher. That’s not an easy road.