Trinidad James On Jimmy Fallon
February 15, 2013 @ 8:42 AM EST

Trinidad James hit Jimmy Fallon’s gig last night for his first late night television performance. As expected, he performed his popular single “All Gold Everything”
people actually like this?
Please make it stop!!!
Horrible all the way around… damn rr, def jam must be payin the bills nicely
Naah man, I love dat dude! N*gga is just himself. No frontin. We need that in the game.
Kevin Willis is probably saying “who the fuck is this guy?”
Bruce Willis*
Why is this retard famous? i don’t understand his “hit” is dog shit….. who likes/supports him, seriously?
This fukin cant stand this clown… I swear rap is dying a sloooow death with goofs like this
It’s not that serious guys. It’s just like Soulja Boy, Superman that Hoe, it happens. That can be good for everyone involved, and no one needs to get hurt. What’s wrong with that? There’s still space for lyricism, and great production.
i cant take it nomore i cant!!! bad hiphop!!! -shoots myself in the head-
I think it’s worse because this is a shitty/boring song to perform. The crazy thing about hip hop is that people say a song can just be for fun, yada yada, but if you look at other genres outside of pop, fans don’t make excuses for shit music as much. Take the beat by itself and ‘All Gold Everything’ is wack. Take the lyrics by themselves and it’s wack. Take the hook by itself and it’s wack. No skill involved. Why should it get a pass? Because there’s room for everything? I’ve seen people on here getting pissed at “rappity rap” more than mono-syllabic, retard rap. It’s like wanting a GED over a college degree.
*Rant over*
I like TJ, but damn this was a terrible performance. Couldn’t even watch the whole thing.