New Video: Tyga “Don’t Hate The Playa”
September 13, 2013 @ 1:42 PM EDT

Fresh off the runway from Hotel California, T-Raw crashes the “Bad Bitch Of The Year Awards” in the album’s latest video. Don’t hate the playa, hate that you weren’t at this show.
the fuck is this bullshit poor high school kids they probably think this is the best music in the world hopefully when they grow up they’ll realize what kind of trash they were listening to in their younger days.
You like this Big Homie?
just as Diana answered I didnt even know that you can profit 6670 dollar in a few weeks on the internet. use this link
lmao this is so bad
nigga talking bout “dont hate a playa cuz ur bitch chose me” lmao nigga plz u wifed a well-known stripper smh
yall already know its over…sad as fuck