Dame Dash Attends Jay Z Concert
December 10, 2013 @ 12:05 PM EST

“@ava_dash and I had a ball yesterday…haven’t seen this dude perform in years”
Ever since reconciling earlier this year, Jay Z and Dame Dash are making progress . Last night, Dame and his daughter Ava, attended Hov’s concert at the Staples Center. he didn’t bring him out on stage for one last money dance. That would’ve made for a great hip-hop moment.
He gotta bring Dame out one time and do ‘I Just Wanna Love You’. One time for the people!
yeah and big pimpin so he can bust that shoulder dance lol
hehehe just LMFAAOO…
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if rockafella and state prop get back together rap on a whole will be crazy…free beanie..
I was thinking the same thing.. never gonna happen on a major scale.. all we’ll continue to get is the lowkey ROC reunion shows with Bleek, Freeway & the Young Gunz…
Can’t believe someone attempted this… wow. http://youtu.be/lSFxreEka7U
It would be epic to see Jay & Dame reconcile from a business standpoint and fuck the game up one more time… but what’s done is done… & all good things must come to an end, right? =/
i think you might be right but let’s hope for a big reunion tour cause that would be big.
Jay ain’t gotta bring Dame on stage to show y’all niggas he cool with Dame. Obviously if they smilin’ and takin a picture they’re gravy man damn. Ease off the reunion tip please! Dame ain’t got no 16 on Jay album NOR did he produce, mix or engineer shit so why THE hell would be on a MCHG stage??
He don’t have too, but it would be awesome to the ROC and hiphop fans. It would be no different than Jay bringing Nas on stage. You forgot Dame was his hypeman b4 Bleek. ROC showed us a comradarie like no other label and I appreciate seeing Dame and the rest of the crew on stage with Jay back in the day. I understand things aint the same but I would like to see the awards show honor Roc-a-Fella like they have done Bad Boy, CM, No Limit, Death Row, Rap-A-Lot and even Murder Inc. It won’t happen until they see those guys come together. ROC-4-LIFE
They need to just realize they friends and not business partners and everything be great they good for hip hop either put heads together on business and not money or just play madden and chiill
thats a good look.
Look at Jays chain, then look at Dames.. I think that pretty much sums everything up..
That shit is hilarious now that you mentioned it.
LMAO!!! Just spit my soda all over the computer screen in front of my boss ROTFLMPTAO!
Good to see these cats together.
Its good to see Jay & Dame together man… its warms a real n**ga heart lol
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You think she smashed the home lol yea next show watch him bring out Dame next show it would be mainey
forget about the business it just good to see them as friends again that was the saddest part of roc break them 2 not being friend like jay is dame son godfather
That’s whats up… ”The Roc Is In The Building”
Remember Roc-A-Fella Records? : http://www.theincrediblecreation.com/2013/12/remember-roc-fella-records.html
Dame look like a bum who just received some change… make u kinda feel badd 4 the nigga
ROC A FELLA FOREVER….Where are the diamonds?????