Meek Mill Released From Prison
December 2, 2014 @ 11:20 AM EST

Free At Last.
Meek Mill was freed from Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility today after serving five months on a probation violation. In a series of tweets, Fox News reporter Steve Keely broke down the stipulations surrounding his release.
Philly musician Meek Mill getting early Christmas gift today from judge..released more than a month early. Meek’s early release conditions no travel no tour gigs until community service&anger mgmt counceling complete. Meek aka Robert Williams would’ve spent Christmas locked up,his 6mon.max sentence ran til Jan.11th he completed 3 jail programs. After com. service&more treatment programs done,Judge will let Meek can tour again.Now at least he’ll be home for the holidays.
Great I been there jail ain’t no fun
He ready
I wonder what the stipulations regarding the anger management and community service will be? Hours, etc.
– What was he locked up for anyway?
probation violation…didn’t report to his PO on traveling arrangements and dissing them on twitter.
You saved the best and probably the most true reason for his incarceration for last. The system is funny. You can speak but don’t speak loud enough where people can hear you.
was that a meek mill scream joke?
he also failed a drug test
Goes from having a C.O. as his boss, to having a C.O. as his boss, then back to having a C.O. as his boss. Meek can’t win.
Lmao how you broke that down tho.
good one!! But your still a fag of epic proportions gunplay got plenty of chain’s give up the gimmick homo
“gunplay got plenty of chains” Plenty of fake chains yup.
Maybe but he still has more real chain’s than you though thats really all that matters
he aint eatin!
Oh ok did he tell you that or is that apart of that book you about to write.
Chill it’s not that serious
You dickriding a junkie lol
Nah just keeping it real he is basically better at life than you despite his downfalls & shortcomings he still making a good living for his self & his family while you fag it out on comment sections.
Saying Gunplay is ‘better at life’ than someone when you know almost nothing about either of them is more lunacy and indicates obsession… from what I’ve seen Gunplay is a an addict of low repute who has been publicly humiliated and is the low man on the totem pole at MMG, not even respected by his peers, let alone a successful musician… then you accuse someone of ‘fagging it out’ on the comments section while you are commenting to tell someone that a grown man who endorses prostitution is ‘better at life’ than another man, yet you don’t know either of them! If that isn’t ‘fagging it out in the comment section’ IDK what is…
Man get the fuck out of here with that malcolm x bokem jabar ass shit I hate smart dumb niggas. And yes he is better at life than you & all these fags on here I can give a dam what he does in his personal life. Dude has his own record label & artists, has a lot of dope music circulating through the internet. Has done music with some of the best in the game & does shows everyday. Dude hustled real hard to put his self in the position he is now & he still hustlin. Just keep fagging it out hater.
calls people fags…then vehemently defends a man they have never met…DICKRIDER ALERT!!!
I respect any man getting money & trying to better his life & stay out of prison. Only fags don’t salute shit Like that & continue to shit on a man for his imperfections.
I agree that the fact that he is providing for his family, staying out of jail, and is successful is worthy of respect, but there are definetaly things about him that aren’t worthy of such respect
wait a minute.. how gunplay have his own record label and artists before he sold 1 fucking record or even got a release date for his first album after carrying rickys weed for 15 years???
I think what homeboy meant is Gun Play gets more money than you lol
Stfu bama tryna sound intellectual and shit sit yo bama ass down
Fag it out? Bwahaha!
Da ether lmao
lol true
Yeah, put that in quotations and put my name next to it bruh lol
Hating ass nigga
inmates happy as fuck he gone waking them up in the morning yelling n shit
The crimes he’s committed are still within the statute of limitations to still be prosecuted for, for the trash ass music this dude puts out.
His release damn sure doesn’t deserve a head posting. His release is not going to restore shit in the game, but flood it with more nonsense bullshit rap.
good for him. he still sack tho
I kinda missed his constant screaming…actually. No.
“After com. service&more treatment programs done,Judge will let Meek can tour again.” WTF! STUPIDITY REIGNS.
The streets been waiting!!
The game hasn’t been missing him.. more yelling, shooting, and drugs.
eh, means nothing to me cuz niggaz dont change
Meek Mill’s voice should be your alarm clock.
Wingstop Records aka MMG. Hood Billionaire FLOP !
No animal ambition was a flop, beauty of Independence is a flop! Lol
Another Django Unchained from jail.
Fuck meek mills, free a real nigga #FREEMAXB
What makes him a “real nigga”??? I’m seriously curious.
curiosity kills
Please don’t shoot me via the internet…I’m terrified of white fur…
comment made my day sir lolololol
William L. Roberts still has connects…In the Judicial System
Niggas hate Meek because his IG life is more exciting than there lives.
“When I talk about money all you see is the struggle, when I tell you I’m living large you tell me it’s trouble”
Lol at this “logic”
its gonna be a real exciting and cold winter in philly since hes not allowed to travel LOL
meek’s real name is robert williams and ross’ real name is william roberts. the irony…
Irony: nounthe expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
the definition you just gave has no application to the names of the two people. Are they the opposite? yes. Is it ironic? no. It is coincidental that the two hottest rappers on MMG just so happen to have the same names just backwards.
To me it’s ironic, because they have opposite names and one is a former c.o. and the other is a newly released inmate…
The fact that mill has a criminal record yet he works for a former C.O. is ironic. The fact that Ross raps about being a criminal yet was a former C.O. is ironic. If thats what you are trying to say than, yes you are correct.
“If thats what you are trying to say ‘than’, yes you are correct.”
If you meant “then” instead of “than” then you’re right about me being correct…
You don’t use ‘than’ in the context you used it in. The correct word would’ve been ‘then’. Understand or no?
he clearly used then, not than…
let it go hoe
Nigga gave you the exact definition of ironic & you still missed it smh
It’s also ironic that a dude named clevermayne is actually a mental slow poke… He’s not dumb at all, but not that clever…
at least he’s not some fufuboy with a name like kind of name is that? and don’t be mad because he’s more clever than yo clown ass goofy ass word misusing ass
boy bye
don’t be a simpleton who confuses someone who knows a definition with someone who knows its application
If he’s not work towards empowering young and old Black Boys to become Black Men then his movement is useless. Hopefully he woke up during his detention. Enough of the “niggas and bitches” speech when do we evolve from that. Bring back the essence of Hip-Hop not the music that’s being played on the radio. We all know real Hip-Hop is not on the radio. Who is going to stand up for the culture and represent us in its truest form? I still waiting. S/O to @kendricklamar he can’t do it by himself. You mainstream little boys Man the fuck up!
Cole and Big K.r.i.t. don’t forget.
tell them fool’s daddies to empower them not some rapper
That’s wassup!!! No one has stated what the probation violations were specifically that warranted the extended time in CFCF? Because a music video with guns and rants on twitter cannot be enough to take away someones freedom? This all seems very personal.
“Most Definitly!” ” shout out to all da pears”
Don’t even bother formatting the tweets or anything, just put them in a giant-ass paragraph
If he come back still talking about “Rollie on my wrist” I’m done and convinced these artists are brainwashed…
Finally my nigga out
I was just gettin’ used to not hearing this annoying dude, fuck!
Does him and Rozay have the same gov name?
One is William Roberts, and the other one is Robert Williams, something like that.
Bout time. Now let’s get back to work.
sad news for hip hop.
Glad to see Meek Mill out!!!
i hope he gets arrested tomorrow,so i wont have to hear another song from him.God,he sucks
Black people clap for people who come out of prison, we have a “no snitching” rule that was only supposed to apply to criminals but somehow applies to everyone black. But when a white cop does something to us then we want the whole community to “snitch” on him and put him in prison. We clown scholars praise drug dealers and felons which I fully understand why we will NEVER be respected as a race. No one ever wants to say “Keep him” when your mans and them do fucked up shit but “Free him” to validate his crimes. Makes perfect sense……
Somebody come get they uncle tom. He’s acting a fool again!
your an idiot who can’t differentiate between impoverished, criminal african americans, praising other criminals who are trying to overcome the current circumstances (which are very racially charged) surrounding them, and the rest of the african americans who want to end these cricumstances.
why is he still wearing his prison clothes? LMFAO, look how dirty his kicks are
They aren’t dirty. Clean your eyes and you’ll realize it’s the actual color. The MMG hate has affected your sight.
good eye. crazy how some niggas pay extra to look like bums, like those dudes with the pre ripped jeans LOL
Hip-Hop Welcomes Meek Mill Home From Jail!!!
MMG about to take over 2015
Whoop dee damn doo
The system tryna set meek up for failure… Florida court system did me the same way.
Shady XV 148,000 (138,000 album sales)
Hood Billionaire 79,000 (74,000 album sales)
Beyonce: More Only (EP) 71,000 (43,000 album sales).
William L. Roberts is done.
The entertainment lives in the comments… lol
This was a direct result of meek, who has a social influence in Philadelphia speaking out against the district attorney’s office via certain songs. Which in turn placed a spot light on him so the moment he didn’t follow the mandated rules of parole or probation they locked him up. It will be interesting to see how he expresses himself in regard to the judicial system in Philly in further songs…
My sister has done harder time than Meek Mill. She’s still locked up for 7 months. We don’t pop bottles for white collar crimes over here MMG.
Not trying to bash…But who the hell wrote this…Smh. If the second paragraph was a quote, it would have been better to paraphrase.
That’s RapRadar journalism at its finest*shrugs*