New Video: Tinashe x Chris Brown “Player”

Bring It.

Tinashe takes part in a virtual reality dance off with her competitors and saves the best for last as she eventually goes toe-to-toe with Breezy. Her Joyride is coming soon.

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  1. Currystew says:

    Kudos to CB for banging all these lil pop R&B chicks and keeping his mouth shut about it! Real nigga what up!

    1. diggz says:

      they know there’s serious repercussions if not

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    When Iggy Izzalea first came out, I never seen a picture of her until she blew up and I was completely blown away that she wasn’t black. After hearing some of this girls music and not seeing a picture of her until an old video, again, I’m completely blown away. I thought she would look more street.

    1. Martha Lombard says:

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    2. Guest says:

      *crickets* Notice how NOBODY cares about this weird observation? Better luck next time Harvey Levin! Lmfao what a donkey #ChapoDeezNuts #CommentWhoreOfTheDecade

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Nigga Fuck you.

  3. Eric Davis says:

    Absolutely fire!

  4. diggz says:

    skipped to CBs part … dope!

  5. Gregory says:

    If CB Hit That, I Will Chop His Nuts Off

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