Details of Chris and Rihanna Duet
March 10, 2009 @ 2:49 PM EDT

“The whole thing came together when they decided to reconcile shortly after the attack. Sources tell us music producer Polow Da Don convinced both Chris and Rihanna to get in the studio and record a love song stat, stressing that timing was important because the heightened emotions would translate powerfully into the music.
Both Rihanna and Chris agreed and snuck in a couple of “late night” sessions that we’re told were “very, very emotional … the feeling in the room was pure love.”
The whole thing gets more sickening every day. Your man’s an opportunist.
Props: TMZ.
Missed TMZ’s early report on the story behind the text. Thank God for that Asian. Ha!
Happy Born Day Minya Oh!
Pathetic how this history it’s turning out, first he was hiding then he was jet skiing now he is the studio with you know who, at the end of the day this is only good for TMZ and wack ass magazines to follow into this mess. Chris Clown just let Ne-yo, T-pain and the Dream do their job, go play outside.
Are they serious!!!! what the fuck a duet gonna be about, “let me beat , beat , beat , beat…your ass!” then she is gonna be like “dont beat me up in the car and drive”
sampling biggie “all you heard was poppa dont hit me no more”…
now this is different.
Cmon on you are funny as SHIT! LMMAO
Hahaha that sampling biggie that is some funny shit,but I agree a duet, if I was them I would do the Jay and beyounce thing and keep the relationship a secret, It is pathetic to see them together and now to listen to a duet. Rhianna is just WEAK, she fucked jay z and he stayed with Beyounce and she sang REHAB, now she is still with Chris, I agree she will be singing your song cmon on.
These two are a joke, fucking spoiled kids. I hope they’re career goes to hell after this nonsense. Fuck them both.