50 Got The Lil Hooker On Tape

Brooke sex tape RapRadar.com

Apparently as the lastest Pimpin’ Curly video forewarned, 50 didn’t take too kindly to Ross’ greasy talk on the Funk Flex show. So what does the walking powder keg gon’ ahead and do

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  1. CLAIMING says:

    all i have to say is, Ha!

  2. MONTREAL says:

    well Ricky asked for this. 50 got too much money and spare time lmao. just dont kill eachother please.

  3. jwgi24 says:

    Im a FLA nigga, but i’m rolling wit fif on this one. Ross fake as ever

  4. madproducer2009 says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……this nigga 50 is wild as fuck. Rick Ross you lost this one. I dont give a fuck about Ross and his music really nor 50 cent, but I would listen 50 over Ross and yes Im a Memphis nigga. Fuck Officer Rickey.

  5. Pikahsso says:

    Get that tape please let me know this is gone be funny as hell 50 wild

  6. […] got hit with a lawsuit yesterday morning in Manhattan court for that sex tape of Ross’ baby moms awhile back. Lastonia Leviston claims the tape, which Fif was narrating […]

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