Actual Facts?: 50’s Favorite Word

This video actually sucks after the 1:11 mark.

Props: I actually wanna thank Illseed. I actually had nothin’ to do with this.

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  1. Kurt Gobang da2nd says:

    ok, 1st, who took the time to actually piece all of those snippets together?

    and yes, this video actually does suck after 1:11…

  2. TopBananas says:

    you should just say cut the video off after 1:11.

  3. Rob the Music Ed says:

    “aggressive content” is his second fav. phraseand “Conditioned” he says conditioned ALOT

  4. SimOn says:

    This is as everbody can see actually cut together, so yeah maybe he uses the word more than others, but it isn´t that bad and he is of course not well educated like a school kid. Don´t you know habits? I know dudes who say faggot all the time or they always add “you know”.

    Soo come on this is hatershit.

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