Props: I actually wanna thank Illseed. I actually had nothin’ to do with this.
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Kurt Gobang da2nd says:
ok, 1st, who took the time to actually piece all of those snippets together?
and yes, this video actually does suck after 1:11…
TopBananas says:
you should just say cut the video off after 1:11.
Rob the Music Ed says:
“aggressive content” is his second fav. phraseand “Conditioned” he says conditioned ALOT
SimOn says:
This is as everbody can see actually cut together, so yeah maybe he uses the word more than others, but it isn´t that bad and he is of course not well educated like a school kid. Don´t you know habits? I know dudes who say faggot all the time or they always add “you know”.
ok, 1st, who took the time to actually piece all of those snippets together?
and yes, this video actually does suck after 1:11…
you should just say cut the video off after 1:11.
“aggressive content” is his second fav. phraseand “Conditioned” he says conditioned ALOT
This is as everbody can see actually cut together, so yeah maybe he uses the word more than others, but it isn´t that bad and he is of course not well educated like a school kid. Don´t you know habits? I know dudes who say faggot all the time or they always add “you know”.
Soo come on this is hatershit.