Official MTV: Eminem Speaks on “We Made You”
April 3, 2009 @ 11:28 PM EDT

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Live from the mothership, Em explains to 1515 Broadway the concept behind “We Made You”.
“There’s some celebrity bashing in it. I wanna say it’s not necessarily
intentional bashing in it, it’s not necessarily taking deliberate shots
at people… Yes, it is. What the fuck am I talking about?”
Welcome back, Marshall.
Em gonna shut the sh!t down . .
and why he look mad young still !?
I can’t wait for Em he was my first white boy crush
ooooooooooh man white boy comin to save hiphop, behind every successful black business theres a white man and hes it, cant wait son its gonna be a hot summer, summer jamz start saving the big bucks and book this guy!
marshall i f*ckin love u!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE MADE YOU! drop it
.. god damn Em looks like the hottest sexiest guy ever!
no joke!
He said the record has a feel from that time period when he shot Without Me. If its anything like Without Me my boy is back.