Cam’ron Interview (Angie Martinez Show)


Cam’ron is on Angie Martinez show right now.
Part 1: Plays Jason Bourne. The analogies are crazy. Hillarious.

Part 2: Cam comes clean. Jomo lyin’ about the phone call was final straw.

Part 3: Cam reminsces on past and plugs his future. No homo.

Part 4: Brief outro with a few nice jabs at Ma$e.

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  1. blizz says:

    angie confused as shit lmaooooo

    “its like turtlenecks and corduroys”

    “……………………what are you talkin about cam”

    “i dont know what are you talkin about?”

    “your nails is hot Ang…….the gold joints”

  2. DoubleNoHomo in the Bx Pause says:

    was mad long, no homo.

  3. Kelvin says:

    Almost a disasterous Interview. I’m glad Angie cleaned Cam up in between segments.

  4. young-do says:

    cam is crazy

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