Update: Charles Hamilton Is Not Wale’s Nigga
April 13, 2009 @ 4:02 PM EDT

At a recent gig in Atlanta, Whale Wale gives a roll call of his “niggas” in the biz. When he mentions Dukie’s name at the 1:20 mark, he says the following:
“Charles Hamilton. That’s not my nigga. Any real nigga, don’t run behind your back and say some bullshit. Especially if he know you gon check him not check him on a record. It’s ok, we all young rappers growing up.”
In case you forgot, these guys tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes on April’s Fools Day. But, I’m not buying it.
Update: Dukie responds:
“I’m not his n1gga. And? He didn’t diss me… besides, I think this is
the show he was telling me about… or was it the show where in a
freestyle he said “F*ck Charles Hamilton”? I don’t know/care. if its an
issue, I’m sure as vocal as Wale is, we’ll hear about it. I mean, other
rappers did entire interviews thoroughly explaining their issue with
me. Then again, they got ignored, too. Damn. When I go fishing for a
shark, I end up with tadpoles at the end of my fishing rod. Shucks…
oh well… Until the next time I speak to Wale, this gets filed under
~~Charles Hamilton~~
The fuck?
Props: H.E.R.
I wonder if the Eagles are his niggas…he shoulda shouted out Glenn Frey, at least…
All I was paying attention to was the fact that I was waiting for the band to kick into this…