May 19: A Great Day In Hip-Hop?

Now that we’ve gotten this Ross vs Roth release thing out the way, it’s time to gear up for what could quite possibly be the Greatest Day in Rap History. What you ain’t notice? How everything in the future revolves around the date May 19? If all goes according to plan you’ll have the much heralded return of Eminem. Plus, a post Aftermath Busta Rhymes product. Fat Joe trudges on. DJ Drama shouts out for recognition. And Meth and Red get their rap vet reunion on. We can’t get an official tracklist from anyone, but it looks like most or all of these will actually come out.
You talk about Super Tuesday. 2009 got your fuckin’ Super Tuesday. Plus, T.I. may turn himself in that day. Now that would be something. Are you startin’ to get excited yet? I know I am. Plus, for you pro-Black historians it’s also Malcolm X’s born day. I am YN and RR approves this message: Save your pennies!
Sidebar: No this piece of shit don’t count.
I mean I’m not copping the new album but dude deserves his propers.
that’s cold on GURU.
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wtf did Guru do to deserve that? i aint a huge fan @ all but no need to disrespect
lmao!!! damn yn!! tell us how you REALLY feel!!
…not!…you must be scared of the power of this music.because you are trying to railroad it.but it will be good for you if you give it a listen with an open mind-peace