Asher Roth Album Undershipped?
April 21, 2009 @ 5:39 PM EDT

All this talk of Ross vs Roth sales showdown on par with Kanye and 50 is fun and all, but it apparently isn’t grounded in reality. Word on the curb is Universal fucked up and only shipped around 100K of Asleep in Bread Aisle despite the incredible press presence. Meanwhile, Ross’ Deeper Than Rap has well over a half million copies in the few retail stores that do exist. So barring an iTunes sales miracle, it’s doubtful Ricky won’t have another #1 album on the shelf.
Let’s go Internets!
Lol thats fucked up, Rick Ross album is so wack Asher Roth´s Album is much better why the hell did they shipped so much crap out? FUCKED UPP , the HIPHOP POLICE striked again!
smh officerricky strikes again.
bullshit. roth had too much promotion to be undershipped. he had more promotion than keri hilson. they aint undershipping him with all these college white people. thats nuts
They shipped 500k Rick Ross albums for retail stores? or Def Jam bought 500k albums for nielsen soundscan to compete with Lil Waynes 1millie first week history mark? LOL
well Scooter.. is manager said this on his twitter so its hardly a rumor
“College white people” don’t buy albums. College kids don’t have the money for CDs and have been the cornerstone of file sharing since about 1999. Asher will do well touring college campuses for the next ten years, but that was probably a smart move to only ship 100K knowing damn well that his fan base won’t BUY the album.
i noticed best buy in LA only had 3 copies tuked in a corner
Asher Roth will not sell! You had a good run but give it up! College kids are not gonna spend their alcohol and drug money on a overrated underpromoted Em wannabe.
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Fuck yea its under shipped I couldnt even get it at Best buy. WTF?
I don’t know what to think about dude. He’s alright, but he just sort of “appeared” out of nowhere. Either way, it’s shitty that only 100k got shipped, but if he sells them all and only has to recoup costs of 100k cds, then he’ll be doing good.
But if, for example, 500k were supposed to be shipped (and they end up shipping them), and he only moves 300k, then he’s in the hole and owes the label money. Think about it.