Live Blog: Rick Ross BET Special Tonight 7:30 EST

Somebody find Yardie. Remember that much ballyhooed BET Special where Willie The Liar promised he’d explain in more detail how being a CO got him closer to Pablo Escobar? Well, it airs in about two hours.
Hard to get the inside word on what we’re supposed to see, but rumors are runnin’ rampant (I see you Wild Chery. Ha!) that it’s nothing special. Still expect to see my peoples, XXL EIC, Datwon Thomas and radio queenpens, Miss Info and Angela Yee tossin’ in their three cents. I for one, will be watching like Rockwell. Go to hell, haters.
Maybe I’ll live blog it. Can’t wait to watch Ross’ white lady supervisor share her thoughts. “William was so nice. He used to love pecan pie on his snack breaks.” Ha!
Big Tigger said the Double R. Ha!
Ross playin’ pool. What jacket is that.
Toure > Big Tigger (No shots) Ha!
Chuck Creekmur and Datwon biggin’ up Hustlin
Info in the house
Ang Yee says Ross crew is thoro
Info on Trilla
CO Time
Dey thought it was photoshop at first
Info shocked by Mafia Music.
Timeline again of 50 beef. Exhausting.
Tigger time.
He’s got cue cards
“That was me in the photos.” Again.
Ross ran with a team politely asked to take a position.
Can’t say why. Didn’t understand at first.
Called Trick Daddy he claimed to see if he leaked photos.
Maybach would love to sign Trick?
“What really is a hustle?”
An OG made him be a CO.
Thanks for the third eye.
2 or 3 sides to every G.
Commercial Break
50 Time
Denies BET snub at first.
Blurry show footage
50 was in fear
50 suit looked cheap
Curly she’s been takin shots at the team. Spilled over into my plate.
Entertainment vs real beef. Ross can’t seperate.
Sound quality crappy.
Ross talkin 48 laws of power. Oh the irony.
Kids never see 50.
Hip-hop cops. Funny laugh.
Young Buck call reference to entertain the bloggers
48 hours so Lord Tariq or Nas could write 50’s rhymes?
Still claims Tia gave him heads up
Actress for a day again. Ginger from Casino.
“I’m concrete.”
Commercial Break
He’s not making wise decisions.
Makes fun of “Get Up”
Mo 50 jeez
Brooke tape
I don’t know Brooke he says.
I can’t answer if that’s her in video
Tigger shows photo
I don’t know a Brooke
ThisIsCurly website can’t confirm
Picture game
You can ask Ross 5 times
You can’t entertain a street millionaire?
He can do anything except encounter me
That’s when bloggin stops
Pay me to write his raps and give me 5 Dre beats and he’ll squash it.
Awkward segue to Deeper Than Rap talk
Poorly produced show.
Sings Legend hook
Ross hypes Dre again
Is it all marketing?
I don’t need the extra hype.
I do plan on capitalizing with anything that’s extra.
The End
So wack.
“William was so nice. He used to love pecan pie on his snack breaks.” lol
Maybe I’ll live blog it. Can’t wait to watch Ross’ white lady supervisor share her thoughts. “William was so nice. He used to love pecan pie on his snack breaks.” Ha!> You niggas have a pretty low threshold for comedy, shit wasnt even kinda funny just the same lame joke that niggas wouldnt even think of saying if that nigga was in the same area code as you. Youre still a journalist right?
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Why isnt tigger laughing himself to death???????
“shit wasnt even kinda funny just the same lame joke that niggas wouldnt even think of saying if that nigga was in the same area code as you.”
Ha! Don’t take it personal DN, uh..who are you again?????
oh thats right.. your nobody
so get over it
officer ricky aka pecan pie lover can’t afford 5 dre records… what, he expect the good doc to give it to him for free? 160k records mean not much more than ~$7000 something to his pocket, he’ll probably need that money for some more anti-50 shit anyway. dre beats were $250k in early 2000’s. CO wont even get to touch one bass drum in his lifetime. it’s gonna end soon along with his career
ayo YN
enjoy until viacom takes it down
Deeper Than Rap: The Rick Ross Story
Ross doesn’t know if he has a baby with Brooke? You can say fuck 50 and I’ll respect that but If you fuck with this fraudulent ass nigga your as much a clown as he is. This shit is so comical. I will most definitely not be buying this lame’s album