RR Exclusive: Nipsey Hussle’s Demo Tape
April 27, 2009 @ 11:23 PM EDT

Here’s an oldie but goodie. Click the link and take a listen to Neighborhood Nip Hussle’s two year old demo tape. From what I understand, this is the music that got him signed to Epic. Don’t forget to clear up some space for Bullets Aint Got No Name Vol. 3 dropping sometime next month.
“T.I. king of the South, but I’m from South Central/ And I’m the next nigga out the West, pay attention.”
Duly noted.
Sidebar: Sorry folks, no tracklist.
I like Nipsey’s music I think him Crooked I, and Bishop Lamount are the future of WEst Coast rap.
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wtf is a .rar and how do i get it to work when i download it
Is he dissing T.I. or sumtin
wtf is a .rar and how do i get it to work when i download it
Open it up with something it like UnRax or Stuff It Expander
this isnt what got him signed it was the song “bullets” & “i dont give a fuck” which is gonna be on the album – these sogs r jonts we used for vol 1 & some other random mixtape shit…….good talk