New Music: Eminem “Bagpipes from Baghdad”

mariah and

“Nick Cannon, you prick, I wish you luck with the fuckin’ whore.”

Uh-oh, Marshall’s back at it again. 

Holla at: Mike Waxx

Oh yeah, no Relapse leaks here, kids. You’re gonna have to find your own.

May 19th. Is he doin’ Weezy’s numbers?

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  1. Oj says:

    what the heck you mean is he doing Weezynumbers? Lol

    When did Weezy became the standard for high numbers?

    Did he sell 1.7 mil first week?

    Oh last time i it was Em who did 1 mil+ twice, and selling near 2 mil with every other CD by the 2nd week?

    Hope that was sarcasm

  2. Pow says:

    Weezey numbers hahahah loool, !!!

  3. jp says:

    now tht it leaked bunch of kids wont buy it..gonna lower his numbers unles he pushes up date to this tues..either way tho should kill it

  4. mjj says:

    weezy numbers…are you fucking insane…em numbers you mean..or 50 cent numbers 1.4 in a fucking short week..wowsers lol

  5. KingPoetic says:

    It was 1.05 mil, dummy.

  6. dmc says:

    dudes got good memories here, or maybe they just google to get facts

  7. lol says:


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