New Music: Eminem “Bagpipes from Baghdad”
May 7, 2009 @ 8:36 PM EDT

“Nick Cannon, you prick, I wish you luck with the fuckin’ whore.”
Uh-oh, Marshall’s back at it again.
Holla at: Mike Waxx
Oh yeah, no Relapse leaks here, kids. You’re gonna have to find your own.
May 19th. Is he doin’ Weezy’s numbers?
what the heck you mean is he doing Weezynumbers? Lol
When did Weezy became the standard for high numbers?
Did he sell 1.7 mil first week?
Oh last time i it was Em who did 1 mil+ twice, and selling near 2 mil with every other CD by the 2nd week?
Hope that was sarcasm
Weezey numbers hahahah loool, !!!
now tht it leaked bunch of kids wont buy it..gonna lower his numbers unles he pushes up date to this tues..either way tho should kill it
weezy numbers…are you fucking insane…em numbers you mean..or 50 cent numbers 1.4 in a fucking short week..wowsers lol
It was 1.05 mil, dummy.
dudes got good memories here, or maybe they just google to get facts