T.I.’s Farewell Tour Featuring Rev. Al Sharpton
May 12, 2009 @ 3:17 AM EDT

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Days away from turning himself in, Clifford was in Harlem today with Al Sharpton encouragin’ the youth to put the pistols down. I agree with the message, but seeing the Rev get all touchy-feely with Tip and declaring himself “a gangsta” makes me nauseous.
Before his exit, a confident T.I. assured the audience he’d emerge from his prison sentence stronger than ever. “When I get back — ’cause I will be back — you’ll see me standing stronger, wiser and richer.”
It’s a skid bid. Let’s go already.
How long is this nucca gonna keep up this holy than thou BS. Your not going away for 25! Put him under the jail.
Al Sharpton Do Anything For Money
T.I. Has Poisoned Humans Since He Was Thirteen
With Drugs And Shitty Raps Good Flow,…
He Should Get 10 years & Some ..
First He Glorified The Shit misleading the youth
Now He Wanna Be An Actor (American Gangsta)
& wanna change …he just fakin the funk
Plus he had illegal weapons plus he’s a repeated offender
something isnt right in this world if
the next man can can get away with time
cause he got money now he gota pay the gov half his dough the rest his life probally
fuck this fake ass simulated world
Man listen first off a bunch of MF’s talk shit on records and everybody got a past.But its bout what you doin now.How many artist U seen at dat rally in harlem today?Can count on one hand at da least dis brotha been talkin sum shit dat if it changes 1 youth’s frame of mind dats one kid pulled threw the fire!A mothafucka cant win for lose wit people! and for the record,from a brother who spent 20yrs of his 36yrs of life in and out of the system, one day in jail is too long!Give him alil credit U cant get half these cats in the industry to march nowhere more less admit to their wrong!Whn will will we start to support one another JUS CAUSE
whats wrong wit black people? such a lack of knowledge! It was a press conference and rally on the state of our youth in da community! a 13 yr old and 16 yr old were gunned down and killed days apart it was a pressconference to raise da awarness of the sufferation in our community and yes T.I. has ddone plenty of fucked shit in his life but atlease he’s telling his story to kids going down same road to try and redirect their live and I dont see to many artist doing da same jus cause you fall dont mean you stay down bleeding. you pic yaself up, brush yaself off, and nurse ya wounds but most of all u learn from wht caused you ta fall and keep it movin. that what T.I.’s doin
does T.I know that Sharpton is/was an FBI informant???
See Ron Howell “Newsday” articles from 1988