Update: Cam’Ron Will Do Jim Jones Numbers?
May 14, 2009 @ 6:22 PM EDT

According to Hits Daily Double, early reports say it’s gonna be a close race to see if Killa can top his former partner Jim Jones’ last album in first week sales. Pray IV Reign sold 42, 820 units.
CHART FAILURE: If you’re looking for sales relief, don’t expect any this week. The two top debuts appear to be a pair of Asylum rappers in Cam’ron (40-45k) and Paul Wall (15-20k) (5/13p)
Poor Paul Wall.
UPDATE: Asylum adamantly denies this report and promises XXLmag.com that Cam will hit numero uno.
Hey I did my part. It’s on you, hip-hop nation.

are you dumb, nigga on a indie, that good numbers, and shit was street album, who heard any of the songs on radio or on bet..come on
UPDATE: Asylum adamantly denies this report and promises XXLmag.com that Cam will hit numero uno.
That’s typical Asylum right there. Bank their label’s credibility on a single artist who has underperformed since he signed with them. Who the hell does a PR campaign over soundscan estimates?