Eminem Interview With Jonathan Ross
May 16, 2009 @ 3:10 AM EDT

During his UK media blitz, Slim Shady sat down with one of the biggest shows out there, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross. He also performs “We Made You” with Kon Artis as his hype man.
Spotted: 2DB
dude you couldnt credit me for the performance vid? me and friend uploaded that shit, refer to nah right where they actually gave credit. if you didnt know then fine, but the fact i tweeted you that shit makes it a foul thing to do.smh.
What do you want a Medal or something?
you blog niggas crack me up
What do you want a Medal or something?
no nigga credit, i had the dvr, uploaded that shit and then post it up. just some recognition would be nice, nah was good enough to do it. but seen, post jacking is cool now yeah? cos these niggas be the first to moan when world star or someone else does the exact same shit.
im done.
and dont post me with the ‘blog niggas’ cos im not even in the US for you to be saying that shit, im in the UK hence why i had that shit.
Why do you care if you get credit for posting something up on the Internet. Get a life, seriously.
Internet, It’s Seriuz Biznuss!
you heard that YN, your stanleys think post jacking is cool…
OMGZZZZ, EM SMILED! That’s crazy rare. lol very cute and interesting interview 🙂
BUY RELAPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey guys, cann you tell me what the host is saying in the beginning when eminem laughs? i can’t figure it out 😉 english is not my native language tho
Dude you’re getting upset over a video any Eminem fan could have found on there by typing his name. You can’t possibly think you are the sole person who knew about this. I just saw this video on WSHH. Do you think you are supposed to get payed or something? You want your face on the internet wall of fame? Get a fuckin life man.
May 19th , go and cop it!!! RELAPSEEEE