R.I.P. Dolla
May 19, 2009 @ 12:40 AM EDT

Didn’t know much about cha, but a loss is a loss nonetheless.
Update: CNN’s got the scoop
Related: Killed two hours after learning Twitter x
Didn’t know much about cha, but a loss is a loss nonetheless.
Update: CNN’s got the scoop
Related: Killed two hours after learning Twitter x
He Just Posted His Twitter On Myspace A Few Hours Ago So…. Yea Folk Prolly Alive
r.i.p. i liked his music and was lookin 4ward 2 his album. smh
That was 7 hours ago.
Shit looks pretty true to me…too bad, a cut of his came out last week on the ozone site that was really good, a loss is a loss…
it’s true he died at the hospital. it’s on youtube
black on black crime
21 years old. gone. unbelievable. We got to do better.
This is a traggic day for more than rap!!We go back to The Rascals!!My prayers go out to the whole Burton family!!! Nikki and Poota keep try to keep ur head up and be strong!!love yall!!
His Track Who The Fuck Is That was dope as hell