Eminem’s Tim Westwood Freestyles
May 23, 2009 @ 2:30 AM EDT

I do believe dude still got it.
Freestyle #1 (Over Alchemist beat)
{mp3}01 westwood freestyle 1{/mp3}
Freestyle #2 (Over “Respect My Conglomerate”)
{mp3}02 respect my conglomerate freestyle{/mp3}
Freestyle #3 (Over OutKast)
{mp3}03 chonkyfire freestyle{/mp3}
Props: Mr. Banned From Def Jam Events
Enhanced Audio: Shake
Previously: RR Exclusive: Eminem Freestyle (Tim Westwood)
Bonus: The homie Semtex chops it up with Mr. Mathers too.
dude they’re having so much fuckin fun with rap it’s awesome.
that last freestyle was great.
here is the videos of the freestyles…
ooooohhhhh shit, eminem is nailing these freestyles. why doesn’t anyone do this anymore, step your game up world.
wow ! these freestyles are crazy .. shady u back son .. this is hip hop at its finest .. top 5 dead or alive
em killed that al beat like fuck!!!he truly is the illest if not one of them
What a bunch of losers you people are. You listen to this garbage? Enema is one of the most hideously, grotesque creatures on this planet. He is so ugly, he doesn’t even have a face his mother could love.
All rap and hip hop people have no talent whatsoever. Any idiot with an IQ of 80 or below can get on a stage and imitate a monkey.
Also, they dress like a bunch of jerks.
so tony g(ay) wat are you doing on RAP radar commenting on stupid shit than isnt that even more pathetic….
clearly your IQ isnt even enuff to understand why rap is art even if you didnt like it…
go get a life
and for the freestyle: its HOT
The third freestyle, he’s killing it!!
so what do u listen to, Linkin park, green day, death metal?!!!!….go get a life, yes there are so many whack rappers who is trying to make but they can to do it like the real mc’s like pac and biggie…if we’re garbage then see eminem sales and compare it to mettalica’s, mettalica sold over 90mili, or more, in 30 years, eminem sold about 70mili or more, in 8 years!!!hahahah im just gonna laugh……..
Eminem Is really saving hip hop right now.these freestyles are fuckin dope ..if only he would use these types of beats on his album…he should really do a mixtape..using other peoples beats..that would be dope…
I just came back to see what type of comments I would receive, and you didn’t let me down. You have proven to me that you are no more than a bunch of foul mouthed illiterate idiots.
As for getting a life, I have one that most of you could never have. People like you are definitely beneath my dignity and level of intelligence.
One idiot actually had the nerve to say that rap is an art. Are you smoking peyote buttons? All rap and hip hop people could never be classified as artists or stars. You have to have talent in order to claim those titles.
Yes, my opinion is still the same, they look like a bunch of monkeys.
What makes you think I would want to try rap? I wouldn’t waste my time on such low class garbage.
As for my IQ, none of you could match mine. You’re too dumb and stupid.
Another jerk said to go f myself. How do you know that I didn’t f your mother?
As for listening to metal, you really are on drugs to make such an idiotic statement. I listen to music created by the masters, people with talent and class. They also know how to dress, unlike rap jerks that wear Hallowe’en costumes. They should actually wear monkey costumes as they mimic them.
So, the answer to all of your questions is, “Yes, I am definitely better than any of you. On the road of life, I’ve been where you have yet to go.” You people are still wet behind the ears and dumb and stupid.
I know that some idiot out there will call me an MF, and my answer to that is simply this, “Keep your mother off the streets and you won’t have to call me that.”
Don’t bother responding as I have no time for ghetto trash. So, listen to your garbage and languish in the trash you created for yourselves.
Rap and hip hop people are still a bunch of monkeys with absolutely no talent whatsoever. Only people with low IQ’s are interested in rap crap and hip hop flops.
If Eminem is so stupid and such a monkey, why on earth would he be called the “savoir of modern poetry?” you’ve gotta be the dumbest person on the face of the planet to be so stupid and still think that you’re better than all of these people. I don’t know how the hell you ended up on rapradar if you’re so against it. You sound like a more eloquent, yet dumber version of Rick Ross calling these people monkeys. It sounds to me like you’re just jealous of these rappers who get rich and you think none of them work hard. Sometimes that’s the case, but those people can’t keep there money. Look at Tech N9ne and Eminem who spend all of their time recording and writing their music and doing shows for their fans and promoting their music and doing interviews… The list goes on man. Just because you don’t like this form of art or music doesn’t mean it isn’t art. I don’t like abstract art but I’m not gonna try to take anything away from them. You need to stick to your people and we’ll stick to ours. Support whoever you want and don’t waste your breath shunning stuff you don’t like. You’re ego makes you dumber than everyone here.
This will be my last message to all of you idiots out there.
Some idiot said that Enema is the savior of modern poetry. Are you on drugs? You have to be in order to make such a dumb and stupid comment as that.
No, I am not stupid at all. I am a whole lot better off than all of you low class ghetto trash idiots put together.
Then you say that I’m jealous? You’re really on drugs if that’s your opinion of me. Jealous of what? Money and material mean absolutely nothing to me. Only jerks and idiots worship wealth and material things.
Once again stupid, rap and hip hop is not, has never been or ever will be considered art. This form of garbage is created by illiterates for the enjoyment of illiterates.
Some idiot said that rap is an art. You are definitely on drugs to make such a dumb and stupid statement as that.
My opinion will always remain the same. Rap and hip hop will never be classified as art. It is nothing but low class, and low mentality garbage created for the enjoyment of idiots.
As for being the dumbest person on this planet, look at your rap and hip hop idiots. I have the intelligence of someone with brains, common sense, dignity and a whole lot more than your idiotic rasp jerks will EVER have.
I just loved it when two of your jerks were killed in gunfire. It really made my day. Tupac and the big asshole. I think that they should all shoot each other as they serve no useful purpose anyway.
Face it you bunch of low mentality, ghetto trash vermin, rap and hip hop is dead. Thank God for that.
Don’t bother responding as you will only be wasting time. I’m out of here. I will not deal with people that are beneath me, and from what I’ve seen here, you are all beneath me.
Most of you jerks here are not even worth my valuable time. This site only proves once and for all that this is a site for people that are completely and totally illiterate, dumb and stupid.
Wake up and smell the coffee you bunch of illiterate jerks. You are all nothing more than low class ghetto trash.
So, goodbye and good riddance to all you people of extremely limited intelligence. Meaning that your IQ is definitely way below 80.
Em’ snapped on that Respect My Conglomerate… bout time too..
so, u think i’m stupid, well i damn sure u that my IQ is way better than yours..so u keep ur mouth shut and know what u say, the legends you’re talkin about is wearing feamales coustumes can’t u see that u little punk, eminem went to rehab and got respected by all of american people, go ask mettalica about eminem i know that he will say that he listens to him…i don’t want to make u feel stupid, but don’t say stupid for someone and watch how u talkin to me or rap fans, and my life is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more comforetable than urs, i don’t why but i’m just saying….i mean com’on how many faggot bands do i know let’s see:
1-Green Day
2-Linkin Park
3-Papa Roach
4-Killswitch Engabe
5-Bullet For My Valentine
Anyway i don’t really know how to end this but u didn’t tell us ur IQ my IQ is:94% We count it that way, and u never get b i allways get a, so ur free to fuck ur own momma because she’s a rock bitch….
I’m responding to the illiterate jerk who claims that his IQ IQ is higher than mine. Let me set you straight, you dumb, stupid, illiterate idiot. There is no way possible that you have a higher IQ than I do. You listen to rap and hip hop garbage, the so called music, if you want to call it that, made purposely by illiterate idiots for the enjoyment of illiterate idiots.
Now, let me ask you a question, you dumb, stupid illiterate jerk. Where did you ever get the idea I listen to metallica or other garbage of today?
I listen to music, real music created by people with class and immense talent, something the monkey imitators will never achieve. Why? Because they choose to act like a bunch of monkeys.
Then you go on to say that your life is more comfortable than mine. You are definitely on drugs if you truly believe that. Your way of life could never compare to my lifestyle.
Then you say that Enema went to rehab and is respected by all Americans. Are you out of your mind you, dumb, stupid incompetent idiot?
Let’s get the facts straight here right now, ALL rap and hip hop people are nothing more than low class ghetto garbage and always will be. The people that listen and love this crap are just as much ghetto trash as they are.
Now, to answer the other dumb, stupid, incompetent jerk.
You say that your IQ is 94%. I take that to mean that your IQ is 94% of that of a houseplant.
Face reality you dumb and stupid ghetto bums, anyone that listens to and loves rap and hip hop is nothing more than parasitic maggots.
Like I always say, all of you are definitely way beneath my dignity and level of intelligence.
None of you could ever kiss the ground I walk on.
I’ve also noticed that most of you, like your dumb and stupid rap groups have to use fowl and nasty language in order to get your point across.
I’ve also noticed that most of you use fowl language to express yourselves, which only tells me one thing. Anyone that has to use fowl and abusive language has proven not only to me, but the entire world your extremely limited intellectual level. Language that is used by all illiterate jerks.
Yes, that means all of you and your rap and hip hop monkeys.
hahahahahaha, u think i’m dumb, bitch you’re not talkin about me, dontcha?, i’m smartest and i have bigger brain than urs, and u don’t know shit about rap to talk about rap, u take rap as soulja boy shit and lil waynes, those are monkeys but when it comes to eminem, he’s waaaaaaay more than a rapper he created humanity, he’s insane when he raps, but he’s a good person, and i’m not on drugs, actually i have never seen weed or something like it, music is for respect which u don’t know nothing about, u don’t take his words too serious, if u think u can do better write a lyric and sing it and upload it in z-share, after that i will download it, and i will make eveyone listen to it, then we’ll see, see i never really dissed rock or metal or whatever, all of my friends listen to rock and i don’t have a problem with that, that’s they’re choice, but i decided to listen to rap, they don’t see me as a drug addict, or whatever u think it’s, they see me as a normal dude, honestly fuck u, i’m not gonna say anything else, because u didn’t tell me ur IQ, u didn’t tell what are your legends, u didn’t tell me anything, that means that u r the dumb d-bag, i don’t really know what to say, but RAP 4 LIFE, rap is about respect, i don’t give a fuck about what u think of me, but eminem sold more than 70mil in 6 years, wooow that’s a big number, i bet u to get a bigger one, tony i’m not gonna tell u to go and get a life, but really dude, what the fuck were u thinkin of man, rap doesn’t have to be for idiots!!, and rap isn’t music everyone know that.
Eminem didn’t live a fantasy life, his mother was a drug addict and she was giving him sleeping pills and more, his father wasn’t there for him not for a bit, he wasn’t rich he was allways getting fired in every place he work, so he was smart enough to make money, so money is money u can’t live without money nowa days, he helped alot of people this year i don’t know where but he gave some money or something blah….., his x-wife was a tottal slut he tryed to be nice with his daoughters, we as rap fans and kinda rappers, we don’t look at what u wear or what u think, we look at u like a man, a normal man, fuck it…..RAP 4 LIFE BYAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH
I’m responding to the last jerk. Believe me “BOY”, my IQ is a whole lot larger than yours will ever be. Then you go on to say that ENEMA, that’s right you bunch of rap monkeys, ENEMA, because he looks like the aftermath of one. If any of you rap monkeys know what I’m talking about.
Then you go on to say, why don’t I get up there and do what the rap monkeys do. I would never lower myself. Only dumb, stupid, illiterate idiots would get on a stage and act like a monkey.
Then you went into a totally boring diatribe about the life story of ENEMA. (Yawn) Who really cares? Only rap monkeys care about that. Then you say ENEMA created humanity. You are really on drugs if you believe that bunch of crap.
Then you entire post consisted of fowl and abusive language. Only people, like yourself, who has the intellect of a houseplant has to use fowl language in,order to get their pointless remarks across. People that are highly intelligent, such as myself wouldn’t lower ourselves to ghetto garbage language.
My opinion is still, and always will remain the same. Rap and hip hop monkeys are nothing more than low class, low mentality garbage.
Now, do you understand what I’m saying, “BOY?”
Your language only proves how dumb. stupid, and illiterate you really are. Only rap monkeys lack an understanding of the English language because they’re stupid.
By the way, in this morning’s newspaper, there was an article about one of your beloved rap monkeys being sent to prison because he wanted to purchase a load of machine guns. The rap monkey is TI. Yes, he’s a monkey.
I really hope he gets corn holed every day. You just know that he will become someone’s bitch.
See, rap monkeys only produce violence and nothing else.
At the movie theater after a showing of one of your monkey movies, there was a riot and fights in the parking lot. Which only proves once and for all, rap monkeys and their fans do not know how to act in a civilized world.
Maybe they should all go back to Africa, and play like a bunch of monkeys.
I know that some of you will be offended by what I have just said, but guess what, you;ll get over it and if you don’t, I really do not care. Your feelings mean absolutely nothing to me. If all you rap monkeys were to die tomorrow, I would have a big party.
So, screw you and your rap monkeys. That’s right, you’re all a bunch of monkeys.
Tony G, quit repeating yourself and get the fuck off this page. You suck at life…”jerk”
theres a high IQ statement…
ok so you cats that think IQ measures your intelligence… no it measures your capacity to learn, so if you have a IQ of 80, that means that you are basically you are only capable of learning up to about a 5th grade level… now yes as long as you are trying to learn it will make you smarter but i know alot of incredibly smart idiots and tony g sounds like one of them… thinks he’s better than the rest of society when he needs to just do him since no one else is willing to… pussy… em is dope and your whack so shut the fuck up…