Eminem On 106 and Park

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Marshall’s back on BET. And his buddy Curtis even stopped by. Terrence is still on cloud 9.

Spotted: Nah Right via Your Audio Fix
Sidebar: They also claim Dr. Dre’s Detox will be 10 records and they heard 8 of em.
nice post R.R
thats messed up only 10 records, I’m sure they’ll be hot but come on
LMAO. 10 records out of 400 to 500 tracks???
That’s like 2 percent of what they recorded?
We need a triple cd with 15 songs each. It’ll still be classic.
i think they meant Dre only finished doing 10 songs & 50 heard 8 of them… but there will be more recorded…. right ?? thats what i got out of it.. i mean comon 10 songs ? Dre aint stupid =S
So oh thats crazy you must have been in a dark place when you were mad addicted to scripts and being a real druggie drugsta but right now we gettin back into this next video “I Love Sizzurp enemas” by crackity micks crack crack. Yo I feel Bad for Em. He looks mad uncomfortable during the whole interview. Album is dope tho. Congrats and best of luck. Just wish duke would look a little more content. And why people only asking about how it feels to be an admitted addict. Thats gotta suck.
I wonder wat Em whispered to Rosci right b4 50 came out..and why was she was missin @ the end…i mean i kno she n 50 had a lil problem a while back