Joell Ortiz’s Recycled “D.O.A.” Freestyle Verse
June 21, 2009 @ 6:49 PM EDT

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but apparently, portions of Mr. Ortiz’s verse on Slaughterhouses’ “D.O.A.” freestyle is roughly four years old. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, indeed.
{mp3}joell ortiz accapella{/mp3}
Previously: Hey Royce, There’s No Do-Overs In Hip-Hop
I hate how they prevent freestyling.
Who gives a shit? The verses were dope, right? Who cares if a few of the lines were used before? Is there a rule that says once you use a line it can never come out of your mouth again? I could understand if this was happening time and time again, but this is Slaughterhouse we’re talking about. We know they’re dope. Fuck outta here with this bullshit.
who gives a shyt??, most rappers of not all rappers have their shyt written before hand none of em really actually “FREESTYLE” cumon B
every rapper recycles lines so what a few lines were used before does that take away from a dope freestyle. plus no one really freestyles off the dome anymore they jus remember some written shit they had before and spit it. if it happens to be something someone heard before so what. Joell is dope and the whole slaughterhouse is dope. i wish people would stop trying to tear down good hip hop music and stop supporting bum ass artist such ass Gucci, oj wayne jim jones and the rest of them clowns
ud have to be an idiot anyway to think that people actually really freestyle on tracks u hear on the net that say freestyle that word has been grosly missused for years on songs that say so and so freestyle or radio interviews with freestyles atleast drake doesnt pretend to freestyle everyone else is always just spittin rhymes they have already written that you havn’t heard and pretending they are off the top when they are clearly not not even eminems shit of jays shit u always hear them spit shit them hear those verses on a song later or b4 or bits of it on other freestlyes its abit like stand up comedy u watch enough dave chapelle stand ups on the net u see he uses the same jokes on diff shows just re arranged differently
this is the dumbest shit ever. call up supernatural if you want a freestyle. then ask that nigga to write a fucking song. hey yn: doesn’t your brother rap? can he freestyle? can’t wait to hear his verses on cory gunz’ hot new album. should i expect a snippet of that this tuesday?
Cats just can’t be dope, cats just can’t be part of one of the dopest formations of all time, cats just can’t be upheld for actually stepping to the plate and saving hip-hop…NO! With all the press and shows these dudes are getting now, you actually expect them to come off the dome every single time they get in front of a mic? GTFOH! Emceeing has nothing to do with being able to freestyle.
“Emcee (M.C.) means move the crowd.” – Rakim
All these cats paid their dues and truthfully that’s why they have some many written verses. Who truly gives a crap if they recycle besides you LazyBoy quarterbacks? Put something newsworthy up here and give these cats the respect they deserve as oppose to trying to tear them down.
BTW, Here’s a question….where the F**K is your 7 minute verse?
half of Joeys freestyle is from “anti” off of Escape Route
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