Jonathan Mannion: Notorious B.I.G. At The Palladium

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Last night was the opening of celebrity photographer Johnathan Mannion‘s three week long exhibition at the Milk Gallery in New York City. For 15 years, he’s captured some of hip-hop’s most iconic images. Above, he gives the story behind The Notorious B.I.G.’s photograph at the Palladium. More footage on the way.

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  1. Kurt GoBang da2nd says:

    i’ve gone to tons of shows coming up. at the time i felt that just the memories were enough to live on once i hit the golden years, so i rarely took pictures (i always had the cam on me though for the rock steady shows. after the 1st one, i felt i wasn’t going to play myself again. this is a reminder that you should document every part of your life (well, not every part. there’s some nights i WISH i could forget. damn that liquor!)…

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