VIBE’s September 2009 Cover Shoot Outtake
July 1, 2009 @ 8:03 PM EDT

Looks like VIBE had more in store. Here’s an outtake from their annual Juice Issue cover shoot. Sigh. Guess you to gotta learn to live with regrets.
weezy is so pussy. dude’s from NO – root for NO. how easy is it to root for lakers? is wayne a yankees fan too?
i didnt know people couldnt like teams other than their home teams.Is it me or does doug gabriel sound like a homosexual 80’s pop stars name
i’m the homo but you’re on weezy’s dick – got it. u clearly have too much cum in your mouth to realize i wrote “how EASY is it to root for the lakers?” i.e. you don’t have to know shit about basketball to call yourself a lakers fan.
i dont even listen to wayne i saw the picture of him which happend to have a basketball player in it too so know the facts bitch i just thought it was weak to say he had to rep the team thats in his state a mother fucker can like any team he wants. and since your so smart re analyze my sentence i said your name not you personally fuck face and….its not easy to root for the lakers when your a fan of san antonio Orlando Boston Sacramento detroit you want me to keep goin cuz they got more rivalries than teams in their division im here about basketball since that was my main interest of this article not talkin bout guys dicks and cum you backwards ass motherfucker
o ya and you dont have to know shit to be any fan what do you think a FAIR WEATHER FAN is. People jump on bandwagons all the time i.e (like you talkin about waynes dick)
i would trade your life out for Michael jacksons any day…pussy
Hey Doug, just because Weezy is from New Orleans doesn’t mean he can’t root for the Lakers. Besides, he’s been a fan of the Lakers even before the playoffs started – in fact, even before UNC won the NCAA title – the facts are right there on his ESPN blog if you think that he jumped onto the bandwagon. Read it yourself: So it looks like you are the bitch Doug – know your facts!