New Video: Eminem “Beautiful”
July 2, 2009 @ 8:29 PM EDT

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Here’s the final visual for Track #17 off Relapse. It’s so, well, beautiful.
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.890877&w=425&h=350&fv=]
Here’s the final visual for Track #17 off Relapse. It’s so, well, beautiful.
why are so many bits cut out? sounds shit, very disappointed. though some of the visuals are nice
The track skips a lot and it doesnt include the 3rd verse
Why did you have to cut so much of it??? it doesnt sound good! plus the whole of the 3rd verse? damn.
yeahh, probably because a 6 min 33 video, wouldn´t be played on MTV that mouch ;(
Why’d they cut out the 3rd verse =/ Get rid of that crap in the beginning. The video was amazing I just wish they had all 3 verses. Could’ve also cut out the sample at the end to save time..
why why is is cut ugh!!! *cries*
Its pretty good. Big deal it skips a bit, its not the final final version. Its mainly complete for one thing, the 3rd verse is to cut time for tv. But i heard just the 3rd verse in the sample with a video still just like this accompning it, theres almost certain to be a alternate video thats full length and explicit. So shut up. You people are never satisfied. Fuckin niggers
3rd verse?
talkin in the end?
cutting all the time?
come on marshall! this song is #1
why do all the editing out =(
I realy like video, but cutting isn’t cool. but still i can turn on music from cd, wheres no cutting 😉
Fantastic song..strong film clip you did it perfect eminem besides the swearing left out but of course we understand that for all those shaddow minded people out there!
well done but 😡
massive fan
Kylie xxx
That’s really good..
on espn it didn’t skip.
a good song, needs to have a good video. Fucking cuts fucking video good song
The song is great!…and the video is totally beautiful… by the way Emiinem looks so HOT! i love him and everything he does!
it was shit, he looks like a fuckin homo the way he rocks to the beat..
if this was the first single he woulda sold a million foreal…go buy relapse
what the fuck is with leavin out a whole verse of the song? other than that it was good, but i mean, shit.
Are you serious? No fuckin 3rd verse? Come on u gotta be kidding, you kept all the verses in for the Stan video so whats up with this?!
The songs great shame it was cut down but ohwell
jkiffe srx, mais le clip et trop simple.
I see where he’s going with this, and this is a very moving piece of film. I like it, seems a but short though, maybe its just me
man this song is so good, but cutting out the last verse? wtf thats a good verse….awwwww.
To all of you who seem to complain about the cutting out of the 3rd verse
It’s simply that way because the track is suppose to be “supportive” and not “self loathing” which the 3rd verse would have turned it into
He’s trying to show compassion, the 3rd verse wouldn’t fit with the video
To all of you who seem to complain about the cutting out of the 3rd verse
It’s simply that way because the track is suppose to be “supportive” and not “self loathing” which the 3rd verse would have turned it into
He’s trying to show compassion, the 3rd verse wouldn’t fit with the video
el video esta de puta madre, muy bueno!!!, pero sin el 3r verso y el mensaje del final se vé incompleto!!!
“The One” what the fuck are you talking about, if anything the 3rd verse is the most inspiring and least self-loathing you dumb fuck. Plus the outro is one of the best parts. Seriously Em’s management team need to fucking put the 3rd verse back in this video!
I think your point of view is interesting, please share
In what way do you see the 3rd verse being less self loathing then the previous verses?
Think of it this way and try to fit it in with the video because this is about the video and not the track itself
Firstly think of the setting the video has, it’s about a stadium in detroit being destroyed and some other stuff
In the first verse
He’s telling you how depressed he has been lately
In the second verse
He’s talking about how his celebrity life is not as you think it is, he still feels pain just like you do sometimes
This is the essential part of the whole song that he is connection with the viewer
In those 2 verses he is lifting up the listener by stooping down to their level and telling them it’s not about where you are but how happy you are about where you are kind of the “subliminal message of it”
The third verse
He talks about his past life in a way that look how far he came by not pissing n moaning and that in the end I he guess you should at least walk a mile in his shoes if you fit in
It’s defence and aggressive and it doesn’t fit in with the feeling the video is trying to describe
Try it for yourself
Mute the video, put on the 3rd verse on audio and listen and see if the stuff he says fits in with the setting the video has
The video Is about the “destroit” he knows and not about his life story, he’s just explaining his pain by telling you how he feels about his life, not justifying it with how he went from the previous bad life that he had to this life that he in the first and the second verse tells you is depressing, it’s contradictive
Mi inglés no es muy bueno, pero lo entiendo bien! “ert” tiene razón, deberian poner el 3r verso!!! Aunque no lo crean, ese verso hace parte de la canción, aunque no coincida del todo con el video!! Es lo que creo!! La canción es demasiado buena para que el video no esté completo!!
Solo eso
Once again he showed us why he is called the best rapper alive…after 3 years he makes a big comeback and thats his of the best rap songs ever made..respect!
ey man, this was a damn nice song homie! love it from my heart! keep it up
We’ve missed your voice! So good to hear it again.. Keep up the good work! love always.
Its not like Eminem to leave out parts of his song he sang just for a video?
It needs the 3rd Verse to complete the song otherwise its not complete and therefore harder to understand if you have listened to both version w/3rd verse and version without.
I think the video and song are cool but would be better with 3rd verse.
I’m glad someone else see’s the beauty in that building. I pass it all the time from the tracks. I’m envyous, you got to walk through it. Again some amazing work. You have never let me down with your work… ok well not often!