YN At Jonathan Mannion’s Photo Gallery
July 14, 2009 @ 11:22 PM EDT

Last week, YN visited Jonathan Mannion’s photo gallery at the Milk Studios here in NY. A bulk of the images were shot during his tenure at 1115 Broadway. Respect. Insolence is bliss.
Irony: NR
Previously: Jonthan Mannion: Favorite Picture
A couple weeks ago, I was literally two seconds away from buying a plane ticket from Miami to NY, just to go see this show on opening night. But wasn’t able to do so due to the last minute-ness of it all. Jonathan is a legend in the game…your previous posts on the gallery were dope too!
YN! First off I wanna give you the props you deserve. You are MJ, HOV, TIGER of hiphop journalism. Been reading your editorials for years in XXL and the confidence and charisma displayed in your work really made me a huge fan. Ever since you left XXL, I’ve been following this site and have made all my young jewish peers become loyal followers as well. I wanna shout of my roommate Michael Goldberg of Boca Raton, FL who can be seen in this video at 4:30 wearing the blue giants t-shirt. He got the news on twitter you’d be at Mannion’s and ran his ass over there to meet you. I love what you do and I believe there is no ceiling to where you can go with this site.
If you ever need some young, intelligent, witty, people for anything with the site, I’d love to play part in creating greatness. Email: [email protected]
-keep killin the game
We actually didn’t plan on posting this until Thursday, but seems like you beat us to posting our own video.
Here is a vimeo link also – http://www
Thanks fellas.
what does YN mean? young nigga?
Why do all bloggers have lisps?