Bun B Likes How Asher Roth Moves The Crowd
August 2, 2009 @ 11:07 PM EDT

After Asher performs “I Love College” on the Houston leg of the Great Hangover Tour, Uncle Bun gives him his props and says: “I’m a keep it one-hundred….That was one of the best hip-hop shows I’ve ever seen.” Word, ain’t no mistakes allowed.
Yep: NR
Come on B—the crowd is full of white kids supporting one of their own!
He’s not Em or the Beastie Boys…I’m not hatin, but he lacks the lyrical content and MC means “move the crowd”! I am not impressed!
Hip Hop has turned into a popular contest…just because you’re on the big stage and a bunch of kids waving their hands make you “hot!”
Again, keep it 100 and come on B!
why does race become a part of this? just because there was white kids in the crowd makes it not a hip-hop act? GTFOH
Real talk. i went to the show in dallas and that was one of the best show’s i’ve seen.
Pac Div DESTROYED their set. b.o.b. did his thing. Then Asher came out and had the crowd going crazy and just shut it down. then CuDi came with all his kanye money LED screens & “Flashing Lights” but he put on a good show too.
When someone expresses a ” fact” it’s interpreted as “hate”!
Come B and the last writer…of course race has nothing to do with it!
However, MC means “move the crowd” and Asher Roth is a gimmick and lacks lyrical content!
Again, Hip Hop is a movement…not a fad!
Asher enjoy your 15 min. of fame!
Again, race has nothing to do with it…he’s not on the same level as Em or Beastie as I mentioned earlier!
Come on…this isn’t a high school showcase and everybody is cheering for the wack new kid!
Black, White, Asian, or Latino….if you’re wack, you ‘re wack!
Stop Hip Poppin’! You GTFOH
man i was @ the Dallas & the Houston show front row…you can see me with the black moon man shirt
man i have never seen such a diverse crowd from tru hiphop heads to the people who only knew one song by each of the artists BUT THE SHOWS WERE ALL HYPE REAL TALK most of the white people were in the balconies @ each show but it was all love minus the fight that broke out in Houston between these two chicks…but to say asher is a gimmick you trippin dude has flows and im very picky on what & who i listen to
I used to nitpick everything about hiphop but i learned to just be free because nobody isnt the same…Asher is a white rapper with lyrics who just likes to have fun and knows when to dumb down his lyrics to appeal to the masses…but overall both shows were great
Again…it’s not trippin!
You all have the “pop” disease!
Okay…now real emcees are dumbing down their lyrics to appeal to the “pop” fans!
You cab believe the hype!
Again, read my comment…it’s not about race or crowd control!
I think the dude is wack and a gimmick!
I may have to hold judgement until he sells a million or have a MTV reality show like Swayze to give him 5 mics!
He’s Hip Pop not Hip Hop…get ya’ mind right!
Before we slap our hands like seals…let’s give props where props are due and not give it up for the next flavor of the month….I like vanilla, however in this case I am not buying it!
this is why hip-hop respects this man soo much i love how he’s a legend in the game and still a fan this is what hip-hop is all a bout and ash has spit game lark on my go-gart is tough as fuck
to homie or whoever thats sayin ash isnt real hip hop is stupid. hip hop is about being you to the fullest, just being real. because he raps about what he relates to like college and just crazy white boy shit, does that not make it hip hop! just cus hes not a gangsta rapper/wannabe black acting type of guy doesnt mean hes pop! Ash is doing him and thats whats hip-hop is all about! lyrics,stlye,songs,thats all his personality! Stop HAting!
See that’s what I am talking about…please read—I didn’t say Ash or Ass had to be gangsta!
He’s not lyrical…stop dick ridin and kill Hip Pop!
He’s not lyrical…you can rap about anything and that’s reflecting life!
Ash isn’t doing it..you can be original and not act black (I thought being Black or African is who you are)…when did being or acting Black and rapping become an artform…come you idiot!
Stop stereo typing—blasting that bullshit in cyberspace!
I not hating…the ish I heard thus far from Ass is bullshit!
Do your homework and stop supportin’ the wack because it’s endorse by a Rap icon!
I heard the track with Ass and Beanie…Ass couldn’t match the intensity!
I am not hatin or pulllin’ a fuckin race card…real recognize real and Ass isn’t the One!
Stop searchi’ for the great White hope of Rap!
Shit….he’s in the same category as Swayze and all the other corny rappers (Black, Asian, Latino, etc.)
Money, collabos with real emcees, crazy promo and marketing schemes for a dude from outta nowhere cannot make you a real emcee…Hip Hop isn’t a high school after school program or some shit you put together because it’s FUN!
Come on…if you can list 7 emcees and put them in a line…who can Ash out shine?
I’m out…fuck this commentary! Let the ppl vote and we’ll see!
I am not impress…can he a rock a show in any hood and get the props!
Ummm…fuck no! Get real Hip Popper!