Ghostface Says Men and Women Aren’t Equal (Video)


“Matter of fact, I ain’t even got a wife, B.”

Here’s the incredible visual to Ghost’s interview with Angela Yee last week. This is better than anything you’ll find on your idiot box. Tune in!

Props: Team Yee

Previously: Co-Host Ghost Drops Jewels On Shade 45

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    they are different

    equal by the eyes of the law

    but fucking different with different capacities

  2. It Is What It Is says:

    Bitches Will Be Equal When A Motherfuckin Ship Is Sinking And A Nigga Aint Gotta Hear, Women And Children First, For Them Damn Life Rafts.

  3. e20 says:

    Men and Women aren’t equal. I think Angela Yee be getting ran through lol, she got all tight when he said 12 dudes in 1 year. Talkin about guys do it so why can’t we.

  4. eccentric and outspoken says:

    Yeah, men wanna walk around being picky about how many men a girl has slept with. Me personally, i dont want a nasty ass man who has slept with everyone and can give me an infection or worst. With that being said, I know men dont want that in a girl either, so i guess we think alike. No since in taking it personal, thats just one person’s opinion and her aint that important

  5. ha! says:

    the funny thing is angela yee been ran through many years ago by wu! ha. you didn’t know.

  6. Blackmagic Rabbitfoot says:

    We as a culture are doomed. Utterly doomed. I’m out.

  7. Create says:

    though the value brought out a voice taking charge of his manhood..the point is taking..the woman he gets will emerge uncertain and the life being of living..spectrum will rise,therefore a voice in his own right..will always be aiming for the stars..clean wholesome and with no doubts in his mind..purity without the list of character,becomes his wifey’s pass,out in the open..i was what he mentioned..the forgiven is expected to get cruel punishment from an authority of mischief and mayhem..but THE God we serve..does not tolerate non-believer..just how it’s explained..the sins of man..nothing perfect on both ends of it’s spectrum..

    dirty..where does that leave you..without love..never lesrned..after purity been introduced.. a world calling you…the train of more 4 u..peace..CREATE..DAMN..THATS SOME COLD SHIT..but the truth..

  8. mr. international says:

    nobody wants to marry a ho, but we all want to be whore’s until we get married.

  9. GypsyRose says:

    Way I see it is unbiased, you can’t be a pot, run into a kettle and call it blacker than you b! You can’t tell me negros in Wu wasn’t gettin it from a slew of different broads, not turnin’ one down NOT NEVA! But you want the luxury and blessing of a LADY that a bunch of different men can’t claim to have been with. But imagine her having to hear about all the BROADS you done D*ked down.

    If a man has no scruples about, not only messing with a different girl every month but freakin’ EVERY NIGHT!, NAH YOU CAN’T GET THAT SON, SORRY! Basically you are on a level that your opinion of me DON’T COUNT ANYWAY CUZ NEGRO YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND BEING A MAAANN IS ABOUT YOUR MENTALITY NOT YOUR ANATOMY!! F^CK WHAT YOU HEARD! And as a lady who hasn’t gotten down with alot of men, I can say if I find out that a man I’m interested has given more females rides than the NYC Transit Authourity and Cabs, LAYTA FA YOU YA NASTY!! When you hold the power of creation in your body, I can quit my high salary job, and push a baby outta ya pisser, YOU HALFWAY TO BEING HALFWAYS ABLE TO CONVINCE ME OF WHAT A WOMAN CAN AND CAN’T DO WITH HERS!

  10. don't need an alias. im rickey mackey and imma keep it 100. says:

    men and women are not equal. this is not to say that one is better than the other. we both have roles to play in life and as long AS WE STICK TO THE SCRIPT, everything will turn out fine.

  11. Stuffout says:

    I don’t have to listen to this dude. Because these are the type of people in third world country mentalities, no wonder their country are underdeveloped and that is because they do not let women have an equal say. Ghostface is not Jesus, so I do not have to listen to him. Even people started to hate Jesus when he was giving more secrets to Mary Madeleine than his own male disciples.

    Ghostface is only good at cursing, most of the conversation are incomplete sentences and expect you to guess the ending. I wonder what is his IQ

  12. big smokedog says:

    Women can complain all they want about how many females a man sleeps with, but men who sleep with alot of females attract a lot of females. Women who sleep around are hoes and a man should never move a hoe into his house. That’s just the way it is.

  13. "FAITH" from ATL! says:

    A real woman with respect will hold on to her PUSSY and not give it to every NIGGA that want to hit IT! Ghostface is right ITS our TEMPLE! A NIGGA that run through women only gets labeled a dog,but a woman we get called NOTHING ASS BITCHES,TRAMPS, WORE OUT PUSSY HOES,ETC.LADIES we must keep it CLASSY not TRASHY!!! WE CAN’T DO WHAT THEY DO!!

  14. BeeQuiet says:

    What we are dealing with is CLASSICAL CONDITIONING! Men are conditioned to associate ejaculation with a visual stimulus as early as 11. Masterbation is something that men grow up with, whereas women have a different conditioning. How many women masterbate at 11 in America? I don’t believe there are as many women as men, which is the root of our problem. I men learn to reverse their conditioning they won’t practice sleeping with every women who LOOKS GOOD! If women practice better selection (instead of focusing on superficial qualities like a brother THUG STATUS), OPTING for the responsible brother (who is there as well, just not the focus of THUG SEEKING WOMEN), then we could begin to reverse the problems we are facing.

  15. Lola says:

    This comment might make too much sense for you all to comprehend, but HIV, AIDS, Herpes, Syphilis, Trichonomis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Crabs, Genital Warts, Hepatitis B doesn’t care whether you are a man or a woman. Nasty is Nasty.

  16. What da hell says:

    All I got to say is men & women are equal,when they are married. Other than that-we are not equal. Some may not agree,with what im about to text & thats your right to do so. A man will never equal to a woman…unless they are married. A woman can carry a baby around 40weeks & give birth,bleed for 7days & take alot of shit off a man-before,breaking down…you can’t name a man who can do this or go threw,what a woman go threw everyday…and on top of that be pre-judged,on how she look,walk,talk,smell,how long her hair is,skin color,etc-etc. So-my answer is no men & women are not equal to a level as to say-a woman can hold it down,longer than a man can. A man will most likely cheat-rather than to say he got a wife or girlfriend. A man will let his boy’s come between,what is right & what is wrong…meaning rather than-he tell his boy’s I love my wife or girlfriend,so im not going to mess that up,they will do-whatever to fit in so he want be called a chicken or a pussie nor weak-etc. When infact a woman is more likely to tell another-woman she love her man and she is going home,eat ice creaam & cry.(lol) And yes a woman can work & hold down a 9 to 5…come home cook,clean & please our man. Thats-just some of the things that make us not equal.

  17. the bfg says:

    dude 8am was clearly too early for you

  18. heal (human education aganist lies) says:

    I don’t believe that a man nor female are inferior nor superior to each other.When one feels like their dominant over the other thats unbalanced and therefore could never be equal.A hoe to me is a person with no morals that would lay with anything and have no self respect about herself the same goes for that man which makes them equal in that sense

  19. fiercerunner says:

    I say if women REALLY want to be equal. We destroy everything MEN have ever built/invented and let’s see how far women get without MEN’S help. Men and women will never be equal. All I hear about is women biching and complaining when something goes wromg. Men? We actually DO SOMETHING about it (case in point-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Patton, hell even the insane leaders like Hitler, Amin, Hussein all did something; wasn’t right but they thought it was)…

  20. Mirriam Zapata says:

    As far as men and women not being equal…..

    Yes its true, men are far physically stronger than women. However, women can endure pain WAY more than men. If you doubt this, just watch any woman giving labor.

    Also, women have been supressed by men and religion for all of eternity. Up until the 1930s we weren’t even allowed to vote in the US. So, really, women are just coming into our own. Shit, we almost had a woman president and it only took a little over 70 years.

    I say religion has supressed women, because even in the Bible women are seen as inferior to men. Although notice how the bible was written by men. I think its really funny how a man wrote something that supresses women, and left it to be ‘the word’ of God for generations to follow….and no one is supposed to question it.

    Take away religion… and the fact that men see women as less than them… and we’ll see how far women can get.

    Also, instead of comparing, we should unite and realize that both are differnt but equal.

  21. NO ALIAS NEEDED - Monique says:

    BIG UP Monte Brown! I, like you, used to have a lot of respect for Hip Hop music from the 90′S and on back! I agree with your statement about Rap music today. I cant stand it and I can not believe I would EVER have said that back when I was a teenager listening to those like PRT, Brand Nubian, Black Moon, CHannel Live, BDP, Kid n Play etc. Now I have to hear, one of the rappers I actually had respect for and BOUGHT IronMan, is underneath the persona, a straight up @sshole! He thinks we are not equal but science has continued to verify that there is not distinction between man and woman in the realm of intelligence. Basically, everything we have ever been told is a lie! They told us we could not do math… oh really? Because I was the best damn math student IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL! Those little boys were no where NEAR me. The second place student was also a girl… my best friend… Anyway, Id say that the only difference between men and women are our physical differences. Some may include hormones, but to the lady that said “women will just cry” SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. I know plenty of men who would have just killed themselves if they had to go through the many dramas I’ve had to face. I have had to do just about anything a man has to do to survive in this world. No man pays my bills, no man ever has. I have not had anything given to me easier because I am a woman. I get no breaks from society because I am a woman, in fact, its likely that it has been a hell of a lot harder because of it. And still, I rise. Because I face the same dilemma that any man would have to face to make it in this world and have done so accordingly, I fail to see how I am in anyway inferior to a man. Ghostface, you are gone. So to are you from my favorite list of Hip Hop MCs. If you cant have any respect for me as a woman. I certainly have none for you as a man. OH.. and FOR THOSE OF YALL CONCERNED… I DO WITH MY PU$$Y AS AS I PLEASE… Men who feel otherwise can KICK ROCKS. In a few centuries your chromosome will disappear.

  22. Monique says:

    SO.. a guy emails and says during the interview “He had 12 last month” and the first thing out of that IDIOTS MOUTH was “but thats different.” HOW IN THE FUK SO? Please explain the difference because that disease he picked up certainly would not know how to differentiate. He sounds so ignorant and undereducated.. MAJOR disappointment… MAJOR.

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