Q-Tip Blasts Mayor Bloomberg Over “40 Day”

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Looks like Kamaal has taken his Twitter campaign to the 1515 Boys headquarters. And he’s not feelin’ Curtis not being allowed to perform in their old hood.
“50 Cent is a success story we all should applaud. However you feel about him, you can’t deny him. He had something going on in his old neighborhood — our old neighborhood, because I grew up there too. He wanted to perform there. He can have the benefit but he can’t perform.”
“I think that’s a shot to morale,” he continued. “It’s a shot to somebody’s morale, who’s 15 or 16 years old. That’s an impressionable soul who sees 50 Cent, how he’s not able to see him perform in a way. I think the [city’s officials] are aware, but they think [50’s] performance may cause rabble-rousing, or get people to act out. That’s just an old way of thinking about folk, especially black folk. That’s what it all boils down to, essentially.”
Bet you Your Honor is a big Otis Redding fan. Ha!
Related: Q-Tip’s Politically Incorrect?