Kanye West’s Bare Chested French Mag Cover
September 2, 2009 @ 11:13 AM EDT

“How could he be so topless?”
Seriously, it’s too early for this one. Never heard of Liberation Next, but they got Mr. West on the cover of their second anniversary issue. I’m scared to think what the photos will look like inside. Call me crazy but I rather focus on Rih-Rih’s chi chi’s instead. Ha!

Props: Fly Style Life
{{ PAUSE! }}
ri-ri’s chi-chis!! hahahahah – man your captions are by far the best in this blogging game!
Unless my French is rusty, that magazine cover is calling Ye the New King of Pop.
Liberation is like the our version of the NY Times… And i got the issue but no PAUSE worthy pics tho… Well except the cover!