Unreleased 2Pac Footage Pt. 1 (Vibe)
September 13, 2009 @ 12:33 PM EDT

Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?
2Pac: If God give me breath for 20 more years, I see myself changing the world. Because my thought patterns are so opposite from what’s the norm. So I have to change the world or be changed by the world.
Wow. On the 13th anniversary off 2pac’s death, the Lazarus of Hip-Hop media returns with some exclusive footage of the iconic MC. Pour out a lil’ liquor.
They’re Baaaack: VIBE
Previously: R.I.P. 2Pac: 13 Years Later
Man see how passionate he is.. thats what we need back.. i don’t feel the new rap stars are anything like that of old.. Pac was real.. Come on.. Cudi.. Wale…? they can spit but what the fuck r they talking about? i mean shit.. what you wanna dance? fuck off.. its futuristic? so fuckin what.. the music is all the same now.. everyone i know and slowly my self is saying “yeah i listen to all types of music.. rock old school pink floyd type shit, rap.. well old rap the new stuff im not into..” shit in my classes at purdue during introductions in the smaller classes thats what like half the people said.. This shit really is dieing and people are yearning for someone that isn’t a termanology type cat isn’t a eminem dude.. not jay-z.. music needs to be made about the people and for the people explaining peoples struggles.. not having a nice whip with some tall rims and a bicch with a phat ass.. ya some can be about that sure why not? But the fact thats all that most these people wanna hear about is horrible Pac would not have let the rap game get how it has sadly become.. blinded by dollar signs.. music can also be used as an escape.. you dig music for the reasons that you yourself came up with.. but that has also taken away from an art form that this man used to educate and bring real life(lots of times bad) to the masses better than everyone else and with a much stronger passion.. and Im talking about rap… not hip hop thats always been fine what they talk about is how they do they are just a brighter.. not whatever combination of pop and hip hop that all this new shit is.. ::smh::
Co- MuthaFuc’n SIGN!!! Real Talk!!, Real Talk, Real Talk!!!
R.I.P. angel sent dwn to earth its sad dat people dnt really miss you until u gone and notice all the good things he was doin….2 Pac the only rappers entertainer dat was tryin to exposed dis secret society evil government will live in and dnt even knw it….KILLUMINATI all thru my body blows like a 12 Gage shootie
he’s speakin the truth, i mean when pac says somethin everyfuckinbody take as a war, he’s just bein real thats what he’s doin..nothin else!!!man no one left that guy alone…R.I.P tupac shakur
Get the fuk outta here nigga ya favorite mc Gay-Z a devil worshiping Freemason dat dnt give a fuk about nobody bt money sold his soul to the devil and u dick riding this nigga dat ant care about his people Freemason Leader is a KKK member so he dnt give a fuk about u youll WAKE UP one day
Co sign on the above comment, the masses dont understand tht jay-z, kanye’s amongst others of this world is not hip hop, they dont represent us. They sold their soul just for the love of money, they’re jus pawns of the illuminati, do ur research and it aint a conspiracy. Its the ACTUAL truth. Keep living a lie if u want. Too bad Jay and the rest of those pricks wont be taking their money with them life after death….idiots.
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE thats all I got to say all the way from UK
Hes Not A Freemason, First off get that straight & i aint dickriding him becuz i already know he’s just one of their little pwns to infiltrate The People and later on then hes gonna reveal himself you call him a freemason dont think so, just another pawn? of the illuminati yes! check it out for yourself do some research and if anybody questions me or the info well thats how good they got you already that u keep deny this so called “Conspiracy” shit and keep arguing back and forth.
We shouldnt have mothafuking political parties are u serious? This country was based on the people for the people and so forth it should be one nation front republic representing the people & more lol people now are so full of it that they even put on a front for their friends family and everyone around them 2Pac was just a down ass nigga thats why they had so many people going @ him smh thats why they got a nigga violent shooting at the cops open your ears and listen to the lyrics information is power learn something Makaveli The Don Killuminati R.I.P.
The Revolution Is Coming.. God Is The Only Way Remember That..
One Last Thing FUCK JAY Z Soul Selling Ass Nigga Even Dmx said it Smh @ Jay Z & Smh @ Nas STILL AGAINST ALL ODDS NIGGA!!!
[…] Unreleased 2Pac Footage [Rap Radar] […]
Damn, this Shit feel Good!! Make a Nigga Smile. Just to See a Real Nigga!!
Kinda Sound like What 50 is Goin Through Right NOW!!!
Fuc a bloggER- Nigga This Real Talk!! R.I.P To The Greatest!!!
I Definitely Co-Sign herbsaac!!!
Damn, this Shit feel Good!! Make a Nigga Smile. Just to See a Real Nigga!!
Kinda Sound like What 50 is Goin Through Right NOW!!!
Fuc a bloggER- Nigga This Real Talk!! R.I.P To The Greatest!!!
“The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everyone” THUG LIFE
1. All new Jacks to the game must know: a) He’s going to get rich. b) He’s going to jail. c) He’s going to die.
2. Crew Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.
3. One crew’s rat is every crew’s rat. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we all get it; and they should too.
4. Crew leader and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!
5. Car jacking in our Hood is against the Code.
6. Slinging to children is against the Code.
7. Having children slinging is against the Code.
8. No slinging in schools.
9. Since the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; ratting has become accepted by some. We’re not having it.
10. Snitches is outta here.
11. The Boys in Blue don’t run nothing; we do. Control the Hood, and make it safe for squares.
12. No slinging to pregnant Sisters. That’s baby killing; that’s genocide!
13. Know your target, who’s the real enemy.
14. Civilians are not a target and should be spared.
15. Harm to children will not be forgiven.
16. Attacking someone’s home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.
17. Senseless brutality and rape must stop.
18. Our old folks must not be abused.
19. Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.
20. Sisters in the Life must be respected if they respect themselves.
21. Military disputes concerning business areas within the community must be handled professionally and not on the block.
22. No shooting at parties.
23. Concerts and parties are neutral territories; no shooting!
24. Know the Code; it’s for everyone.
25. Be a real ruff neck. Be down with the code of the Thug Life.
26. Protect yourself at all times..
To all Jay-Z fans im not hating but its the actual truth bt it aint Jay-Z its alot rappers entertainers and the government the story go a long way ….this illuminati shit is real 2 Pac last album was called Makaveli The Don Killuminati ..Kill-illuminati he aint gone name it dat for no reason ..2 Pac even said fuk Jay-Z and Nas because they need to stop sayin that im in the hood bullshit and feeding the community with bad shit…watch the Jay-Z Deception on youtube he even say in his songs he dnt believe and god never read da biblie he made a song about the devil “Lucifer” day rock sign dynasty sign he be throwin up is the illuminati symbol and Freemasons do dat when they take the Oath ….BTW Gay-Z a fake ass nigga snitch all dat shit he aint never mad real songs or songs for the hood dat was for the community to help us …..2 Pac aka Black Jesus and a Angel R.I.P.
Pac gave me goosebumps with this interview .. fuck these haters on here, they aint shit !
u’ll breathin’ through ur music, 13 yrs later, ma nigga. RIP Pac. thanks for postin’ this YN
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