Mariah Carey Doesn’t Know Eminem
September 19, 2009 @ 12:04 AM EDT

Phoning in with France’s Le 6-9, Mimi tells the French jocks that she doesn’t know Marshall Mathers. Contrarily, she acknowledged his diss record “The Warning.” Time to come clean, Mary P!
Previously: Mariah Carey On Oprah
bitch everyone i know heard that shit… just because it doesnt get airplay doesnt mean people aint youtubing the humility that has been inflicted onto your manface. SMH…matter fact, in this interview, you sound like your in the wine cellar… get ethered Marry P.
[…] BDot for the Eminem only audio […]
Ohhh, i know! Eminem that dude that use to be a real emcee back in the early 2000s, he is also the same guy that got teabagged and 6’9d by Bruno live on MTv and then stormed out and later said it was staged. Sacha later said that he didn’t want to teabag him and rather did it to someone more famous like Zach Effron, and that Eminem liked getting teabagged cos he felt a poke from Eminem when he landed on him….
he the same dude that disses women because they deny him and dont want to fuck with him cos he the kind of whinny ass muthaF*cker that would write as song about having killing or having sex with someone when he know damn well he didn’t
yea thats Eminem
Nick? Is that u?
Child please.
Hey red101,
He’s also the same Eminem who fucked Mariah Carey.
haha dante just raped that nigga. ohh yeahh but mariahh is all peachy kean and shit right? that bitch actually married someone almost the same age as zach effron…. co-sign B.Dot
hey red101,
you mad cuz Em the god MC dissed the shit out of your favorite singer? lol
fuck outta here. Em still on top of his game!
did she say she was making a movie?! NOOOOO!!!! LOL.
[…] BDot/RR for the Eminem/Obsessed audio […]
if she doesn’t know him, why she was dissing him and dressing like him in his stupid lame video? retarded bitch.
This is over played, and over talked. Who cares if they dated, fucked or had kids together, we all know she dressed like Eminem because it is Nicks fantasy to be with Mr. Mathers more then hers, I bet the bitch wore that shit to bed and did it doggy style while listening to Superman. I really cannot see Eminem stalking someone….
You know Nick got Mariah rockin that rapper outfit/makeup on special occasions
the dj’s tryna make eminem a factor. He aint shit. He the only fool keep mentioning her name on his records for sales. The dj’s tryna push her to talk about the subject. Eminem is obsessed or he wouldnt keep trying to feel important mentioning her damn name for 9 years. How retarded is his ass. Pathetic pasty ass fool. I bet if Eminem went at Taylor Swift ass yall would still wipe his ass cheeks right along with 50 cents. Eminem is irrelevent that is what she is saying. And dj’s and blogs keep pushing becasue thats the only way anyone is interested in pasty ass. Eminem said he Fucked Taylor Swift, Christian Aguilara and his momma too. Believe that.
If ems ass is so relevant why he aint go after Drake, or Wayne or Kanye, he kissed their ass, but he feels important disrespecting women. he is a has been with a mommy problem. Thats all that is.
– the greatest rapper alive, (voted by vibe, mtv, people etc), (IRRELEVANT !!!!)
– the best selling artist of the decade (32mil albums), ( IRRELEVANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
– on of the greatest lyricists of all time ( why don’t drake, Kayne, jay z go after him instead !!! think about it,) .
-last but not least, put your fake ass gold finger up ur ass before you talk shit you don’t know nothing about you fucking 10 yrs old retarded kid. BOUNCE
the warning wasn’t on the radio cuz Em made it in a week, and it’s only a warning, open your mouth more and you gonna get a radio hit . the warning is an internet hit
i agree, it’s like saying Hit Em up was nothing because it wasn’t on the radio
Hisho Ems finger stays up your retarded ass. It’s ok be a robot and a monkey slave just like his pet 50. Dude has problems. Dude has mad issues. But he runs his fucked up Stans. Didnt he call his fans dumb pieces of waste. You mean nothing to him, but do his bidding if it makes you fell better. His OD awaits.
I didn’t know Nick visits rapradar under the alias red101 and Goldfinga… Tell em why u really mad my man
lol….Why dont you diss Em like before..i wanna see that loose fuked up pussy
oh shit
its time for Em to release those Mary P voicemails and pictures
if she talk about my man like that ima have to go up to her little ass and whip the shit outta her and her lil bitch
fuckin slut
What a phony cunt. Just say it’s about Eminem already! She’s too scared to admit it’s a diss track incase her lovely fans disapprove of it. Shes fake
Aahahahhaha… Eminem says “as long as I’m getting airplay I’m dissing you” well Mariah just dissed you “It doesn’t get played on the radio here in America” aahahahah SUCK THAT EMINEM!! You white trash napoleon complexed fuck!!
haa i dont the truth Em could of fucked mariah he might not of but either way atleast hes keepin it real unlike mariah and 2 all the people sayin oh hes irrelivant (highest seller of this decade) hmm not 2 mention possibly the most talented rapper in the game not a stan jus speakin the facts
hey red101,
You speak the truth!!! All these Eminem fans are all crackheads and delusional like him!!!
^ oh and mick white trash ha plz colours irrelivant at his stage in the game so b quiet i couldnt care less bout this mariah shit as long as we get some great music from him
Lol , You dont know Eminem ?
Eminem is the greatest rapper to ever grab a Mic
And recently he murdered you and ur stupid husband on a track called the Warning
Bitch please.
Shout out to YN, just like Em said. “Fuck lambs, I’mma silence them”
yeah its like sayin Hit Em Up didnt get airplay
wtf is wrong with this dumb old bitch
now em’s gonna go CRAZY
Stop playing fuckin games, just say Em’s name! Got DAYUMM!!! She shouldnt have made the fuckin diss song, now she’s tryin to dance around it! WTF is she scared of EM??? FUCK DAT!! Diss tha mf, I’m tired of the shit!!
Ha Im jut a knowing fan trust me. Paul Rosenberg Em’s lawyer and DJ Whookid his monkey ho bag slave. Donkey and a monkey. get that money from the animal farm. Get that money monkey. Get that money donkey. The real fans know whats up. stop harassing women, dumb weaklings.
The warning actually got played a lot on satellite radio, and it also wasn’t a song meant to be a huge hit on the charts or radio….thats what singles are for. As for him not dissing rappers like Kanye West, Lil’ Wayne and Drake, maybe cause they havent done anything to him? Where as Mariah has denied dating him or even knowing him. Fuck that stop harassing women shit..they want to be treated equally so fuck them.
lying bitch !
DJ Whoo Kid, you got the perfect name cuz seriously son, Who the fuck are you? You probably in the studio giving head to Eminem right now. Your slave ass probably shine his damn shoes too huh? As for Eminem, he needs to shut the fuck up. All yall mad cuz Mariah aint giving his bitch ass the time of day. She still has yet to mention his name yet still dissed the hell out of him. Aww, you mad Eminem?? Too bad, sit your trailer park ass down and take monkey ass DJ Whoo Kid with you, bitchasses!
what does DJ Whoo Kid have to do with this? He isn’t eminem’s dj or anything like that. You’re retarded. Talking about who’s who. Who the fuck is Nick Cannon? some nickelodeon fag. Nick’s terrible at everything he does. Terrible rapper, actor and even TV host.
Riddle me this Why em keep talkin bout Mooriah when she won’t acknowledge him but he respond to Rick Ross who beggin him
Didn’t Mariah do an interview a coupe years saying that she had met Em a couple times but that was it. That the must supposably ever really was have a meal together so she quote “couldn’t figure out why” he was saying they did anything more than that. Kind of shady (no pun intended) to go from “yeah, we interacted once or twice” to “I’ve never interacted with this guy in my life”.
I know that Em really has a thing for name dropping people in his songs, and I have no problem with that (a Stan through and through) but Mariah is one name he needs to not use anymore. Maybe replace Mariah with Kim Kardashian because at least Kim was the humor in it.
MC is one retarded trick…id still hit it tho.
remember the line… this is a warning shot before i blow up ya whole spot? haha i see it comin now. dumb MC, fucked your way into the biz and now you try and play that innocent girl shit. get outta here ho
So it’s safe to say Em will now release the pics.
She’s sooo annoying, who does she think she’s fooling. We all know the song’s about Em and that Nick put her up to it. Admit it and move on already. But I’m kinda glad she won’t shut up about it cause I luv Em when he’s pissed and in battle mode!!
everybody knows that one eminem fan would kill 1000 fucking gay lambs in 2 seconds… take that! hahaha
Dumb ass bitch, I heard the warning on xm the other day
Mariah Carey’s in her $11 million dollar NYC penthouse sippin’ Dom Perignon laughing at this shit!! She got artist of decade and millennium! Most number 1 hits by any artist in history [18]!!
She has best fans more educated!! At the end of the day Mariah ain’t a “rapper” but she fucking won this shit!! No one cares about Fem has he sold 200million+ albums???
I’m sick of his dumb ass uneducated fans thinking he’s some sort of god!!! He’s a piece of fucking trash that goes in a fucking garbage bag!!
And guess what Eminem she’s fucking Nick Cannon.. Yeah that’s right!! You lost to corny ass “NICK CANNON”!!!!
em killed mariah, that’s it. get over it you stupid lambs.
mickj23, tell em why you really mad Nick.. I mean mickj23
Ok, wow. You people act like EMinem and Mariah are gonna read all of this! The facts are Eminem won the verbal fight, Mariah is the bigger artist, Eminem has more awards, Mariah has more sales, Eminem is the most successful rapper of all time, Mariah is one of the most successful RnB artists since the early 90’s and they’re both richer than all of us! Case closed
so many stupid comments so little time but I’ll do my best
some stupid fuck up there misquoted something “Eminem says ‘as long as I’m getting airplay I’m dissing you’ ” no he says “as long as THAT SONGS getting airplay I’m dissing you “now you are a pretty heavy mariah stan so i don’t think you can comprehend what that means so here you go THAT SONG = obsessed and as so many mariah stans have bragged about it was like number 9? in the billboard 100s
and some other guy said something along the lines of “why does he keep talking about her why doesn’t he go after kanye wayne and drake” not exactly word for word but that was the message well when was the last time you heard him mention her since the warning?
then nick cannon the same guy that misquoted eminem earlier does what any fan in desperation does bring up sales and money as though it makes them immune to any criticism
so now to my comment
is she really this scared to not mention his name? Then there is more truth to “the warning” then I thought there was, I’m not if he will consider this “mentioning his name again” but I hope he does and releases everything hes got lol
Funny how she all of a sudden doesn’t know “Eminem” either it was a joke or it was intentional that bitch is fake 🙂 which tells me there is some hidden things in this whole dispute between these two..and for the case that Eminem is picking on a girl man he’d pick on ANYBODY that he felt he needed to if you don’t like it well you’ll just have to deal with it. Whining/flaming of either of these two wont get anyone ANYWHERE :-).
Eminem= has been!
lets hear more about people that matter like Jay-z, Kanye……um Soulja boy roflmao!! he’s more relevant than Eminem and gets way more airplay!
oh yeah and none of them got teabagged on tv, gay ass hell for that Eminem!
da fuck???
a Eminem Ignorant ass Stan just said “Eminem was”…wait i gotta copy and paste this shit!! cos i can’t bare to write it my damn self!
‘Evil-Genius’ said “Eminem is the greatest rapper to ever grab a Mic” muthafucka please, Biggie and Pac are the greatest rappers to ever touch the mic, and they had way better flow, rhymes, and skills than that bitch Eminem will ever have!
Fuck Eminem, Whoo Kidd, 50 and all his Stans yall won’t go down in music history, once your gone your gona be dead and gone and nobody’s gonna give a damn!
Mariah is 100xs better, and will be remembered forever just like Michael Jackson! they both got Artist of the Millennium awards, for the slow mfs that mean its gonna be another 1000 years before a new artist can get that title!
so put that in your crackpipe, or whatever Eminem gives yall delusional fuckers and smoke it, inject it and OD on it bitches!
i think she didn’t mention his name nor acknowledge him cos she wants to forget him and block out ever knowing him, or she didn’t want this to happen, and now that its happened I think she wants to block it out even more.
like seriously if i ever dated a guy like Eminem and if he did or didn’t hit, i’d totally deny ever being with him, cos seriously as if the song about him killing his wife, daughter, and talking so badly about his mother wasn’t enough… this crazy muthafucker thinks its all funny and jokes, and what worst is people out there defend this kind of behavior and music..’
like psycho muthafuckers are defending him, and going off on Mariah. She’s a woman, and she is not going to admit regardless if its false or true that she slept with someone and broadcast it everywhere, that is a whore move! Guys can do this, but girls can’t.
imo its this exact reason for why she denies him, because people would be like why would you even talk to him, have you not heard his music?? yes respect his rapping skills, but as far as the dating type, he seems to be into the Kim’s of the world and when he gets a grade A chick like Mariah he gets upsets and makes really mean and disgusting songs about her…
to that I’d say, Mariah stand tall, I’m with you, I’d never admit to being with someone like him either!
Dear B.Dot
go fuck yourself,
nah i really like Mariah, I’m just a fucking hater!
yea a B.Dot stfu
^h is a ho?
I love that song “Obsessed” its catchy
idk why people hating Mariah, if she was so ugly why is Eminem making songs about her? Why is she almost always in the Maxim hot 100 hottest women on the planet ( you haters sure not on that list) as well as countless other hottest people on the planet lists, she getting money and selling records!
Nick on tv, making his money, regardless if yall consider it successful or not, he shinning and getting paper, your not on tv, if you can do better you’d be on there showing him how its done.
Eminem doing what only he knows how, stirring up controversy trying to keep his name current and trending…he making his little money and paying his goons to do what they do…
so everybody getting ish done, its the haters thats on here talking down, sitting around, and aint getting shit done nor paper chasing!
Mariah is truly a great artist. What Eminem said was a complete bitch move. He know’s he’ll never be as popular or sell as many albums.
Mariah’s Obsessed is a great song. The only reason Eminem came out with the Warning is because he has built up anger about his manhood. He has to live with the fact that he is hung like 2 year old everyday, hence the reason why he lashes out at women.
Once again, I apologize on behalf my client Eminem. But there is good news to report and you heard it here first: Breaking News!!! Eminem and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson are ENGAGED!!! The couple is said to be overjoyed and glad they can finally reveal their true feelings after years of hiding. A date has yet to be determined. Congratulations guys!!
Em admitted a long time ago that he tends to say stuff just to make peope mad. So if you get mad, it makes him glad. If you fight, the songs are going to be amazing. At this point, the only reason Mariah is even on his radar is because she continues to fight. Em has talked about Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, and Christina Augilera before. All them have tried to fire with fire and found only themselves to get burned.
As far as him being attracted to the Kims of the world… I can’t really make a call on that but I do have a feeling that he “goes after” women that remind in some way of Kim. So it is possible that in some psychopathic way all these women that he trashes in songs somehow hit a trigger that Kim managed to create.
Personally I have no problem with Em trashing Mariah because I’m not much of a Mariah fan. She seems too stuck on herself. The girl is cute but one good album and she’s the shit? Please. Whitney Houston, Aertha Franklin wannabe.
To EMINEMisaHASBEEN your ignorant as fuck. Eminem is the highest selling rapper this year, let a lone compare him to Soulja boy. Was soulja boy the highest selling rap artist of all time? no. And who gives a fuck about radio play? btw does soulja boy have his own XM radio station? your a fucking idiot.
To Paul Rosenburg, right now Eminem is selling more albums than Mariah. And he sold more albums than her the last 10 years. So since his career started, he has outsold her. Enough said, Don’t need to hear another word from you. What are you call me? a stan. get the fuck outta here faggot.
wow, this song is for 8th graders? talking about sexin me and takinh E. shes a bullshit ass liar
This bitch is only good for one thing is ass fucking her thats it dump ass slut. I hope em release everything now LMAO to expose this slutty as fake.
Mariah is hott, i hope Em releases everything just to prove what really happened
I”m an Ass!