Chris Brown Will Headline Powerhouse Concert
September 24, 2009 @ 10:33 AM EDT

It’s the concert series where Jay and Nas made peace four years ago and, this year, the most controversial man in music will be the top biller. That’s right, who’s house? It’s Fuck Boy Brown’s house. My personal feelings for dude aside, this is a smart business move. It all goes down Oct 27 in NJ. You know we’ll be there armed with flip cams.
Props: Musica Telemundo
why the fuck you hate chris brown so a rihanna groupie or she..i understand if the blogger was a feamale..but come on dude..why they do that at
This nigga and niggaz like him (YN im talkin about) are so fake and phony. Yes, the nigga is dead ass wrong for hitting Rhianna and if she was my sister i’d beat the shit outta this young boy, but she aint my sister nor is she yours so cut it out. I saw video and im sure this fake YN nigga did too of Gucci mane snuffin a chick on stage and nobody said shit, matter of fact niggaz was laughin at it. Why he aint a fuck boy or a sucka? I’ll tell u why cuz YN and niggaz like him are all fake faggot niggaz just like when his mag was out and he was a bitch to 50 and G-unit there are no more real objective journalist in hiphop and thats another reason shits dead……FUCK BOY
why it dont make no sense he dont have no song out rite now so why would he headline the fact is that he choosing wisely becuz at a concert you come to see the headliner not boo them so of course its going to reflect the fans in NJ that like him and approve of the shit he did but the reality of it is if the ticcets are going to sell out or not or how many fans are still there when he hit the stage he kno not to perform at an award show becuz some people will boo but when your the headliner at a concert the fans mostly come becuz of you
its a real thirsty move by NJ becuz this dude aint got no songs out rite now none so what is he going to perform Forever or Kiss Kiss then with the assault he cant perform songs with inuendos like take you down shorty like mine run it
and to thunn gucci mane was wrong but it was evident why he hit that chicc she threw a shot glass at his face directly at his face and also we have video of why he hit that girl the reason why Chris Beat Rhianna is becuz she looked thru his phone come on thats some ike turner shit rite there
i feel sorry for this blog, all the fuck brown and shit is anoying as fuck jeez, i know its about opinion but yall just throwing that shit in every chris brown post? i know this blog hails jay-z as god and thats hard enough to deal with but im use to dick riders, but lay off the chris brown insults…
nigga you sound crazy, the bitch aint hit him with the glass and at a show im sure there was people there to get her outta there so he aint have to hit her. Its NEVER cool to hit a chick so DONT pick and choose who to shit on about it. lots of people with brains know he aint hit that girl over no text if u read between the lines u know that ol girl read that text and started swinging on dude while he was driving. If he wanted to beat her when i stopped the car he could have really fucked her up but he bounced. If u ever seen a Redbone chick after a fight any little touch will show up on there face so it looked worse than it was. But after all that i still say dude is dead wrong and so is gucci but cuz gucci is “Hot” in the streets right now niggaz cant call him out on it. Fuck outta here
Cb is a fuck boy yall just some stans thunn might be a chick
And i dont fuck with gucci either only simple niggaz do he cant rap he like sb
Only simple niggaz and lil girls gonna applaud cb when he hit the stage I wouldnt pay money to see his non singing ass
Trey songz just dropped a hot album that made the top 10 and has 4 songs on the radio he got snubbed by cb getting to be the headliner with no song out
Fuck cb gonna perform old shit from a year and half ago??? Fuck out of here
Keri Hilson got snubbed 2
everyone else thats performing at the show got snubbed by this loser who didnt accomplish shit this year to even get to be the headliner
They made him the headliner because the hype and attention it would get not because he deserved it. Because he doesnt deserve to headline
Chris will be performing “Transformer” ft. Lil Wayne.
Thun is an abuser or a girl that loves Chris Brown I said Gucci was wrong and its evident she threw a glass at that nigga becuz she said it herself afterward motherfucca soon as she threw that shit somebody grabbed her and plus gucci wasnt at no damn big venue cuz was at a hole in the wall club how many securities you think in that bitch man get over it cuz that nigga CB was wrong the way he apologized was even more fucced up then he try to get at Oprah like she owe him something that nigga whole demeanor is fucced up right now and i dont support no shit like that period i dnt listen to Gucci Like that and i wouldnt come out of poccett for cuz shit but im saying under his circumstances i understand especially since its a hood nigga like gucci which means niggas that think ike gucci is going to support that shit cuz they wouldve done the same thing that gucci did but i mean Chris gets on air and says how his mother use to get the shit beat out of her and says he would never under any circumstances put hands on a chicc damn near crying on national television and it turn out he been beating on her before n it turn out he got into a situation with his mom where the police had to come to a room him and his moms was staying at
I mean this nigga get probation sentence then the same week cuz on stage singing how he wanna fucc every girl in the world and how wendy williams look like a man and How Oprah was wrong and she owes him come Get The Fucc outta Here with that bullshit you preaching until cuz show he was remorseful i feel cuz dont deserve another shot but me personally i dont care becuz i dont buy cuz music anyway but i think that the way he handled the situationthe feamles that did support his shit shouldnt anymore just keepin 100
i am a fan of Chris Brown his music is so cool. it is too bad that his relationship with Rihanna did not work out.
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