Spike Jonze Explains Kanye’s Mini Movie
October 23, 2009 @ 11:12 AM EDT
Director Spike Jonze spoke to the New York Times about working on Kayne’s viral flick, We Were Once A Fairytale. The video was taken down shortly after it premiered, but you can still catch it here.
“We rehearsed the night before we shot, and talked about trying to get to that raw place, that sad, pathetic, drunken, lost place,” Mr. Jonze said. “I told him, the more shameless it is, the more pathetic it is, the better. He just went for it.”
Drunk and hot girls, indeed.
Kanye gonna be blackballed from Hollywood from this. Won’t even get a shot at Gigli 2.
I saw this the other day and loved it. It really captured a sense of ironic drunkeness. I love when kanye says, this is my song!! ha, thats how I would react if I heard my song playing in a bar/club. I love kanye, whatever he does next Im sure will be a-maz-ing…
true artistry at its best. at first I ddnt like it then I dawned on me that I didn’t have to like so I accepted it.
I would love to meet Mr. West, now that would be one fun time. I will bring skittles and make his dark world full of bright colors, leaving him smiling, and dreaming about care bears. Oh what fun we would have.
he needs to mourn his mother.
i like both these artists. i think when they do challenging things like this short film, even though they lose a lot of people, just like when they did ‘flashing lights”. people don’t “get it”. but i thought the film was good. i like trying to figure out stuff. thanks for posting this insightful tidbit.
like “no country for old men”. what was it “about”? or the film “there will be blood”. i know both those films confused the mainstream audience, especially “blood”. but they were just not as obvious as say transformers. i loved them. props to spike and kanye for taking risks and not going for the same old dumb-down.