New Video: Chris Brown Ft. Lil Wayne & Swizz Beatz “I Can Transform Ya”
October 27, 2009 @ 7:30 AM EDT

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3750546&w=425&h=350&fv=]
Lord knows, I don’t like Chris Brown as a person. But he might have just made one of the greatest videos of all-time. Of all-time. Seriously, it’s really really good. Beyoncé good. I dare you to disagree. Just watch those nunchucks, kid.
Props: OnSmash
dope shit…
Fuck you werent playing
Chris Breezy <3
Transform me baby 🙂
not my fave
Surely, you are being sarcastic because that video was chester cheeseball status. Seriously.
i am not sure when to take you serious homie…..were you being sarcastic about the video….cause some niggas is changing into cars and fire trucks and shyt it is banging…man that shyt is a cheeseball video for a cheesy lame ass dude..and i like that fool…he makes cool music…..
where have we gone when we think transforming people makes a video great ….i think you need to check some missy elliot videos……cause this beyonce best video of all time bullshyt must stop…..niggas must have forgot what great videos look like…
she did not make the best video of all time..cause kanye said it…that is a pure fagget..where his say so means absolutely nothing….be real homie…this video is average at best
this one is for the gays
What people rather see all the girls half naked and them having this at a beach? would that make the video not chessy? LOL Y’all kill me. It’s a different look from videos which why most of the dudes seem to dislike it.
The type goes with the song, that’s something you guys are forgetting. This video would work any other way then how it is now.
dope ass video. Excellent art direction. Video of the year.
dope, nice concept perfect beat that goes with the vid. wayne killed this shit, very good get verses. CB killed it with the dancing and num chucks. Greta comeback!
Apples and oranges, I know…but to me..personally…i’ll take a “Trap Going Ham” video (Pill) over this faux “hi tech” garbage any day of the week.
Kanye said Beyonce had “one of the greatest videos of all times.” When you get thousands of replica videos, thousands of articles talking about how great you video is, it’s being talked about on CNN, NPR and on entertainment news show, etc…President Obama was doing the hand wave. You’ve created a great, memorable video. Beyonce went back and did some MJ Rock With You and Janet Jackson Pleasure Principle on people. When it didn’t take special effects but real talent to grab people’s attention.
Chris video is good, but you certainly don’t have to tear down one black person to big up another.
dont like the video and the song is ten times worse
Stop hatin and congrad folks. The boi got some hot shit here..
this video is super hard but I kind of like the Wall to Wall video better
I think both the record and the video are dope. Best ever that is a phrase Kanye was exaggerating that people have been throwing around loosely. But it is the best video i’ve seen this year for sure
i think niggas is siding with this nigga to be different and trying to make beating on a woman acceptable but imma keep it up 1 hundred everytime i see cuz nex t to a female imma fear for that female life lke plz tellme you didnt go home with cuz not only that his music is terrible
Transforma Ya be real if you niggas and bitches waste yall money on that shit then go ahead but all im saying its sad when we got artist like Ryan leslie who bring that fire everytime videos and music and Robin Thicke who kills everything he on and we say that this man shit is the best when Robin and R.lez shit not even acknowledged I mean yall faggotts and hoes can honestly say that this song is better than Addictive or Diamond Girl or the joint Robin Thicke got with Ross keep it real this shit is terrible Now rhianna shit is terrible too but this song is horrendous this is like when Wayne said that Showtime was going to be the lead single for The Carter 3 that shit hit the air and nobody fucced withit but I believe Showtime is better than this transform ya shit
The video is good no lie but Like i dont see whats the difference between this video and them videos t-pain was doing when he just stood infront of that green scren and let the art director do all the work
video isn’t horrible, especially as we get used to the shit that gets posted on wshh every day but come on, this isn’t that great. pretty average if you ask me.
Wayne – i can turn you from a human to a carter? you mean an alien?
First of finally a non generic beat form just blaze
second wayne… nah
third shoulda put a milli on the vid and it woulda challenged mj and janets “scream”
Video of the Year???? Are we watching the same thing? I’ve seen better transformations on Ambush Makeover.
I co-sing with wes. Nothing really amazing. His VMA performance was more exciting than this.
This video sucks! What are you talking about! The special effects look mad cheap!
Putting everything aside…what he’s done and everything, this video is dope…You can deny his talent and Nothing will stop this guy. His performances speak who its self he puts it all out in the end of the day…he lives in the entertainment business and i don’t know many who do it like Breezy.
this video is disgustingly creative in a stunning amount of ways.
I’m giving it up to Chris Brown on this one… even Swizz Beats came just right on the beat, as well as Wayne not rhyming lazy. The bar has been raised, for sure. I genuinely think this is one of the best videos of all-time. OF ALL-TIME! (No Kanye 🙂
and I like this song a hundred times more than Rihanna’s boring comeback track.
Chris thinks he’s slick with that little Michael Jackson crotch-grab at the end there… ha!
Of The Wasteland says:
Tuesday, October 27 2009 at 10:18 AM EST
Apples and oranges, I know…but to me..personally…i’ll take a “Trap Going Ham” video (Pill) over this faux “hi tech” garbage any day of the week.
so right.
this video is disgustingly creative in a stunning amount of ways.
I’m giving it up to Chris Brown on this one… even Swizz Beats came just right on the beat, as well as Wayne not rhyming lazy. The bar has been raised, for sure. I genuinely think this is one of the best videos of all-time. OF ALL-TIME! (No Kanye 🙂
and I like this song a hundred times more than Rihanna’s boring comeback track.
Chris thinks he’s slick with that little Michael Jackson crotch-grab at the end there… ha!
The bar’s been raised for who? Girl-hitting pop stars with the voices of an angel and dance moves like MJ. Oh wait, there’s only one of those.
Nahh.. everyone looks over Eminem’s 3AM video… it should DEFINITELY have won video of the year. Regardless of it’s gorey-ness.
Indeed a hot track (minus the lyrics)…The video was aesthetically pleasing, thanks to the ninjas and the chick wit the nice ass Weezy was rappin to…BUT it’s some shit i seen before with Swizz and the CG (Kanye West-ish wit Good Life and numerous other vids)…and to the niggas hatin’ (+ ME) Stop holdin’ him to his past and let the nigga get his dough and write his future (eventhough he dont write his own music and if he does he needs to find a new writer) and i do agree wit the Mike Jackson teething…cease that…
BTW: it is kinda unfair to beat up on a broad when u know Ninjitsu nunchaku kata…totally unacceptable (almost like callin urself a “Breezy”)
This is not Illegal drug trafficking!! But it is CRACK. Remi’s the next Jeezy
Not even being bias. I dislike the dude but this video is Fire. This video HAD to be amazing or his “comeback” would have fizzled. But i’m listening, go ahead and show me a better video than this from 2009.
Both of Maxwell’s gems come to mind; not to mention U-N-I’s “Land of the Kings”, The Cataracts “Club Love” Bey’s upcoming Video Phone AND the plethora of vids from the GaGa herself. Marco Polo’s “Nostalgia” Melanie Fiona’s “It Kills Me” along w/Amerie’s “Heard Em All.” Wiley “She Likes To” REMIX
I mean just to name a few….