Diddy Endorses Kasim Reed For Mayor


Down in the Peach State, mayoral elections are days away. And although Puff’s a NYC resident, he’s showing his support for candidate, Kasim Reed. Vote or die!


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  1. Betsy says:

    Khasim is the last thing Atlanta needs. Diddy should keep his nose out of Atlanta politics — it’s not a good look for him.


  2. young fucker says:

    puff better try to endorse Shyne!!!!this man (puffy) is a fuckin stupid clown and people love him because off the cash he got….it s like bees with honey, all the puffy’s fan are just attrack by the bling and all the trashes come out his mouth

  3. YO says:

    Agreed, Betsy. This guy endorsed our current president and the economic state has only gotten worse. He needs to worry about putting out a hit record.

  4. yo mama says:

    this dude look like george bush black brother

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