Jay-Z Addresses Beanie Sigel Diss
October 31, 2009 @ 12:56 AM EDT

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At a Blueprint 3 press conference earlier today, Jay-Z addressed Beanie Sigel diss record. This one’s still hard to digest, y’all.
props: StarboyantC
Wow Jay got a point. When you’re on the hottest rap label of the time, got unlimited music connections, a clothing line, etc… you can only blame yourself. Jay did it himself. Beanie’s good but coulda been a lot more self-motivated to get promo. He didn’t NEED Jay yet leaned on him.
B.S and therefore when he goes broke call the cops when you come to concert in his city….nice one Jay..but its pretty clear u a snake like Katt williams say if niggas been talkin the same shit about you for a while then its prolly true Jay-z = G.O.A.T rapper but Sean Carter you a fuckin,backstabbin snake whos sold your soul for riches….oh plus you a bitch nigga for callin the cops too.
what’s he say I can’t watch the vid on my iPhone hahaaa
keepin these muthafukas rich ain’t easy (c)50cent bisd
in this shit all he was explaining was money he did touch up on half of the shit beans said in that interview beans was saying how jay was doing songs and dropping songs and promoting singles of his own while beanie had a single out thats what beanie was saying is nigga why you trying to hog all the spotlight when niggas trying to get it in and shit Like why are you putting songs out there with just you on the song but its my album out
I feel beans becuz he did the same thing with bleek with dear summer its like bleekfot shit promotion for i think the name was 534 or some shit but its like ok why is jay doing a song that dont even feature bleek and using bleek album for the promotion of the single and promoting the single as a single itself and it turn out you not even going to pay bleek
I get where beanie is coming from he asking jay like nigga why would you sign us if you not willing to promote us and that shit is true he got rhianna around 24/7 365 and lowkey using her and the bitch not even signed to him
I think what jay-z is a user n its knowledgable what this nigga do is when a nigga is hot he wanna jump on they shit just how he never did songs with T.I. and Wayne before they sold ove 2 million records on a recent LP then he wanna get them on records he did the same thing with Juvie he wasnt messing with Juvey with soulja rags and the beginning of the hot boyz movement but when “Ha” blow up he wanna jump on juvey song like Now Im sure Juvenile cant even get in contact with Jay-Z rite now but in 98 99 Jay-Z prolly was blowing Juvey Phone UP
he did the same thing with Master P got on a couple of records P and Silk since No Limit disappeared from the scene Jay aint reached out or nothing
He did the same thing with 50 and when G-unit was hot he gon try and get on tour with a rap group that just sold 5 million but when these niggas selling 300 k you asking them to get on a promo tour with you
he used alotta Niggas That just dont respect him anymore Gr8s LL,DMX,UGK,Jermaine Dupri, Nelly, I mean the list goes on
and rite now he using Kanye but I gurantee you if things keep going bad for kanye and J.Cole or Wale emerge then he going to start using them
It is called the music business, children.
Beanie is broke because this dummy wants to shoot at people in philly..then the dummy gets bagged and has to spend all his money on legal fees…If dumb ass rappers would put there money in the fucking bank instead of into jewelry ,cars & criminal defense lawyers they wouldn’t end up like this fool.
Jay didn’t pull the triggathat got him out the game for that year and a day if u want superstar status u cant be on the block poppin guns he would have never seen commerical success he reached his peak to mainstream. The Philadelphia Phillies wont be having him perform to open their world series game. Be a man stand on your on two if soulja boy can promote himself so can sig self promotion is the best promotion go grind like u do to get a deal u cant expect execs and and label heads to make u a superstar Kanye did it himself being arrogant having good music grind nigga and stop bitchin and tryin to ruin a mans marriage thats a real bitch response
Jay got a point but so does Beans…when it comes to the music Jay didn’t push him like lets say 50…if you got an artist. You a big rapper. You get on they hook at least. To help push them. Example Yung Dro “Shoulder Lean”
Jay one of my 5 favorite rappers but as a real nigga I just dont see it and I dont mean real in the sense of what he did in the street I mean how you treat your niggas artist would be better off signing directly with a label instead of the bad boys and rocafellas because they give you a false sense of family when they all buisness
The real story is, and what Beanie didn’t mention is, Beanie, sided with Dame. And allowed Dame to keep tabs on him when he knew the split was going down, he chose a side. PERIOD.
fukk Jay Z.
That dude is foul.
woooooo waaaaaaave,,, 50 Cent at his best,, make sure you buy BISD 23rd NOV
Props to my man Goofy welldone mtl journalist for this question!
Jay was never a street dude with loyalty and fam first instincts, even Klein the nigga who he hustled with called him out on that shit.
The only friend Jay got is Ty-Ty cuz Bleek, Beans,Dame, Jaz o, even YN all got shitted on by Jay-z.
Ask Jay now who his friends are and he’ll tell you Chris Martin and Lebron James dudes who he aint know til recently….SMH
That’s a good point about Jay stilling the spot light when other artist have albums out. I kind of seen that when it was going down. But artist like Nelly, and Ditty also done it to keep the label hot by holding the handle to keep things movin. But, if artist have a problem with the CEO they need to express their promotion at that time to keep them name hot when their album drops too. Nelly did the same to the St. lunatics but I don’t think anybody could of held the label down like Nelly but he never really gave them a chance hipetherically. Ditty, also never let Black Rob or G dep get his exposure neither. I also noticed that with Bleek he did like one or two videos per record and never got any exposure. So, I don’t see how you could sell more than platnium 500,000 on your first or second album. Beanie has a good point and Jay has a good point as CEO to make that choice. Whether he saw potential for growth there or maybe not. Also, you have to look at Kanye situation he had to pay for his on video and do all his promotion to get kicked off and he suceeded by pushing his on sh**. So let that be a lesson to all you rappers out there push your on sh** in your contracts in the fine print for promotion and marketing. There might be some that are stealling that light for their on fame and fortune not to say that was all their intentions. One thing I noticed about Jay-Z he is a hell of marketer and he studies when to make his promotion moves. Also, he no how to keep a mystic and metaphor to keep people following him. He is a better than average rapper to me but not the best in my book. To all you rappers he also now how to ride the beat in his songs with timing and get the best beats from the top people. Also, he gets the top vocal singers Mary, A. Keys, Mia and B. to ride his hooks. The boy next to myself is cold but not quite on my level on knowledge but no how to use his fame to get paid. Rappers step ya game up and read the fine print.
Check this out!
I finally got my twitter. Follow me @chuckdofdasouth…When will one of our start-up record labels be able to stand the test of time. They all go out the exact same way. I was just joking saying 3 or 4 years from now, Drake and Lil Wayne will be beefing about Young Money. We have enough lawyers and cpa’s coming out of our hoods to be able to help these rappers. Not just the label heads. If hip hop dies, this will be the real reason.
Be easy folks (Gray Tape Era State of Mind)
50 is a grimey cat. I know he set Bean up to go against Jay. Why would Bean keep metioning his 50 name. How can a grown man almost be 40 years old talkin about street cred. Bean is a sucka and will neva be CEO material. Man I keep tellin everyone 50 is a chess player and the bugs bunny lookin character is cold blooded.
we dont believe you,you need more ppl,
lets get real,we know beans wasnt seeing all the money that clothing label was making,
stop that jay,but yea we know jay is a snake,he doesnt want anyone to outshine him,
why didnt jay do a verse for jada’s album?
‘its called music business’ yea,sure,but wat other music genre you know that you can end up dead as a result of your actions, rap is not your standard business, niggas will come see you cuz at the end of the day all rap artists are in reach.
book a show and u got them right where you want them,
like beans said, i aint your average rapper lil scrapper,im an original gun clapper.
jay was never a ceo,he handles his own career,thats it,
why would you stop beans from working with 50? why would you block him?
when 50 was working with freeway,why didnt jay help too,no video with free?
this is what happened…
*50 cent calls Beanie*
50: YO beanie, whattup its 50. Wanna make some money?
Beanie: hell yah man im broke
50: ima need u to make a diss record against jay for a hundred thousand dollars…
Beanie: im on my way to the studio….
Some records push themselves without exposure like Mystical and Mr. Cheeks. Both had hot albums threw and threw the whole album. The street buzz pushed this albums because the streets saw creativity and raw talent. I don’t know if Beans album was a banger or a one or two hit wonder. On the other hand look how Dr. Dre handles his situation with EM, Snoop, Game, and 50. He to a back seat and still getting big money from writing and producing by letting his artist promote themselves. If you look at artist like LL. Cool J. who is the G.O.A.T. played the indian to Def Jam and still getting paid from movies, clothing and record sales. Some people need to just play the indian and quit trying to be the chief because this forces CEO in some cases to make big moves to protect their brand. Not everyone can have a label sometimes its good to negotiate your contract right with merchandising and get paid. It can be and headache being the CEO and being the workhorse. State property metaphors are not real life because prisons,bullets,family are real and bills are real. Rappers should learn from this situation with all of these egos and chaos. Like Jay-Z said its hard to play the game with all red cards and no spades. So rappers don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you can get on your feet.
@ Verse Cutta – co-sign
He didn’t wanna jump on that track with Jada because he knew he would get slaughtered, this ain’t them “Resevoir Dawgs” or “Blackout” days Jay’s lyrical blade ain’t as shape as it use to be. I respect Jada for not putting “Who Run This?” on his album too, like I don’t want no nigga talking on my song like he Diddy for all that he could of stayed on Bad Boy, Jay was mad disrespectful for that. The fuck of the matter is this Beanie couldn’t promote his album when Jay was eating up the fuckig promotion budget at Roc-A-Fella like Beanie siad the nigga would drop his album like two weeks after Sigels and have a video out before Sigel doing mass promotion. How you gone cast a shadow on ya own artist?? Not to mention he couldn’t get promotion moving through tours because Jay-Z didn’t wanna pay niggas to go on tour! Kanye had an advantage because he could garner revenue and promotion by being a producer. Beanie couldn’t…
All you guys talking about Jay not promoting Albums for artist need to ask yourself one question,
What does Jay GAIN by not helping these artist? Of course he wants them to succeed and sell records..why? Becasue it’s his label, image and $$$investment.
I don’t believe for a second it’s intentional for Jay to put out Records 2 weeks after beans or be4 it’s business. If Jay’s invest 1 milli for Beans Album and it testes poorly on the launch or the feedback from the masses in week one, so they have an IDEA of projected sales, Jay obviously might have to go in and SAVE the DAY as to not looses his investment.
that’s good business!! When LL, and the rest of them make money, it only helps solidify Jay’s spot as CEO etc so the argument that he wants to outshine his artist and not help them push reocords is BULLSHIT and of you want proof look at KANYE… Jay never does anything for KANYE in terms of PROMO and Kanye sells millions and sells out arenas.
If you ever listen to Jay on the HOT 97 he is always requesting his new artist before they DROP like Ne-yo , or the DREAM way before ppl even know who they were.
Most of what Beans said is probably true. Jay has a long list of people he’s left behind and soured relationships. That being said, the real reason Beans is in the situation he’s in is because he was a junkie. Plain & simple. Niggas from Philly know. Pills, dope, syrup & truly living in the streets are the reason he’s not a millionaire rapper.
ummm which one of 50’s crew is doing anything now ….. how many of them have clothing lines/record labels???? How many of them were even hot for a long period of time????? Dam Beans it does look like the grass is greener on the other side.
Lol. I really hope you all realize that you are criticizing Jay for doing EXACTLY what he is supposed to do? He is the best selling solo artist of all time for a reason people. HE works his ass off and doesn’t lean on other people to help him. He SEIZES EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTED TO HIM and capitalizes from it. And to the dumb ass who criticized him for jumping on songs with people after they blow up….HOW DUMB CAN U BE?? OF COURSE HE WAITS TIL PEOPLE BLOW UP TO GET ON TRACKS WITH THEM??? LMAO!! IT’S A BUSINESS! YOU DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE WHO CAN FURTHER YOUR OWN BUSINESS! OTHERWISE IT WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME?!!?!?! come on people. Open your eyes. This shit is OBVIOUS AS HELL. God bless him, but the nigga Beans embraces that ghetto, thug, hood, bumbass nigga mentality too much and everyone with commonsense knows that will ONLY HOLD U BACK! You can’t go into a corporate board room and negotiate business deals when you present yourself in that light. Everybody calls that shit “keeping it real”when in reality its just another case of “keepin it real stupid.” You CANT HELP your people by staying in the same place and doing the same things as them. You have to grow, mature, do better, and further yourself so that they see that the bullshit traps of the hood arent the only way to prosper. THEN you can teach them to do the same things. YOU ARE HURTING THE HOOD MORE THAN YOU ARE HELPING THE HOOD BEANS! THat keep it real shit is plain fucking stupid. How the fuck you gonna help the hood from jail?? im sorry yall, but i just get heated over the stupid ass mentality of some of our most talented and intelligent people. JAY IS THE AMERICAN DREAM for a fucking reason. He used all the BULLSHIT of the hood to become a better person. And hes not a snake nigga AT ALL!! NOT BY ANY MEANS!!! THIS NIGGA BEANS WAS A PART OF ROCAFELLA RECORDS!!! NUFF SAID! HE HAD UNLIMITED RESOURCES AND CONNECTIONS!! IF HE WASNT WASTING TIME BACK IN THE HOOD BULLSHITTIN AROUND HE COULD BE BETTER THAN JAY AND IN A BETTER PLACE! IF HE WORKED HARDER! INSTEAD HE GOT TO A “GOOD PLACE” AND BECAME COMPLACENT. HE EXPECTED OTHER NIGGAZ TO SPEND THEIR TIME DOING WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING FOR HIMSELF. NIGGAZ NEED TO WAKE UP AND STOP SYMPATHIZING WITH THIS NIGGA BEANS! HES JUST ANOTHER CLASSIC CASE OF A LAZY NIGGA WHO (NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS) WAS LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS. AINT NO MAN GONNA DO FOR YOU, YOU GOTTA DO FOR SELF. THIS NIGGA JAY OPENED THE DOOR TO HEAVEN FOR THIS KAT AND HE HAS THE NERVE TO TURN AROUND AND SAY JAY DID HIM DIRTY AND THEN YOU PEOPLE HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY THAT JAY IS A SNAKE. BE SERIOUS? I MEAN DAMN.
YaBoiTone – “He is the best selling solo artist of all time for a reason people”
Please shut up and never comment on anything related to music again in your life.
@YaBoiTone – couldn’t have said it better. yall niggas look like bitches having sympathy with beans lazy ass. tough love nigga, take these resources, this education from one of the greatest, and go make yourself and your family set for life. like dude said, Jay didn’t do half the shit for kanye and look at ye now. its called true hustle, true ambition, true vision, true work ethic, true passion for what you do. = kanye could never fail. Jay could never fail. beans ship has sailed, he’ll never be as popular as he once was and its his own damn fault. men take responsibility. boys point fingers solely.
@Killerchris2k8 – you took all that truth that nigga Tone said and pulled one misquote out of it to discredit the nigga. c’mon cuz, u look like the news media taking sound bites that don’t speak to the overall picture painted. and OBVIOUSLY THE NIGGA WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS #1 ALBUM CATLOG. 11. <—no solo artists with more. (and don't say the beatles, they're a group.)
some of y’all keep sayin oh kanye could make money cause he was producing beans didn’t have that so it’s not fair. F that kanye did it cause his music was good period. if jay had come up under someone big that wasn’t letting him shine no matter what if his music was good people would get that and then buy records and jay would see like oh they like my shit to then be able to go out and do his own thing. beans didn’t cause he was lazy expected jay to hold him up to fuckin baby sit him. y’all parents never teach you to worry bout yourself. I got friends and I love them but they gotta know how to do they own shhhi cause ain’t none of us lookin for a hand out and I’ve got the same boys since 95. all these dudes on here sayin oh jay ain’t no street guy he ain’t got no loyalty, f that wait til one of ya homie snitches on you and you’ll see you can’t trust everyone and certain times you gotta worry bout number 1 and that yourself
“oh i feel sorry for beans, he’s speaking from his heart.”
^and all that shit. speaking from your heart, sounding wounded and downtrodden, hurt and whiny don’t make you right. logic niggas, logic. this shit is plain as day.
The part that kills me is that Beans had a better career then everybody in G-Unit. Banks had one good album that sold 3 mil but then didn’t even go gold his next project. Wait a few years he gonna be talking that same shit about fif. Yayo we won’t even mention. Even 50 career musically is not doing so well. So what the fuck is he talking about for real. Did Jay stop him from making music? Did Jay say he can’t make albums? Beans has 4 albums and could make another one next year and if its good could sell some records his affiliation to Jay and history of music will keep that spot. But the dumb G-unit comment kills me cause Banks career is over as far as I can see. Nobody on G-Uint making money except Fif.
I just wanna know about the Power 106 concert with the cops. Jay should have at least called the nigga and told him I’m leaving to start Roc over do you cause im doing me. No man can make me sit and wait, imagine Kanye not making music for years waiting for Jay to hold his hand. Never happen.
Why can Jay do no wrong to you Internet niggaz?? And 50 has nothing to do with this shit. You’re getting off the fuckin topic! How does this explain why he coulda stopped beans from goin back into jail but said no? How does this explain why the whole state prop crew is broke?? How does this explain how he never visited this nigga in jail?? How does this explain how he never jumped on 1 of Beans 1st singles?? How does this explain not returning any of his phone calls?? How does this explain how Hov ditched his whole camp and switched labels without informing niggaz?? How does this explain how niggaz was getting $600 a piece for a show?? How does this explain you borrowing Philly’s rhyme style and giving proper credit?? He didn’t build the Roc brand by himself. He’s a fuckin snake!! You niggaz are fuckin blind to facts!
yeah, J, but that does not explain how you could throw a homie under the bus when you had the key to keep him out of jail…and it would cost you no more than a three letter word… “yes”… and the occasional phonecall to make sure he’s on track
When you are at a jay z level, this is expected.. Most of us don’t want the leadership position of a jay z in the world because of situation like this.. How much can one human being handle??becareful… Jay z is ours with all his good and bad…hip hop must evolve…or die..
You niggas are deluded if you dont think Yayo and Bank$ make money.
Yayo gets $50k a show, and he’s just the hype man.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3071949.stm <<< this story refutes Sigel's claims (@11:20). Still looking for official records from Court in Philly.
fuck beans. its real weak of him to release that record. at the end of the day anyone can talk shit about anyone else. period. friends, enemies whatever. if it helps him to diss jay z cuz hes feeling emotional thats lame. over the years ive seen interviews where beans really appears so ghetto and unintelligent. he didnt use his hustling acumen to the business and he got his shit screwed. he stayed involved in petty crimes doin petty shit. record label, clothing line, record deal, all w/ selling 800000 records come on dude look in the mirror, everyone wanna complain when they money gone and theyre left on bum row. look @ the unit, look @ buck, its the same thing,, only i think jay has more class and will give beans a few more passes before going in. ultimately it benefits jay none to go in on him it benefits beans because he will be able to garner a buzz and hopefully spark some interest in his career which has since floundered. the rap game is so terrible.
hey peeps. the movement by the fans against Jay-Zs shady ways has moved to twitter
heres what you do
just go on your twitter pages and type “BOYCOTT JAY-Z”
People dnt forget, this aint some BABY AND LIL WANYE type a relationship. Jay aint none a dese cats “DADDY” nor he be kissing em on their lips. He do that to Beyonce.
Dudes should a read his whole book, Follow his moves.
Still Jay needs to chop it up wid Beans.
Big man ting
“Why can Jay do no wrong to you Internet niggaz?? And 50 has nothing to do with this shit. You’re getting off the fuckin topic! How does this explain why he coulda stopped beans from goin back into jail but said no? How does this explain why the whole state prop crew is broke?? How does this explain how he never visited this nigga in jail?? How does this explain how he never jumped on 1 of Beans 1st singles?? How does this explain not returning any of his phone calls?? How does this explain how Hov ditched his whole camp and switched labels without informing niggaz?? How does this explain how niggaz was getting $600 a piece for a show?? How does this explain you borrowing Philly’s rhyme style and giving proper credit?? He didn’t build the Roc brand by himself. He’s a fuckin snake!! You niggaz are fuckin blind to facts!”
I’m a Jay-Z stan but this shit is real. Niggas say Chris raps like Hov but in reality Hov raps like him. Jay found that Philly shit & ran away with it.
@MoresicKaMC. You a really fucking loser. That’s the prob with us black people.
I have a fucking University degree and I work, Gonna do a Masters soon. Cos a man like Jigga has shown me that through hard work you can succeed. He is through music, my route is diff. I may not be rich like him but dam i’m a work my ass off. Jay-z like Obama is an Inspiration to me.
What the fuck have you been up to lately?
And who the fuck inspires you Fifty Cent? So you can go shoot at people and sell drugs eh?
Fucking non progressive internet Dunces
haha @morsickamc why you got a Twitter ain’t no one give a damn about what you do homie. ha this dude came in here like “omg were boycottin jay on Twitter y’all” you a fool. boycottin jay and then talkin bout him on Twitter is a little contradicting no? stop listening to hip hop your a mess dude.
why are yall complaining that beanie is only doing this ’cause he’s broke? i thought he made it clear in his interview that jay didn’t owe him any money. just wanted to talk??…smh. the only reason he made the diss record is because he couldn’t get in touch with him, so he had to speak his shit on a record. besides what he did at the powerhouse sounds pretty foul to me.
sidenote: what happened to ‘I Get It In’ & “They Burn Me”?…50 shoulda replaced some of them middle songs on BISD..still a solid 4/5. AND BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT IS BEING RELEASED NOV. 17TH NOT 23RD…(PUSHED UP BECAUSE OF THE LEAK..)
@ yardie_ute Wasn’t Hov’s last album all about shooting people and selling drugs. Haven’t pretty much all 11 albums been about shooting people and selling drugs. I’m pretty sure when Hov spits ” If Jeezy paying Lebron/I’m paying Dwayne Wade” he is talking about Narcotics.
What this all comes down to is all of you that think Jay is at fault here you’re stuck in the “soldier” mentality. Jay and the other top people have the “boss mentality”, if you think Beans is right in this situation then that speaks about YOUR character in life and how you’ll always be dependent on others to solidify your own success and will never truly achieve the top position. Beans is being too negative and wants to blame others for his downfall rather than himself. Which is easy to do, that’s why so many niggaz loved ‘Pac (as a person) cause so many people can relate to someone that feels like all their failures are due to someone else and that “no one understands them”. How long can you hold onto someone’s hand for? Over a decade? Please, all of you Bean supporters in these situation will never understand what position Hov is in until you truly reach the premiere status for whatever you’re working for. You can only stay in ditch too long with someone before you realize it’s time to move on.
“Hate on me, I blew but I’m the same ol G
People warn me, when you’re on top there’s envy”
To boycott Jay Z music for the reasons mentioned earlier is FOOLISH on so many levels. Not to mention the only thing you are really supporting is the “crab in the barrel” mentality. If we choose to boycott Jay for this, there is a long list of others that should be added to the list as well. By the time the list is done it will include all the labels in rap. I’m a Jay Z fan but more importantly, I’m a fan a blacks getting money.
The demographics for hip hop is around 15-24. What Jay Z in currently doing is helping to extend that demographic. That’s what the game needs. Ask yourself this…How many rappers that were hot in 2000 are still relevant now? The answer is not enough. That’s the reason hip hop is more watered down now as opposed to 2000. Most successful rappers make their money then move on to other ventures. I’m glad Jay Z is still involved with the game cuz lets be honest…he doesn’t have to. Jay didn’t stop Beans from getting money. Beans will problably profit from what’s happening right now.
As a culture lets focus on getting money long term and not just right now. Watch the progress we make then…This Ghetto PSA is brought to you from one of the good folks down in Texas…Be easy folks.
“if you think Beans is right in this situation then that speaks about YOUR character in life and how you’ll always be dependent on others to solidify your own success and will never truly achieve the top position.”
@ Frank. While I agree “it is called the music business”, i may be wrong, but it sounds you’re implying Jay’s ho-card should not get pulled. Just because something is widely practiced, like, say, police brutality, do we say let it slide? Jay is an exploiter and karma’s a motherfucka.
@Killerchris2k8. I dont Know which Jay-z albums you have been listening to but all post Blueprint albums from jay z has shown his musical maturity. Any Mention of Crack,Cocaine, and guns is in the past tense and its always a reference, look i did that, Look where I am now. Even American gangsta was a metaphorical album often comparing the life of a real life Gangsta to Being a corporate Gangsta. And when he speaks about violence or selling crack its like I used to do that, I smartened up and know luck where i am.
“Niggaz actin’ like I sold you crack Like I told you sell drugs…no…Hove did that so hopefully you won’t have to go through that”
“Gangsta nigga, put my hustle down, tore the game up nigga”
“Years 94 and my trunk is raw, in ma rear view mirror its the motherfucking law (notice.. year is 94)”
“I sold kilos of coke, I’m guessing I can sell cd’s, I’m not a business man, I’m a business, man just let me handle my business dam”
And I could go on and fucking on,
Makes me wonder if you are speaking from an informed position
im wit beans on this…he made it his bizness to say it wasnt about $$$ but jay still finds a way to talk about that…Jay has never done much for his artists projects…think about it…from eminem with 50 to 50 with game…to more recently wayne with drake…who has jay brought out and gave that type of push…he cant take credit for kanye, kanye made himself but fuck all that
beans made so much other points that i wanna hear jay address without trying to sound like an executive about it…he started to remind me of puff
The situation with Beans is tough. I beleive that neither man is wrong. Both men just were at different levels of thinking. I relate to Jay in the sense that every man is independant. Beans clearly read too much into Jays kindness. Jay wasn’t wrong, I mean should he have been a jerk. Because you’re simply nice to somebody doesn’t mean that you’re their friend. Roc-a-fella was a business and they sold a lifestyle, nothing more nothing less. On wax it was good for the business for Jay to shout out Bean’s name, it didn’t mean they were friends. If this was Apple and an executive got a arrested for a crime that they did on their own would the head of Apple turn around and say that he will take responsibilty for him. Even the Bible said to never take the responsibility for the debt of another and if you do turn back around and get your name erased.
I agree with what Observor said. Your take on this siimply reflects your innner foundation. P.S. what made Lloyd and Tony money was not that 50 was so charitable but that they understood their role and constantly stayed close
@MC None of that shit is Jay responsibility. Don’t no MAN owe another MAn nothin. I dont care who you are aint nobody gonna be responsible for another niggaz whereabouts especially when its somebody who is known for bein in trouble. Niggaz only complaint wi Jay is what he didnt do for them. You gotta look in the mirror if you need some help.
Comparing Jay to 50 is ridiculous. This man only has had a few albums. Last one he didnt even sell more than Kanye. NOt even close. 50 is irrelevant. Kanye didnt even have wat these dudes got but that stop him. They even told him not to be rapper.C’mon son.
@ SA 2 things, Ye did not outsell 50. Curtis did a little over 3 mil worldwide and I’m pretty Sure Graduation did 2.5. I’m talking worldwide because all that matters are total sales. 2nd, your absolutely right. You can’t compare Jay and 50. 50 is a 10 times better business man. It took him 4 years to accomplish what it took Jay-Z 9-10. I’m not talking about their quality of music. Obviously Jay is a better everything when it comes to the music.
@ Killerchris2k8 50 is not a better buisness man. He is a better bully. It took Jay longer cuz he was seetting up the blueprint on how to make the moves that 50 can make. (like Russell did for jay and diddy) Plus wit Dre giving you beats and slim shady cosigning you its hard not to blow up. And if he is such a better buisness man why isn’t he making these big historical moves (breaking records against elvis, preforming at the World Series, Interviews on Oprah, etc) Jay is not into holding niggas hands and taking care of them. 50 loves havin control of niggas and being the boss.
Jay-z did speak on part of the issue and is right about that part. But we all knew that. He needs to explain this calling the cops, not talking to him for a year, etc.
wow killerchris just notice 50 did do what he did in a shorter amount of time, hmm makes ya wonder what is in store.
and jay is running out of old friends. everyone is turning on him.
personally jay seems like the person with allot happening in the background.
truley also made some interesting points!
It’s just way too many Jay-Z “stans” out here that feel like dude can do no wrong. This is why hip-hop is dead and why I don’t listen to rap no more. Too many “stans” who can’t think for themselves. Too many people out there that idolize and hero worship cats like Jay-Z. It’s a shame. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Jay-Z hater, but I am a grown man that understands that I’m not idolizing or worshipping a dude that puts his pants on one leg at a time just like I do. Has to eat like I do. Has to breathe like I do. Yeah he’s a successful celeb and an entertainer and a nice rapper, but he’s a man just like I am. And just like he got his, everybody should be trying to get theirs just the same and stop looking up to him like he’s done something so great that nobody else can do. When you say something against Jay-Z, you’re automatically a labeled a hater, even a dude like Beans who’s a nice rapper in his own right and who’s earned the right to be able to speak out against Jay and speak his mind if he feels so inclined. Besides, the diss record was hot and all this Jay-Z groupiness must stop!!
@ Truely Sorry but Diddy set the blueprint. As far as being on Oprah or opening for the Skanks, who cares. A business man isn’t worried about all that other shit. He’s worried about the paper. 50 got in and did crazy numbers with GRODT. Then the next 4 albums on G-Unit records went multi-platinum. Then he put out a movie that made crazy cake. 50 then came out with the fastest selling sneaker in Reebok history. He then made a video game that sold somewhere around 40-50 million copies at $50 a pop. Did I mention the constant cash flow that is Thisis50.com. He has the biggest urban website in the world. How many people on Rocafella actually had albums that made money besides Jay, Ye & DJ Clue? All them albums were write offs my man. I like Jay and as an artist, 50 is not in his league but to say he’s not a better business man is stupid.
@killerchris YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE STUPID! everypody’s talkin about jay’s groupies but what about curtis groupies???
@HOV STAN Counter what I said homillz. I know, you can’t. And just for the record, I’m a Stan of both. Jay-Z is the G.O.A.T In my book. As far a business, 50 has it on lock retard.
Am from africa people the know 50 cent than jay z
But why the like fif more than jay z
A Lot of yall are missing the point. The F–ked up thing Jay is doing is not letting Beanie outta his contract. Ok pa you broke off in another direction, we grew apart, so then let me do me and you do you. If we’re not on the same page it’s time to break ties.
@ killer Chris,
Ok let’s put things into perspective. Jay-z is worth more than 50 cent, Secondly Jay-z has more business clout than 50. Magazines call him hip the CEO of Hip Hop, Music Mogal,
They call 50 rapper and entrepreneur.
50 won’t fit into the same filthy rich super-class crowd that Jay z is apart of though he got money because he still on that dumb gangsta shit, making silly rap videos
My next point and the most important,
There comes a point where getting all this money is so much and no more. You can’t spend it all anyway and you can’t carry it you when your die. So what do you do, create fucking history and thats what Sean Carter be doing, making history. From most #1 albums as a solo artiste to selling out MSG, to Oprah, having the respect of your President, your fucking president listens to Jay-z, performance at his inaugural ball, to the Yankee Stadium. What the fuck has fify done in his entire life. And I mean things that matter to History.
killerchris you the dumbest blogger I have ever read.
50 Cent’s net worth is $440 million – 2003-2009
Jay-Z’s networth is $547 million -1996-2009
The math ain’t hard dunski.
You can keep the history and all that other shit, i’ll take the cash. Understand that 50 really is a grimey street nigga. He gives a fuck about accolades and what we think about him. He’s about that paper and has shown he can get it quicker and easier than your favorite rapper. That is all. Facts are facts. Numbers are numbers. I’m not saying he’s a better artist or rapper. Hov is that dude and it’s amazing where he is taking hip hop but that doesn’t mean he’s a better business man.
I’m just talking about the money. I’m not a rapper. Jay had a 6 year head start. Don’t be such a Stan.
@kiiler chris
Thanks for the backing evidence Chris, you dumb fuck.
Dnt forget Jay-z’s “hustle” was in a time when hip hop didn’t have the reach it has now.
So he helped bring hip hop to a point where 50 cent can capitalize on it and make so much in that time.
So clap from em 50 you did great.
@killerChris, for arguments sake, Bob Anderson Started BET during the 1960’s during the civil rights movement and he “hustled’ through the racism and the lack of opportunity for blacks, and now after 40 add years he is worth say 1.6 billion.
Now Oprah on the other hand, say she came up in the 90’s when Dr. King and them did their thing. And Bob Anderson showed the corporate world that a black person can be a Media Mogul.
Say Oprah decides she wants to go in the same business like Bob and ends up being worth 1.4 billion in 20 years.
Who do you consider to be the better business person?
Who would you emulate more?
Who would you regard more?
Ok, your right. 50 is a munkee & Jay is the greatest & richest human being ever. You fucking Stan!!
You mean *Robert L. Johnson” started BET correct?
You sound more like a Stan, I put before you an analogy and instead of answering the question objectively you evade it by trying be sarcastic. This is because you are faced with the refutable evidence what Sean Carter has done makes him a better business man than Curtis Jackson, you hop on some blind faith dick riding sorta thing, Like “50 that dude, he better than jay I dnt care about the facts, nor the compelling arguments to prove otherwise, he better than Jay,”
At the end of the day, Jay aint giving me shit nor 50 giving you. Butt, If there ever was a rapper to deserve my respect, to emulate and to be my role model, it would be Jay-z. It could never be 50 even if he had Bill Gate’s Money.
Chirs you a Dumb fuck, enjoy 50’s music but dnt be comparing im to Jay on any fucking level.
@Thomas yeah man
Bob Johnson, dnt know where that Anderson shit came from, Thanks man.
The scenario is purely hypothetical to prove a point.
You sound more like a Stan, I put before you an analogy and instead of answering the question objectively you evade it by trying be sarcastic. This is because you are faced with the IRREFUTABLE evidence what Sean Carter has done makes him a better business man than Curtis Jackson, you hop on some blind faith dick riding sorta thing, Like “50 that dude, he better than jay I dnt care about the facts, nor the compelling arguments to prove otherwise, he better than Jay,”
At the end of the day, Jay aint giving me shit nor 50 giving you. Butt, If there ever was a rapper to deserve my respect, to emulate and to be my role model, it would be Jay-z. It could never be 50 even if he had Bill Gate’s Money.
Chirs you a Dumb fuck, enjoy 50’s music but dnt be comparing im to Jay on any fucking level.
“enjoy 50’s music but dnt be comparing im to Jay on any fucking level”
I don’t understand why so many people is sided with Beans with that ridiculous Jay-Z ain’t back him claim when the whole purpose of The Dynasty album was to showcase the ROC artist!!!! Beanie was almost on every song now I don’t know about y’all but I usually start liking protege base off their guest verse. Plus Jay-Z was on Beanie singles I forget the name of the song but I remember an ice scupture in the video. Jay also made cameo in all of Beans movie ( even paper soldiers) jay name was on the movie and only made cameos!!!!!
like all you hov fans just see whats on tv me i know rappers actors and singers that dont have half of the star power of Jay-Z and their assholes so I know Jay-Z is an egomaniac
like people look at Jay as a role model becuz he a good rapper when you should be looking at his personality and how he left his nigga Dame out the Dry How he took that Beat Kanye did for dipset and turned it to his song without even notifying Camron
Like dude is a good rapper but a nigga like me see that that boy is a snake
H to the izzo was suppose to be Cam beat and Jay took it from him and then not only does he take it from him he performs the song on national television so Camron and Dipset cant get the single
That incident alone speaks the character of Jay-Z and the character of Kanye I give it to them they are great phenomenal rappers might be legends both of them but outside that they way they behave themselves i would not use them niggas as an example of how a rapper should maintain himself
and people say that o Jay’s a businessman and Diddy is a businessman well to all you niggas there is something out there called Business Ethics and Jay-Z and Diddy Apparently are to familar with this word
I still say Suge comes first with as the worst CEO of a records company diddy follows then Jay
me personally i just dont like jay i dont like how he contradicts himself all the time like how he says that kanye was not wrong for what he did but How Lil Mama Was when Kanye did worse than Lil Mama the how he says he off timberlands and he wearing them in his perforamce him saying sidekiccs are for girls and son got 1 in the video
then he just uses artist like drake i bet if son is a failure jay aint going to be nowhere around
Lol LMAO@Kingill89, Dude can you even imagine Cam’ron and them other Dipset dudes on the H to the Hizzo beat. Man if anything thank God Jay took the beat, Damn! LMAO. Than beat fit jay like hands to a glove
[…] Jay-Z Responds To Beanie Sigel At a Blueprint 3 press conference earlier today, Jay-Z addressed Beanie Sigel’s gripes. This one’s still […] […]
alot of u dudes are missin the point. this shit ain’t about money yall boy hov called the C.O.P and the F.B.P on ya boy beans. why would he do that if it was all buisness. he knew he fucked up and had to beef that security up. if yall man hov was a business man why didn’t he take care of business face to face. u don’t break up wit no chic over the phone and nor do niggaz fire a nigga over the phone. alot of yal so deep in these niggaz trance that if he told yall that he owned the NETS ,4040, an a bunch of other shit yall would be leave that to. look it up. NETS 1.3 percent out of 100. 4040 a check for promo. and all that other shit his is jus a poster. not business man. you have to set your own shit upand follow thought. i like some of that shit but he,s not real.lol
Derrick !!!!!
It is about money , wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every other line in beanie sigel’s interview had money references , listen to him say
“it’s not about money ” everytime he is about to talk about money.
Would we be having this conversation if beanie sigel stayed out of jail and didn’t have to pay so many attorneys ? ??
Would we be having this conversation if beanie could have been around to promote his albums and tour instead of going to jail or being on House arrest for the past four years?????
Would you hold someone responsible for their action after the facts show that he’s been destructive to himself so many time?
how long before you can put up with a out of control nut case before you say enough is enough.
Everyone wants to count jay-z stacks but not to many want to actually put in the work to get there, better yet are even disciplined enough to get them the opportunity.
Beanie needs help and real fast before he destroys himself completely.
The NJ Nets are worth $325 million, so that would make 1.3% about $4.2million. He is one of many minority owners. Jay Z is a successful man. This is a good thing to have a black man in this positon. If Beans (and many other people including non-rappers) want to experience success similar to this, they will have to think bigger than the streets. You have to leave the streets to make the money. A person should always find someway to return and help someone else. But this does not mean physically hanging out on the streets. This whole beef is rooted in the old “crab in the bucket” mentality.
Wow. If you really feel as if HOV didn’t help Sigel or properly promote him you’ve already lost the WAR. How many times throughout his interview did beans contradict himself. Beans said HOV told him NOT to go to war with Nas, Jada, and other peeps, and after Beans took it upon himself to beef on HOVs behalf, HOV told him to fallback. So lets not go there.
Plus ignorant Ma fuckas act like HOV is Beans Dad, cuz only a father would vouch for a ma fucka that has a track record of NOT staying out of jail or staying clean. Who in their right mind would jeopardize 100’s of millions of dollars for someone who’s not trustworthy.
Plus, it kills me how people easily say what they would do from a distance. I know ma fuckas that preach that loyalty shit, but dont even support their children…so get the phuk outta here with that shit. If I was a career crook, NO my own mother would NOT put up her house and jeopardize everything she worked for–so my “cant stay outta jail ass” can walk the streets, and I wouldn’t expect her too either.
Unfortunately, there is a bunch misinformed people that actually dont know shit, and this is what continue to keep minorities from experiencing success and blaming shit on someone else.
Everyone wants to be rich, but only a small handful want to do the work
Lastly I love how so many niggas use that “Gangsta” or “Street” when it’s convenient for them Because Gangstas DONT air out their business in the streets, that’s reserved for bitches. Plus threatining to “DRY snitch” on a man ISNT gangsta either….dumbasses
And this who a better business arguement
Lets see 50 and Jay are both great businesman, However I feel that someone who has continued to keep themselves relevant 13 plus years in a industry of short-attention spand, gets the nod.
50 Cents relevance in regard to music has drastically reclined in his 6 years. It’s very unlikely that 50 will continue to drop albums for another 7 years and continue to build anticipation for his projects. Recently 50 has created buzz on some WWF shit (which i’m NOT knockin) , not off his musical talent.
Plus it’s a lot easier to follow the the blueprint set forth by another than be the architect.
PLus didn’t 50 talk hella shit about Ja Rule and his style and Completely run with it??????????????????
Read between the lines Bitches. It’s about money and all these sensitive thugs need hugs
@chuckDofdaSouth Good Point!
The term “crab mentality” is used to describe a kind of selfish, short-sighted thinking which runs along the lines of “if I can’t have it, neither can you.” This term is especially widely used among Filipinos, who use it specifically to refer to people who pull other people down, denigrating them rather than letting them get ahead or pursue their dreams. As a general rule, an accusation of having a crab mentality is a poor reflection on someone’s personality.
Get straight please… It’s Goofy Welldone from M.O.B. Mag askin’ Jay @ the BELL Center in MTL, QUEBEC, Canada.
And yeah, it was a damn good question since these to were very close. But, it is clear from my point of view, that Jay did all he could, as he did with Kanye and it was up to Beanie to live up to the hype which he hasn’t, of yet. There’s almost still some hope for him though, but trying to ride Jay’s dick… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[…] night, Beans and 50 were on Power 99 and addressed Jay’s comments during his press conference last week. The Broad Street Bully repudiates Hov’s comments and shares his views of how the […]
[…] Jay- Z responded to Beanie’s accusations during a press conference in Canada. Click here to […]
50 got a early handle on his business because of jay, and jay got an early handle on his business because of mr. Simmons and so forth! Each time around it gets easier for the next business man up to bat; so 50 really isn’t a better business man than jay, it’s just his place in line that makes it seem that way! Russel made bricks so jay could make houses, and jay made houses so 50 could make a whole project complex! Lol. The ultimate business man out of the three is Russel hands down, because it’s harder to come up with the concept for the brick, than any of the following structures that come.
jay z is above the law and the rest haters, 50 is jealous of alot of fellas, he is very evil .
[…] come into the studio. I couldn’t put that out. It wouldn’t sit right with me.”Back in 2009 Jigga addressed the Beanie‘s concerns, stating that he certainly did support both the rapper and the State Property […]