Beanie & 50 Discuss Jay-Z (Footage)
November 4, 2009 @ 2:26 PM EST

Here are the visual aids to last night’s conversation on Power 99 in Philadelphia. Can’t believe I’m losing sleep over this.
Previously: Beanie & 50 Cent discuss Jay-Z On Power 99
Look @ Curtis sitting their listening hard & cosigning like a little bitch. I hope his album goes double wood. Where is Kanye West to embarrass this nigga when you need him?
50 Got On A Philly Fitted, While Beans Has On A Queens Fitted! If Beans Signs To G-Unit He’ll Be The Best Rapper 50 Signed To G-Unit .
i hope beans and jay have that convo and move past this crap…its going on for too long and nothing is coming of it. Beanie….dog….just go in the studio and startover dog….u can do it, u don’t need anybody holding ur hand. You’ve learned your lesson, now its time for u to go ahead and apply that to ur own business and future…..Time to move on and say fuck it brutha.
I hope his album goes double wood.
^ ^
considering the how terrible BISD is, he should go double plastic (c) tony yayo
jay z a fan of alistair crowley
hence why u see him wearing a hoodie saying “do what thou wilt”
u can see in jay z eyes he aint a genuine guy
and his stupid fake laugh that nigga know he sold his soul and thinks hes today Frank Sinatra LMAO…….
R.R need to get of jay z dick inless they down with that satanic shit too
50 just tryin to make more money and he will. it’s all good I’m a fan of fif and jay ain’t no one endin any careers here so they can continue this drama all they want. but it is gettin alittle annoyin hearin bout fity with bein behind all this foolishness and honestly to me not havin the greatest music backing him. Like does this nigga still music or is he a comedian. I know some of y’all that are on fifs balls gonna be like yea he makin music he got mixtapes and before I self.. but not everyone is seein these Internet videos. If I wasn’t a avid blog reader I wouldn’t even know he has a new album coming out.
Quote from YN’s Blackout – “Be clear: Sigel’s self-destructive moves (guns, drugs, attempted murder charge) are the biggest culprit in his inability to become a superstar”
Truthfully, those are the reasons Beans was signed. He was the Roc’s street cred. Everyone knew Beans was really in the streets. And guess what, that is exactly what Rocafella & Def Jam marketed him as. Don’t blame him now for the behavior they promoted then. Jay don’t want it with Beans. YN knows it & so does B.Dot. Beans will destroy him lyrically. No contest.
Wrong. The story goes that Beans was signed after he battled some cat in the studio while Jay was doing a sessin with Too Short. The Roc already had cred. Jay was in the streets and Dame was running with his All Out Crew in Harlem back in the day. Credibility was never questioned. I think Jay’s better, but Beans is a tough act.
3 things i want to clear up..
First,Bdot u will never lose sleep lol..u know why u do this,ur a public servant dude
Second,AmadeusHD…let’s be clear,u know NOTHING of what u type(i.e.If Beans Signs To G-Unit He’ll Be The Best Rapper 50 Signed To G-Unit .)
last but not least,it saddens me to see beans out like this,shit is sad dude.
on another note,where’s the damn footage from lastnight Bdot?
haha and these nigga on this devil bullshit if RR is on jays dick then your on the devils dick cause all you crazies do is post about him. go to church nigga or a hospital and tell them jays music is the devils music and they would kick ya ass right out of there. get help. nigga. forreal.
@ AmadeusHD
50 is nutten but an instigating ole ass nigga. He using yo ass Beans. Its sad watching Fiddy play u like this mane. C’mon son, u a grown ass man!
BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT 16 NOVEMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on another note,where’s the damn footage from lastnight Bdot?
It’s up
“Earlier this year, Sigel resigned with The Roc after reaching a deal with Jay-Z and Def Jam for his own label, State Property Records.”
to quote dwight:
“I got my own [State Property imprint] with Universal,”
ahh. i see.
ok. you paid a few hunnid to have a piece of paper say you own state prop. records, right? who’s idea was it, since you appear to be big up on ideas (see your idea about “state property” the movie)? was it your idea, or dame or jay?
then, how did you get that imprint w/ universal? oh, you bought that too? or jay and em set it off for you?
“……… I was gonna do my own label at one point. I had a couple conversations with Jay. I had talks with Dame [’cause] he had the Dame Dash Music Group. HE WAS GONNA GIVE ME A LABEL, but he had lost his label. His deal fell through. So I was talking to Jay and there was a couple of things we were supposed to do. Since he was the President of Def Jam, I was supposed to go that route, but I WQNTED MY OWN SITUATION……………… I just couldn’t be an artist and I WANTED MY OWN SITUATION. HE (JAY) WAS TRYING TO GET THAT THROUGH DEF JAM……………… We had conversations and things weren’t going right. And within those conversations, there were promises being made that never fell through. And I was still technically under contract. I owed two albums to Roc-A-Fella. So I was like, “Since you’re the President of Def Jam, I’m gonna fulfill my commitment.” But the things that I wanted weren’t coming, so I had to get out of there. So I just fell back. I didn’t’ make any music for a year after that. Then I started recording songs again. I came up and played some music [for Jay] and I was like, “YOU SURE YOU DON’T WANN GIVE ME WHAT I WANT? Listen to this.” And then IT CAME THROUGH. We had another conversation and I GOT WHAT I WANTED.”
the point of this exercise?:
intellectual honesty.
you knew what jay was referring to when he said what he said. you knew he meant that he got you the deal for your imprint w/ def jam/universal, AND NOT THAT HE BOUGHT NO LABEL. i kinda suspected that when you responded back to that, but i couldnt verify it. then, shawty lo and behold, I RESEARCHED the matter and found your own words from xxl mag.
radio, magazine, blogs, etc……need to be askin about that. unless yall scurred of the “broaad streeet bullyyy”. BOO!!!!
Beanie Sigel = Tia Kemp V2.0
Beanie Sigel is shitting on Jay, he wouldnt think twice to do that to Fif in the future, you really think he’s going to risk that?
Expect a G Unit/Beans mixtape or something. Signing to G Unit forget about it,
am getting tired of hearing the same story
Why YN crying over Beans dissing Jay. I thought Jay was the best rapper alive. Well time to prove it.
“Wrong. The story goes that Beans was signed after he battled some cat in the studio while Jay was doing a sessin with Too Short. The Roc already had cred. Jay was in the streets and Dame was running with his All Out Crew in Harlem back in the day. Credibility was never questioned. I think Jay’s better, but Beans is a tough act.”
^ Wrong. The ROC had no street cred before State Prop. Get real.
What did I tell ya, YN would find away to shit on Beanie in his blackout/played yourself. These dudes are predictable groupie as niggas suck a dick. Jay Z feelings don’t have to get hurt because these bitchmade dudes have enough hurt for him. I can’t wait until you dudes are all cried out. Always crying, Jay fucked up too so you could have at least been balanced but no I see you staking jay z dot com for bias bitches couldn’t see past the semen in their eyes.
@ dumb dumb. nigga we don’t know what you just said
[…] at RR) […]
jay-z’s cred is being questioned….I wanna see what he’s gonna come wit’….if he respond to all of this, then it means he a sucka for real.. this (Beans) was supposed to be yo nigga, you can’t even lay shit on the table like men… but Beans a ass hisself… never act like a female on gossipin’ about to keep your buzz goin’..he shoulda dropped the song, did that interview wit Charlamagne to back his reasons, left it alone and let his buzz increase off of’s gonna be played out soon if he keep gossipin’ about the shit like a little girl
I meant to put “if he CAN’T respond to all of this”
What did I tell ya, YN, would find away to shit on Beanie in his blackout/played yourself blog. These dudes are predictable groupie as niggas, suck a dick. Jay Z feelings don’t have to get hurt because these bitchmade dudes have enough hurt for him. I can’t wait until you dudes are all cried out, always crying, Jay fucked up too so you could have at least been balanced. I see you stalking jay z dot com for bias bitches couldn’t see past the semen in their eyes.
I hope this is better for ya Atron, read the first page on the left side, I predicted that YN would find a way to put all the onus on Beanie and he did. Jay can do no wrong, I hate bias as people who fake at being neutral.
considering the how terrible BISD is, he should go double plastic (c) tony yayo
^^^^^I got give it to 50 in this regards. he has rode the shit out of Get Rich or Die Tryin for the past 6 years because all his follow-up albums have been wack. Has there ever been another case of blatantly staying relevant because of one hot album?
Lets see whose career is HOF worthy hahah that’s what your big point is all about.. Well lets see! Whose the only guy in history to have 3 top 5 billboard songs on the charts in the same week? Move a current total of 22 million albums on his first to cd’s alone? Win ASCAP writer of the year 3 times in a row? Do in 5yrs what it took Jay-Z te years to do? I’m not sure what 50’s speed dial looks like but he hasn’t totally sold his soul like young wanna be white has so advantage jiggaboo.. Ask the people 50 do business with who they’d rely on to be more loyal and dependable..I bet they’d say they would prefer to do business with 50!
BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Wrong. The story goes that Beans was signed after he battled some cat in the studio while Jay was doing a sessin with Too Short. The Roc already had cred. Jay was in the streets and Dame was running with his All Out Crew in Harlem back in the day. Credibility was never questioned. I think Jay’s better, but Beans is a tough act.”
^ Wrong. The ROC had no street cred before State Prop. Get real.
So let me get this straight. State P emerged lets say 2002-2003. Roc was poppin since 97. They was already had the ball rolling WITHOUT SP. c’mon son (c) Ed Lover
@ B.Dot Jay has street cred? Says who? His publicist and you. What person growing up in the inner city hasn’t sold something hand to hand. Jay’s street cred is equal to the regular life of any inner city male. Did they not promote Beans as really being that grimey no holds barred dude from the hood? That was his niche and that is what the Roc was selling.
YN – “He just made a great album when’s the last time you can say the same”
The Broad Street Bully
roc had shit rolling,but they didnt have the streets on lock like they did with SP,
like how d-block has the streets,or dipset had the streets.
roc before sp,was who? him and bleek,that wasnt really a movement.
what the fuck is wrong with some of yall dickheads….
BISD is pure flames……Double wood…nigga when have you ever known this nigga to do under 700k first week..he is the biggest and best selling artist since he step in the game homie and he is the most powerful….
dont get your panties in a bunch because Jay is a old fagget type dude….they are not street niggas ..cause if he was…niggas wouldnt be coming at his neck…..50 cent is a real street nigga and it is well documented….gtfoh with that hate shyt
he spazzes on BISD
Yeah that “Street Cred” amounted to alot, Jay’s biggest selling album was Hardknock. Yes an unknown Beanie was on 1 song. A) Hasn’t sold that high since B) “State Pro” didn’t get mention until BP1 (2 albums later) and didn’t get verses till BP2.
BISD IS FIRE!!!!! NOVEMBER 16th HATERS!!!!! And with the movie and JAM MASTER JAY DOC. to go with it….it’s definitly an easy and worthy buy….
@ B.Dot Tell me I’m wrong. Isn’t that they way the marketed Beans? Remember the special on MTV when Jay was glamorizing how hood Beans was when he went after homeboy in the club. It was all good then. Jay was showing the world his artist was the genuine article. But now Jay’s stans wanna blame Beans out of control thug behavior
smh @ all u ppl writin essays on this shit..
@mmkayy says:
Wednesday, November 04 2009 at 4:03 PM EST
smh @ all u ppl writin essays on this shit..
Ha!! B.Dot needs to split up his paycheck to some folks, seems like he’s not the only one losing sleep….
I really wish it were YN that posted this but, whatever.
You’re losing sleep over this? You and YN have reached new levels of Jay-Z faggotry.
Between YN with his gay ass “HA” after everything stupid he says, the Jay-Z cock in mouth approach to blogging, YN’s wack ass blackouts and shit…I’m pretty much done on this site. I mean dude wants Timberland dead because somehow his Hov records leaked. Shit leaks YN, for every artist, not just your precious Hovito.
@mmkayy hahaaaaaa. and @dumbdumb i got ya
@ D.D. Rogers I remember YN being salty with Tim because he didn’t like the beats for Reminder & Venus vs Mars. Last time I checked Jay picks his own beats. Unless Tim some how forced Jay to take them. Why not shit on Jay for taking Tim’s Reminder over Justin’s? What retards ear would think Tim’s was better.
Even though YN stays on Jay & Em’s dick, it’s still RR all day.
Where else you gonna get this much content? Nowhere!!
and @ at all the people hatin on RR why dont you stop HATIN and go LOVE somewhere else. find a blog you like and check that daily its that simple. you dont like his blog then stop readin it period….
@ DD Rogers
Thanks for the unique visit.
@ Killerchirs2k8
Jay was a hustler. i know of folks that vouch from way back when. Not sayin the nigga was Escobar, but he was doin his 1-2 thing. Beans personified Philly. He was a brusier with a rep, so naturally it would be exploited. Jay even told him he wasnt trying to change him on “mama loves me”. however I think jay IS wrong for peddling this whole “family shitck” when it was all business.
B.Dot – “however I think jay IS wrong for peddling this whole “family shitck” when it was all” business
And that’s all I’m trying to say.
Tired of this shit ALREADY!!!
Dear YN, these Blackouts are way to short. Can we please get a full fledged Ed.
B.Dot you absolutely right!!! This fat fuck played himself out!!!
Someone give him a hug.
@ Venom
“I hope his album goes double wood”
^ ^
“considering the how terrible BISD is, he should go double plastic (c) tony yayo
Thoughts of A Predicate Felon actually went Platinum
I’m a fan of Beans, but this is retarded.
Do your own damn thing and stop living in the past, Jay (who I’m a fan of too) is around 40 and making music, breaking Beatles records and shit like that. You, Beans, are a fuckin monster on the mic and are lowering yourself to squabbling with a dude that won’t say more than 20 words on the fuckin subject. It’s almost ’10, move it along. And Broad Street Bully is Beans worst album to date, I don’t know how you follow the B. Coming with that shit.
And as for 50 & BISD: I could have taken different songs off of each of 50’s albums to date and made a compilation, and it’d be this shit’s equivalent. Stop talking bout the same shit, damnit.
Beans i hear u but u loosing more respect by speaking,You could ‘ve in secret have 50 help u tia ur way in with a book deal and Jay will respect and it will be a win win because the “Rocafella files” by Beanie siegle will be ny’S BEST SELLER..!TOO LATE NOW ! MAY THE LORD ALLAH/GOD ALL THAT IS BLESS U THO.because u will need it.sales are down and the south has taken over .
This is what the artist on G-Unit Records do. Take a look at the duds. Even those numbers are pretty good. And before you say it or accuse me of it, I’m a stan.
G-Unit – Beg for Mercy
Released: November 14, 2003
Chart position: 3 U.S.[19]
U.S. sales: 3 million +[3]
Worldwide sales: 6 million +[4]
RIAA certification: 3× Platinum[5]
Singles: “Stunt 101”, “Poppin’ Them Thangs”, “My Buddy”, “Wanna Get to Know You”, “Smile”
Lloyd Banks – The Hunger for More
Released: June 29, 2004
Chart positions: 1 U.S.[20]
Worldwide sales: 3.1 million[21]
RIAA certification: 2x Platinum[22]
Singles: “On Fire”, “I’m So Fly”, “Karma”
Young Buck – Straight Outta Cashville
Released: August 24, 2004
Chart position: 3 U.S.[23]
U.S. sales: 2 million[24]
Worldwide sales: 2 million[25][26]
RIAA certification: Platinum[27]
Singles: “Let Me In”, “Shorty Wanna Ride”, “Look at Me Now”
The Game – The Documentary
Released: January 18, 2005
Chart position: 1 U.S.[28]
U.S. sales: 2.3 million[29]
Worldwide sales: 5 million[30]
RIAA certification: 2× platinum[31]
Singles: “Westside Story”, “How We Do”, “Hate It or Love It”, “Dreams”, “Put You on the Game”
Tony Yayo – Thoughts of a Predicate Felon
Released: August 30, 2005
Chart position: 2 U.S.[32]
U.S Sales 1 Million
Worldwide sales: 1.2 Million[33]
Singles: “So Seductive”, “Curious”, “I Know You Don’t Love Me”
Get Rich or Die Tryin’ soundtrack
Released: November 8 2005
Chart position: 2 U.S.[34]
Worldwide sales: 4.3 million[35]
RIAA certification: Platinum[36]
Singles: “Hustler’s Ambition”, “Window Shopper”, “I’ll Whip Ya Head Boy”, “Best Friend”, “Have a Party”
Mobb Deep – Blood Money
Released: May 2, 2006
Chart position: 3 U.S.[37]
U.S. sales: 875,000 (As of June 13, 2007)[38][39]
Singles: “Have a Party”, “The Infamous”, “Put ‘Em In Their Place”, “Give It To Me”
Lloyd Banks – Rotten Apple
Released: October 10, 2006
Chart position: 3 U.S.[40]
U.S. sales: 650,000
Worldwide sales: 980,000 (As of June 13, 2007)[38][39]
CRIA certification: Gold[41]
Singles: “The Cake”, “Hands Up”, “Help”
Young Buck – Buck the World
Released: March 27, 2007
Chart position: 3 U.S.[43]
U.S. sales: 420,000[38][44]
Singles: “I Know You Want Me”, “Get Buck”, “U Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”
G-Unit – T.O.S. (Terminate on Sight)
Released: July 1, 2008
Chart position: 4 U.S.[2]
U.S. sales: 2.2 Million
Worldwide sales: 3.6 Million[45][46]
RIAA certification: Platinum [47]
Singles: “I Like The Way She Do It”, “Rider Pt. 2”, “Close to Me
on another note,where’s the damn footage from lastnight Bdot?
It’s up
No it’s not,U know the footage of which i ask…the Jay E….
mjj is a butthurt fanboy. Jay-z was wrong for playing shit up as if everyone was family when it was strictly business. Beanie had every opportunity to succeed, he fucked it up himself, and now he’s crying and trying to pass the blame for his fuckery on to someone else. And now he’s a 50 puppet for album promotion. 50 is being typical played out 50 by trying to stir up controversy because he can’t use his musical talent to sell his records because the vast majority isn’t interested. I guess we’ll see in a few weeks.
yall dudes stupid if you think beans should of kept quiet,
only shoulda kept quiet if he was gonna pop jay to release his anger.
then yall woulda been sayin he should of talked it out.
jay aint gonna respond,he dont want another L like with nas.
glad beans spoke out, and show jay’s true colors.
like 50 said,if he wanted to follow the white mans/jews business model he should of never said Family, jay has no honor,loyalty, all about the almighty dollar with him.
you cant say that is wrong,thats his choice but dont act like you fam with dudes.
I fuck with the unit, but homie’s stats ^ are waaaaay off. Rotten Apple didn’t sell that much. Mobb Deep didn’t sell that much. And TOS DEFINITELY didn’t sell that much…What asshole gave you those numbers??
Beans is sad for doing this. Its so obvious whats going on, look how happy 50 is @ the dissent within the camp. The same thing he did w/ D-block/J-Hood. W/ the diplomats….w/Mase etc etc, Beans your a grown ass man. If you dont fuck with Jay-Z keep it to yourself….not this ploy for attention. Its sickening man, im really beginning to hate hip hop. Terrible.
Wikipedia. And you know everything on there is the truth.
YN n da rest a yall need 2git Jay-Z dk out ya mouf… Yea, Jay can rap lyka muhfka, but wut ppl fail 2realize iz dis about friendship n loyalty. STREET SH*T. Dis aint about bizness. Beanz a tru 2life street ngga. N whn u grow up n dat manner, loyalty iz a big thng. Wordz lyk “family” mean sumthn. Jay said “My man’ll shoot ya…” n it showed Beanz n da video. Jay said “If my life iza movie den Beanz gone b da sequel…” Datz real shit… Fck rap! Beanz kept quiet 4yrz cuz he a real ngga. But we all heard BP3 n we all kno he waz takin subliminal shotz @St8 Prop. So Mac got evry rite 2air dat ngga out. N dont evn try n act lyk Beanz aint nice on da mic. So stop sckn Jay-Z dk! Yea, he a gd bizness man, dope Emcee, but a shiesty disloyal ngga. I aint mad @ r h8’n on Jay, Im jus calln it lyk I c it… *1*
How’s niggaz dissing me? (I made it possible)
For niggaz to make history (How is this possible)
Please explain the shit to me (How is it logical)
Have we forgotten our history (Let’s open our Bibles)
It’s like the disciples dissin Jesus becoming his rivals
Shunning the one thing that they owed their life to
You let that man hype you to go against your idol
Knowing good and goddamn well this what I do
Think I’m in the office I’m off my grind
That’s how kids become orphans (you lost your mind?)
I keep my enemies close, I give ’em enough rope
They put themselves in the air I just kick away the chair
fuck 50, fuck beans. and motherfuck Killerchris2k8.
Lmao @ ioy. You probably one of those Forever Young singing motherfuckers.
Faggot shit. Toilet paper tissue S-O-F-T-T
“I love my niggas for life, ain’t no doubt about that
My nigga (Free), My nigga (Crakk)
Blow a shot for Mack
Oschino & Sparks, them niggas my heart
Sold by plunder, keep it 100 from the start
‘Whole Prop, we was fresh off the block like what
Came at Nas, came at the Lox
Ain’t give a fuck
Whoever came at Big Homie had a problem with us
See we was all we knew, in Roc-A-Fella we trust
Now this bullshit split-up, fucked the whole shit up
Knocked us back to scraddles, fuck we get back to that?
Niggas need you Big Homie, gotta get back to rap
I mean vet’s expect 16, said you had my back
Now we back out on the corner, niggas laugh at that
Seeing Neef out on the streets, how you ain’t mad at that?
Let alone niggas plan my demise
Tough Luv, Big Homie you ain’t stand by my side
How can I…Run to the Roc…”
this is the same dude who kicked his so called family young buck and game out the unit. beans ur about to get into the same shit. think about MOP and mobb deep. dont sell ur soul to dis dude
Where you getting those bullshit ass numbers??? No way in hell G-Unit – T.O.S. (Terminate on Sight) sold 2.2 million copies in the USA.
Yo Killerchris2k8 are you fucking stupid? coz u suckng g unit dick toooooooooo much and you know
that!! kill yo self bruh.. and its 2k9 already not 2k8 so change your fucking name u lame